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Everything posted by orchidfan

  1. I've been doing marriage extensions at PT for many years and they have always advised when they will make the home visit....especially as you have organize the witnesses too!!
  2. My year 7 teacher said in my report that I had no grasp of maths and would never excel at anything involving it. I ended up a Commercial pilot for 40 years. Guess they got that wrong. (No crashes by the way)
  3. My Thai wife, who is overseas, and does not have a computer, is computer illiterate anyway and wouldn't have a clue about uploading documents. Her ONLY alternative will be to go to the local Thai Consulate /Embassy and get them to do it.....like they did her previous COE a year ago. Must be the same dilemma also for any "aged" person, thai or not, to tackle this web version of Thailand Pass. PS. She has to come back in January for my next extension. Things might have got easier by then? (She is double vaxed with Pfizer )
  4. Ok thanks for that. Lower back pain too and a spastic sciatic nerve....so even walking, gardening or bicycle riding are semi painful. Probably due to 40+yrs sitting down in the job( aviation ). Some of these guys have no idea how this aging can pan out. Sorry, we know all about mountain climbing, swimming, surfing, hiking, tennis etc etc. Just now at 70+, it's getting apt more difficult ! All the best..
  5. I'm with you on this. I'm early 70s and just detest young(er) men telling me to get out, jog, climb hills.....I did all that for 40yrs, but at 70÷ the body often just isn't up to it joints, muscles etc) despite all the will and motivation. As have mentioned earlier, I used to take St John's Wort before and it was great. Just haven't found it here in Thailand. Maybe only online ?
  6. Where can you buy St John's wort here ? I used to take it in Hong Kong where it was easily available. But just haven't seen it here in pharmacies. Worked like a charm btw. Although tended to wear off over time.
  7. PS. I guess as kids we also had vax for measles, mumps,rubella, whooping cough etc. Then later for cholera before being permitted to enter Singapore. Am fully vaccinated for Covid19 with Pfizer here too.
  8. I was vaccinated for polio as a kid in Australia in the 50's. Certainly good drinking water and clean food! Makes you wonder given those parameters for transmission how a president of the USA ended up with it?
  9. Bangkok Bank have refunded just one third of the money taken from my account. Have submitted all the reports to them, and have now called their Customer Service 3 times to complain and enquire why they haven't refunded the last B8000, and pointed out that the Central Bank of Thailand has stated (last week ?) that customers would be refunded within 5 days. Ha! It's now 3 weeks since the money disappeared ! Not sure who I can appeal to now?
  10. The aircraft is a 787 Dreamliner. How do you think an Airbus A319 could make it nonstop from Stockholm to Phuket ??
  11. Done it (partially) with BBL. Submitted a statement declaring these were not my transactions, nor in anyway authorized, copies of their SMS messages, and I think most importantly, a police report (cost B20). Got half back already (out of 3 separate "transfers") and last one being investigated. I didn't have to PROVE anything. Just be truthful and declare the facts. I think they know the score by now.
  12. I guess it's became Hong Kong is part of China....1 country, 2 systems, the major difference at the moment is that HK people can travel but mainlanders are not. Maybe it was tacked onto this list (if it's official ) as an afterthought.
  13. Update After a call to customer service today (15 days after the theft) BBL have returned some of my money....that attributed to "Steampower.com". But not the B8000 fraudulently paid to "Cult Beauty" ( a UK company I think) Will wait and see. Very slow "investigation" !!
  14. Same here. Absolutely nothing. Not even a sore arm. Actually felt elated. Give me more !!!
  15. I submitted mine online 12 days before due date and just got Pending. So sent email to the IO (Pathum Thani) asking respectfully if has been processed. (2 days before due date ) One day later got email back ..Approved. Maybe the email worked, or they just got around to processing it after 10 days??
  16. BB account robbed on Oct 5th. Now 21st and still waiting for the refund of nearly B12,000. All reports submitted, but not a word. Pathetic !
  17. 10~40000 accounts hacked in a few days??? Must be a lot of skimmers and cameras in action!!
  18. No, any debit card or credit card linked to your savings account whether it's been used recently or not. And certainly not solely related to any recent online purchases (of any ) BBL send me SMS messages for any transaction and a weekly account balance every Monday morning.
  19. I'm guessing you're with BBL also? As I've mentioned before, robbed in 5th (evening ) reported as soon as they finally answered 34mins later, card cancelled and report forwarded to their fraud division. Email received from fraud division on 7th. Investigation under way. I guess it's their first week in the job????
  20. I'm debating whether to give BBL "Customer Service" another call and ask why it's taken 15days since reporting, whereas other members here with, say, Kbank, have received full refunds within a day or so of reporting the "theft". Probably a waste of time....took them over 30mins to answer my urgent call on the evening it occurred.
  21. Ok. I'll try calling CS again and, when they finally answer, hope that the poor lady on the other end knows what in hell I'm talking about !
  22. Yes. I have a reference number. which is also quoted on an email I received the next day requesting that ì submit my statement and police report to, what I assume, is their Fraud unit's email address. All done as requested but heard nothing since.
  23. And who exactly should I call? Local branch haven't got a clue. The only other number is Customer Service 1333??
  24. Exactly the same for me. 5th October. Police report done and submitted along with other declarations and screenshots of SMS messages, phone call record(to Customer service immediately to cancel the card) and mobile app accounts page showing the deductions. Have heard nothing back. Btw it took Customer Service 34 minutes to answer my call at 2045hrs that day!
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