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Posts posted by leddie

  1. 15 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    Been there many times and well aware of the small Fogo wine region and Cha da Fogo.  However, how does this relate to my question regarding where the Monteverde wine brand off the coast of Africa comes from, as was stated by another?  Do you have a link proving that it is Cap Vert or is it from Chile as the other guy wrote?

  2. On 3/29/2018 at 9:07 AM, leddie said:

    If I understand correctly, it is a 24 turnaround, so I could apply in the morning on Day 1 and pick up in the morning on Day2 (and fly out same evening).

    Sorry I though I better repost this last question about a 1 day turnaround time  before booking my flights. Ideally would like to arrive in HK late in the evening, apply at the consulate the next morning, pick up the passport the following day in the morning, and fly out of HK late afternoon.  Does anyone know if this is feasible?

  3. On 3/22/2018 at 10:38 AM, ubonjoe said:

    If the work permit office would not accept an application with his extension based upon retirement he would have to leave twice in order to get the work permit application approval letter required to get the non-b visa at a nearby embassy or consulate. Many people have had to do it that way.

    That is why I mentioned the consulate in Hong Kong  not requiring the approval letter that is required at many embassies and consulates.

    The approval letter is a requirement shown on the MFA website. http://www.mfa.go.th/main/en/services/4908/15388-Non-Immigrant-Visa-"B"-(for-Business-and.html

    The above mentions a WP3 since it written with the assumption that a person is not in the country yet.



    A couple final questions on your helpful HK suggestion for the non-Imm B. 

    If I understand correctly, it is a 24 turnaround, so I could apply in the morning on Day 1 and pick up in the morning on Day2 (and fly out same evening).

    In addition to the company docs mentioned on the consulate website, are there any requirements for ongoing flights, hotel reservations for full 90 days and shoing 20000 baht at airport on arrival (assuuming Don Muang)


    Thanks for any final tips.



  4. 7 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

    There are courts at Racquet Club Sukhmuvit 49. Unfortunately Squash seems to be one of the main racquets sports that Thais do not seem to have taken up. I know in the Racquet Club website there is a section where people are looking for partners to play with. I am there daily but rarely see anyone playing. I know there are a couple of older farang guys who play some mornings, but never seen a group, and also the hitting partners are basically coaches of tennis or badminton who will have a swing with you, so pretty pointless if you are advanced level.


    Maybe better too take up badminton and tennis, both of which have very active groups and numbers.

    Thanks but not interested in badminton or tennis.  I was actually looking for expat squash groups.  Thank you.

  5. 3 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    A work permit can be applied for with a tourist visa or visa exempt entry but it will not be issued until the you have a non-b visa entry.


    Ok slowly catching on here.  So theoretically, the retiree could do a visa run to Cambodia without re-entry permit on the retirement extension, then re-enter on a 30 day entry, and then apply based on that 30 day visa exempt entry(or do they only give 15)?

  6. 45 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    He is here on an extension of stay (not a non-o visa) based upon retirement. He probably will not be able to apply for a work permit with that type of extension to get the work permit application approval letter. He would have to leave and get new entry from a tourist visa or possibley a visa exempt entry to do the work permit application while in the country.

    If he only had an entry from a non-o visa he might be able to do the application but that again would depend upon the work permit office. If the non-o visa was based upon marriage to a Thai it would not be a problem since a person could show their marriage certificate to prove the reason it was issued for.

    OK, I think my confusion was that I thought that it was not possible to apply in country for the WP while on a tourist visa or exempt.  I thought this had to be done from outside the country.

  7. 17 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    If the work permit office would not accept an application with his extension based upon retirement he would have to leave twice in order to get the work permit application approval letter required to get the non-b visa at a nearby embassy or consulate. Many people have had to do it that way.

    That is why I mentioned the consulate in Hong Kong  not requiring the approval letter that is required at many embassies and consulates.

    The approval letter is a requirement shown on the MFA website. http://www.mfa.go.th/main/en/services/4908/15388-Non-Immigrant-Visa-"B"-(for-Business-and.html

    The above mentions a WP3 since it written with the assumption that a person is not in the country yet.

