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Everything posted by orchidfan

  1. Thanks for that. In September I'll use the trusty old desktop with the big keyboard and hopefully the data last Approved will be there...BUT I'll have to amend my name to correct spelling
  2. Agree with animalmagic above. My Thai wife, then a gf, when I was living and working in HK, used to get the 3rd degree treatment from immigration every time she came to visit. Tried numerous trips to Macao, Shenzhen and Zhuhai but they soon woke up to this. She is "not a tourist" spending half the year in HK, and we do not have gf visas!! Ended up I had to marry her...done in Bangkok but full English translation of certificate etc, then she was given an ID card at Wanchai immigration. No further problems with her coming or going anytime.
  3. Yes I did try autofill but it definitely had no data there....hence the misspelling of my own name! I noticed before with the "old" website, which I used successfully quite a few times, that if I tried to switch to my Windows 10 notebook that autofill didn't work. Only on the original desktop computer (Windows XP). Leads me to conclude that the computer is storing the data. Will see what happens next September !
  4. Agreed. Turns out this is correct. Main takeaway I guess is that the original password sent by them doesn't work and we need to click the "forgot password " button and install a new one of our liking. Overall good outcome !
  5. Joe. Just had the final outcome.. APPROVED ! With next report date in September. So I can only guess that the data/info we submit is not checked letter for letter by a computer /robot. Otherwise this would have to be rejected ! Wrong name....close but incorrect. Anyway a good outcome. Btw, the pdf info sheet (copy TM47) attached to the Approval still has my name incorrectly spelt. I just love it. Amazing Thailand ????
  6. Thanks Joe. Yes. The desktop computer would have had the stored data, but when I switched to the phone because of the changing the password issue, it all had to be filled in manually again. Hence the clumsy mistake in entering my name correctly ! If I hear nothing by Monday from them, I'll try the cancel button and see what it does. Nothing to lose really as I'll probably have to go to the immigration office anyway. Report date is June 30th, so plenty of time. Ps. Everything else on the application page was perfect as per their database for me....just my name was slightly messed up......by me!
  7. One for @ubonjoe. Used the new online 90 day report for the second time. Firstly, original password sent by them didn't work,so had to go the "Forgot Password" route and change it. I started off on the desktop computer but the change password thing got me completing it on my phone. So, no stored or cached data and had to re~enter everything again via the phone screen and keyboard. Submitted and confirmation email received. HOWEVER, when I checked the attached pdf TM47 form I spotted that I had miss spelt my name (of all things!). Now, in the "check on progress" page, it is "Pending" but there is a link or button in red that says "cancel". Because of the misspelling I think it'll be rejected and I was wondering if I hit this cancel button, it will wipe/cancel the submission and allow me to start over and do a new corrected application ? Any ideas? Thanks
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