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Everything posted by orchidfan

  1. Wonder if Medpark will follow suit? Had to Pfizer there about 5 months ago.
  2. Just to be clear. I think you can go in a couple of weeks early (maybe 30days?) Without a.y big hassles? Mine (marriage extension ) is due March 25, but plan to go about 15th.
  3. Because the hammer and sickle do not appear in any Chinese national emblems or flags. Perhaps you're getting mixed up with Russia ?
  4. As a HK permanent resident, I read that they are reducing the quarantine to 14 days after February 5th??
  5. In Hong Kong you can walk through ANY MTR station for free. Millions do daily to access the other side of the road or enter a major shopping mall etc. Imagine a HK Chinese paying 20 or 50c to walk through a train station!!
  6. Me too, often. They like getting the small change and returning just B100 Bill's. And they count it at least 3 times, and verbally call out the change amount. Maybe it's recorded ?
  7. Didn't see that on my app. Was just "self pickup" or Qcode. Ie. Not an option to put in a date. Next was payment.....only Free (but expired already) Finally Submit. Are you sure you're quoting from the current Mor Prom application page or one you filled in some time ago?
  8. I got 90% done through the app, but if you make the slightest error (like a cut and paste email address ) it's back to square one filling it in again. A lot of data is pre~filled but a lot isn't. It had my nationality as Thai, but I could change that. Have to upload a photo of your passport. No postal delivery allowed so could only check the Qcode option. Payment.....only allows Free....BUT it also states that Free is only up to 31st December 2021 ! (Ho hum) Anyway, checked Free option, then Submit. Came up with error message... "No Appointment date Selected " Tried to go back and see what this meant and was sent back to the "Home Page". Again all data and upload wiped once more and back to square one. Gave up !!
  9. Is this International Cert printed out (hard copy A4) or just shows up on the screen of the Mor Prom app on your phone ?
  10. My wife is also currently out of the country. But I've told her she must return for the 1yr extension. I'm just hoping that by late March the Test n Go system will be back in. There is ((in my area) the home visit which definitely requires wifey to be present.
  11. Why are the "experts " still calling the Omicron variant Covid19 ? I thought Covid19 was a disease which attacked (primarily) the lungs causing pneumonia and possibly death. Omicron appears to be so very different, so why do we still list it as Covid19 ? Surely this title should now be dropped (apart from victims of Delta or earlier variants ) and the new infection called "SARS~Cov2 Omicron" or something similar ?
  12. Actually, it was a finger in the Dyke. if you remember the story. Big difference between a dam and a dyke. They work in the opposite way to each other!
  13. As posted above, it seems to work for me. BUT the application prior to this one, stuck on Pending right up to 2 days before "D-day". So I emailed PT office quoting the TFN number, and date of submission and enquired when it would be approved. Next morning....."APPROVED" email arrived Try that.
  14. Old Website success today : I submitted my application 12 days prior to report date ( 15th Jan) using the OLD WEBSITE. Just cranked up the trusty Windows XP desktop computer, using Firefox (ver 52.9), accessed the "old" website for online 90 day reporting and filled it in using the pre-stored ( cache?) data that I have used over the past 3 years. Application accepted, but "Pending" until this morning when the email arrived saying it was APPROVED! ( so, 7 days from when I submitted it) I'm now pretty sure this application goes to my local IM Office ( Pathum Thani), as their name and email address appears at the top of the Pending ( and Approved) notices. So there it is, for what it's worth ( in my case anyway).......old computer, old operating system, old browser, old IMM website, old person submitting !
  15. Sorry, would love to but it's akin to giving out/selling fake vaccine certificates. Not worth going to jail for and being deported ????
  16. The brand is called Health Impact. Made in China. Cost B85. Local nondescript pharmacy, but they all have them, even 711 and Lotus. Pharmacist had 2 brands to offer, one a bit cheaper but said this was the best.
  17. Agreed. I bought an ATK from the local pharmacy and did a test at home. As you say, there's no bar code or QR code to scan, let alone anything to upload to Mor Chana app. So, like you I have a photo of the "cassette"(as they call it) showing the negative result. And contrary to a post above, the bar has not faded 3 days later. So I could carry the cassette and/or photo around for days/weeks.
  18. As someone once said: There many greater things in life than alcohol, however alcohol allows us to live without them "
  19. Correction.....he has a Phd (plus Masters degree in Science ) and is certainly entitled to use the prefix Doctor.....as are astrophysicists etc
  20. Don't forget SARS 1. I lived through it in Hong Kong circa 2003. People dropped like flies....then it suddenly vanished! No vaccine, no nothing, just gone !!
  21. I have been advised by Medpark hospital, where I received 2 x Pfizer jabs a few months ago, that the government requires a 6 month interval for 3rd Pfizer Booster injection. (Same for those 2x Moderna vaxed) Their info graphic shows 3 months only for boosters of Pfizer or Moderna for those who previously received AZ or the Sino vaccines. So it's March next year for me, unless Govt policy changes.
  22. Agreed. After many years of marriage extensions (now using 400k in the bank method ) I really don't think that an Agent can do anything for us. Wife and I have to present in person, hand over the papers, chat and go. What can an Agent do here ? Quite different scenario to the Retirement extensions
  23. I guess it applies to "Missionary " pilots flying around the wilds of Africa and New Guinea ???? To me, every flight is a mission!
  24. As a pilot I also queried this NOTAM definition, however, it appears now that it can mean both... Notice to Airmen And Notice to Air Missions (whatever they are ???)
  25. People from Hong Kong are Chinese as are those from Singapore and Taiwan. But not "Mainland" Chinese. Many Chinese (mainland etc) have migrated to Canada, USA, Australia etc
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