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  • Birthday 06/14/1959

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  1. https://airdeveloppa.co/th/
  2. If the virgin birth means placing sperm but no penetration, it's not much of a miracle, is it?
  3. I suspect immigration will want you to prove you are still engaged in the activity you signed up for, in order to extend. So, a two- week cooking class, or a couple of medical appointments might not do. We'll see. If you travel in and out of Thailand regularly, or semi-regularly, the DTV would seem to be a good option. If you stay in Thailand most of the time, you're just making yourself take more trips -- either to immigration, or out of the country. Also, the DTV does not require you to apply from your country of origin. You can apply from any number of nearby countries.
  4. How far south do you have to go to get out of the air pollution zone?
  5. Air pollution is a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and dementia, as well as the obvious lung cancer and emphysema. Just because someone isn't experiencing obvious symptoms now, or it doesn't bother them now, doesn't mean it's safe.
  6. You can request a year's worth of statements from Bangkok Bank through the app, and they email it the next day, usually.
  7. I just transferred using Dee Money. I initiated the transfer on August 1st and it was completed August 14th. If you're in a hurry, I would avoid.
  8. I'm still waiting for a transfer from August 1st. According to Dee, the money has been released to their partner, and they're waiting for them to get the funds to me. I will avoid them in the future. I have no knowledge of their solvency, at all -- so the following is complete conjecture. If they were robbing Peter to pay Paul, this is how it would look. They are regulated by the bank of Thailand.
  9. The forum has an ignore function.
  10. I applaud anyone helping people get more skilled on motorcycles here.
  11. Wise usually takes a few days for me. I rarely have a transfer get to Thailand on the same day. It depends where you transfer from, the time of the transfer, and the amount.
  12. In general, less religious countries and societies are more affluent, more educated, and less violent.
  13. This is a great tip.
  14. I read a long thread in a fb expat group the other day. Someone was asking about cough remedies. A few others chimed in and complained they had coughs lately. Nobody connected it to the rising level of pollution these last few weeks. I suspect it's largely the same demographic that says sit pollution doesn't bother them. Lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and dementia are increased by air pollution, and you don't always have advance warning. I do what I can to warn people. I too have an air filter, live in one of the better areas in Thailand for air quality, and sometimes wear an n95 if it's bad out. And I do my best to make others aware of the danger. It's possible things will change if there's public awareness and the will to change things.
  15. Something similar happened to me when I was staying at a resort with a bunch of the same TV models installed in nearby bungalows. I was just minding my own business when suddenly my TV turned on and started showing porn. The fella next door had managed to pair his remote with my TV and the bungalows were close enough together that his remote worked my TV, via Bluetooth. No hacking was involved. I never said anything to him when I saw him, but let's just say his tastes were interesting. I unplugged my TV after that.
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