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Everything posted by orchidfan

  1. I've lived in Hk and Singapore for many years and they are far ahead of these muppets. They're Chinese, clever, crafty and forward thinkers, with vision and think things through. Also they speak and write English (actually pretty similar in a lot of Vietnam). I remember that HK had "Hong Kong, Asia's World City " (not anymore unfortunately ) Thailand.....go back to what you do (did) best...nightlife , good food and fun.
  2. In WA.. the premier state, we call it a "roady". Maybe you're from Queensland ?
  3. The returning "girls" I saw up in NE Thailand (I visited 2 weeks over Songkran) certainly didn't do any farming (as you correctly implied by your inverted commas). They just lay around on the cool floor, either looking at themselves in a mirror or glued to their phones. Oh yes, free food from family,and somewhere to sleep......but go out in that hot sun on the farm ?? Forget it, no way.
  4. Agree. Our house and garden were under a metre plus of water for 3 months during the 2011 floods. Everything was going to be fixed....clean Klongs (choked with water hyacinth and rubbish ) install huge drainage pipes, mega pumps etc. We had to come in by boat. Not only to the house but inside as well.Luckily 2 story so could move a lot upstairs...but not everything ! Even Yingluk's house was flooded. What's changed in 10years? Only nature hasn't thrown 3 consecutive typhoons over Thailand !
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