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Everything posted by orchidfan

  1. As I said, the post was specifically titled "Marriage Extension....home visits". Absolutely nothing to do with Retirement extensions......or agents. If the OP wants to change to a Retirement extension then that's up to him. I reiterate my earlier comment that "agents" are worthless for Marriage extensions. By the way I have never had, in over dozen marriage extensions, an significant "running around" by Immigration and do get a house visit every year. No big deal!
  2. It's an extension based on marriage Don't think "agents" are if any use in this situation !!!
  3. Pathum Thani IO, in my case, ALWAYS say to call them before coming to the office. They staple their phone number beneath the "under consideration" stamp. And when I call on or about the stamped date, they respond with "your application is/is not yet approved. Call again tomorrow "
  4. Here is a strange twist to this thread. My one and only TM30 submitted was submitted by me online years ago using our house address and me as "occupier". All I have is a screenshot photo from my PC, printed out. BUT, for the last 2 or 3 annual extensions, Immigration (Pathum Thani) have made me fill out a TM28 "Change of address " form. The first time I queried "why"?? Same address since 2008! Answer: "New procedure " So each time now I'm issued with an official receipt (mostly in Thai) stating that I have notified them of my "change of address" They never ask for or look at my old TM30 screenshot ! I think it is their weird way of "updating" that my address has not changed. 90 day online reports seem to go through ok....although often taking a few days to get the magic reply. So, as has been stated hundreds of times, every office has their own quirky ways
  5. Their tills automatically shut down for alcohol drinks exactly at 2pm. A screen appears on the till monitor reinforcing that its 2pm and NO alcohol sales. The staff have nothing to do with it or control over it. Glad you didn't have a fit !!!
  6. There is not a single Thai that I know, including wife of 20yrs, all her family, friends and neighbors who have ANY idea what April Fools day means....to we westerners/foreigners. I doubt the Governor of the BOT does. And for those who commented about "most banks ", BBL refunded ALL of the B18000+ illegally deducted from my account a few years ago (that time when thousands of local customers got hit). No complaints.
  7. Or the "Live chat" you can have on a bank or airline website which NEVER provides anything other than standard one or 2 line autogenerated "answers" to the most regularly (moronic) asked questions But 99% never anything exactly related to.your query ! Pathetic !
  8. British Malaya ??? I think they gained independence in about 1956 and thereafter became Malaysia. I have an old British ex rubber planter mate who still calls it Malaya....and Burma is "Burma".
  9. No. It's "they're flying to their deaths" Sorry but had to correct your correction ????
  10. I/we do my marriage extension every year at Pathum Thani and in 15 years have never been asked for a new TM30. But,yes, they do insist on the home visit. Strange in your case !
  11. Maybe you should read up on the history of this region, and who it actually "belonged" to before being forcefully "annexed" ......and what their traditional religion and language was/is. Malay. I believe that they have no ambition beyond (re~establishing ) their independent state
  12. I am on marriage extension and deal with Partum Thani Imm. So not applicable, thanks
  13. Ah, thanks for that. i understand the procedure to follow (they said on a recent visit there on another matter, to allow at least 8 weeks to get the new pp), but didn't know about the stamp in lieu of letter business
  14. Dr Jack....can you elaborate in the "except Oz" comment as I'll be getting a new OP towards the end ofthis through the Oz Embassy Bangkok ???
  15. Unfortunately, it appears to be a "textbook" stall/spin. High altitude, low approach speed, tight turn.....then wing stalls, aircraft spins and at that height from terrain , inevitable crash. The ATR72 is a great and safe aircraft, if handled correctly. Very sad.
  16. No, my wife (thai) and I (guilo) both have "Permanent Residence" on out HKID cards. But for Hong Kong only. But it's more than Thailand give no matter if your wife is Thai or if you work or how long you live there. No requirement (after the 7 years) to speak, read or write Chinese (Cantonese or Mandarin ) in getting Permanent Residence status. Luckily most people here are multi lingual in Chinese and English.....including cops !
  17. No, after the Chinese took it back in 1997. I'm sure the same rules apply today.
  18. Somewhat incorrect. I (and my Thai wife) lived and worked....me, not her... In Hong Kong for 15 years. After 7 years we could, and did, apply for PERMANENT HONG KONG RESIDENCE. (1 x A4 application form and 5 minutes interview ) Although we have a house and (me) yearly marriage extensions in northern Bangkok, we are able to come and live/work forever in Hong Kong, enjoying the near free medical facilities and services etc. No money in the bank required, or 90 day reports. No annual (or ever) visits to /from Immigration dep So, there are SOME places where you can do it!!
  19. I'm on marriage extension. My Thai wife is away working as a chef 9/10ths of the year.... B100,000 per month. She does NOT have to be living with you. Just comes back to do the annual extension and home visit (mandatory in Pathum Thani). Of course I do the 2hr flight to visit her on a regular basis. She has permanent Residence there so no financial requirements, medical virtually free, polite English speaking people, no Immigration bs (I'm PR there too,) trains buses ferries etc run exactly on time, traffic obeys all the road rules etc etc . As she says, "why would I work in crazy Bangkok for?)
  20. Same as there and their and they're. All sound similar but TOTALLY different meanings. I guess it comes down to early education ????
  21. Col. Superprick. Certainly livng up to his name!
  22. Yes exactly. That how my Thai wife and I both have Permanent HKID....just 7 years living there,apply and you've got it.(oh you have to declare that you plan to make Hong Kong your home etc) . But NO monetary requirements or future reporting or visits to / immigration. Virtually free medical. The way it should be !
  23. I recall a cross border visit on the close Cambodian border.....back in the day before 12 month extensions... My wife being Thai was an avid gambler and so off we went to a Blackjack table at the "very available" nearby legal Cambodian casino. Luckily we were accompanied by a Thai copper (friend ) who worked at the border (Imm). She kept winning......I couldn't believe it! (She a Macao addict ) At 20,000 baht up, our "friend" politely suggested we should "leave now" ..... wife protesting of course, but I told her, "we're out of here" ..... and we did with the 20k and still alive.
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