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  1. That's probably as far they've or you've) thought ahead.
  2. No. It was people like you who made it a thing. Basic bigotry triggered by cleverly orchestrated denigrating of anyone that interferes with your supremacy. You used Biden as some sort of misinformational stick to emphasise your lack of empathy and, again, your supremacy. I couldn't care less about Biden, or his son. This is about the current bunch. The anti trans thing has won the day in the US. Well done tough guys.
  3. When you say 'the left' you mean what I said is coming from an ideology? It's not.
  4. Sigmund Freud would probably find a forum, based in Thailand, full of hatred for Trans people very interesting. As someone has pointed out, there's more to the hatred than plain, good ol days bigotry.
  5. And, after they've done that. What next?
  6. Idi Amin is an inspiration for Billy Bragg. That's probably the funniest you've come up with yet.
  7. It was a bridge too far because it was made a bridge too far to win elections. Before the subject was paraded around speeches and rallies, one one really cared. Who made it a thing? The US wasn't divided by one side - it takes both, surely?
  8. T and G's are different in what way? Unless you're either T or G yourself, how would you know why the T and G are together in the same acronym?
  9. The 'report' is another heavily biased opinion piece from the Telegraph, designed to appeal to the right audience—you know, the ones who still wish pitchforks were a thing (back in the good old days etc). No one was ever asking for special treatment, just to be treated with some dignity, not marginalised, victimised and to have some of the same rights as other citizens. So what, why does that bother people? They're different: so what? A few years ago, no one cared about trans people. It's been the rise of popularism, led by right wing bigots, and supported by enough dumb people that's put trans people in the firing line, and made the T in LGBT a thing. Approximately 0.6 of the US population identifies as trans. Real threat, eh? The amount of time and effort put into this is stupid and disproportionate. But who needs sense when stupid means we can have fun being hateful.
  10. What's the plan for the advancement of the planet/humanity ect, when the right get in everywhere? Genuinely interested.
  11. You used discombobulated instead of confused? Careful with those long words. Better stick to short leftie, woke etc, or people might think you're an educated liberal.
  12. Two comments together, showing that bitterness and ignorance, fed by social media and snacking on low level misinformation, is preferred to facts, research and learning about a subject.
  13. Trolls will troll... Ok, I'll reword it for you: The billionaire and his 'Gimp' have spent the last two weeks shoving their moral code down the world's collective throats. Better?
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