    Sorry I am really confused.

    If someone is here already on a tourist visa, they leave once, apply for non-Imm B and return.

    But if someone is on a non-Imm O, they have to leave to come back on a tourist visa, and then leave again to apply for the non-Imm B.

    I am not following the requirement for having a tourist visa.

    • Sad 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Unless the provincial work permit office will accept an application for a work permit you will have to leave the country. That is the only way you could change the reason for your extension from retirement to working.

    If they don't accept the WP1 work permit application you would have to leave and re-enter on a tourist visa so the application could be done to get a work permit application approval letter to get a non-b visa at a nearby embassy or consulate or to do a change of visa status at immigration to do get a non immigrant visa (category B ) entry. Or you could leave the country so your employer could do a WP3 work permit application and then send the receipt for it to you in a week or more.

    The consulate in Hong Kong is the only location in the region that I am aware of that will issue non-b visa without the work permit application approval letter or WP3 receipt.

    But if working for a BOI company a letter from the BOI will will be accepted instead of the approval letter.

    UJ, not following your explanation.  It sounds like you are saying he has to leave country twice, once for tourist visa and then for non-imm B?  Why not once, with all the paperwork to get the non-Imm B in one shot.

  9. 27 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    The wife's extension will become invalid as soon as he leaves the country. She would have to leave at the same time as him and get a new non-o visa when he gets the non-b visa.

    If she was to stay in the country immigration would charge her with an overstay when she went to get one based upon his new extension based upon working.

    Thank you for the advice!

  10. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    Yes it includes Penang.l

    Ok got it.  It sounds like HK may be the easiest regional location, unless someone else chimes in with a closer, cheaper option with the same paperwork.  Any idea of the turn around time in HK, as I cannot find on the website?  Is it submit Day 1 morning, receive Day 2 afternoon (times?); or Submit Day 1 morning, receive Day 3 afternoon.  Thanks again to all!

  11. 51 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    I think you have a one year extension of stay not a non-o visa. On the date your husbands extension of stay ends your's also ends since it is based upon his.

    You would have to leave the country to get a new non-o visa from a embassy or consulate.

    Thanks UJ.  Sorry, I meant to say both spouses are on  12 month extension of stay from original Non-Imm O retirement.  Husband as primary visa, wife as dependent.  If husband leaves without re-entry permit to change to Non-imm B from Non-Imm O, then technically upon departure he has no active visa or extension of stay.  Does the wife's extension of stay become invalid when he leaves, and force her to leave (before him to stay legal?).  Alternatively could she stay in country and then change her dependent extension of stay to his new Non-ImmB which would also be extended eventually.

  12. Ok a bit complicated so here it goes.

    Husband on non-Imm O retirement, wife piggybacking on this with non-Imm O dependent visa.  Both have 1 year extension.

    If husband leaves country to change to non Imm B in order to work on a job in Thailand, what becomes of dependent spouse visa.

    Does she have to leave country immediately, and apply for new type of dependent visa from overseas (based on husband non-imm B), or can she stay in country on current extension and renew, as the dependent status is till the same, even though husband is changing visa types?

  13. Sorry for starting multiple parallel threads but I am separating out ideas to try and find the ultimate path to working in Thailand with a firm offer in hand.


    In the past, I know working people who have converted from non-imm B (with extension of stay) to Non-Imm O retirement(extension granted until end of non-Imm B extension date) at Chaeng Wattana.  Is it possible to do the reverse process and convert from Non-Imm O (on retirement extension) to Non-Imm B for business.  Work permit application would follow later.

  14. 10 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    At all nearby locations you need a work permit application approval letter (aka WP3) to apply for a non-b visa.

    The consulate in Hong Kong at is the nearest location that will accept application without the approval letter.

    Thanks Ubonjoe.  I think that may clarify things, and maybe what the other guy referred to.


    If I understand cheap regional ;locations like Penang, KL etc on AirAsia require a WP approval letter (WP3) to issue a non-imm B. 


    Any idea how long a WP3 takes (is there a fast-track) and if WP-3 issued, what would then be the best the best/preferred close location.  Also is a WP3 approval letter the same as a WP issuance, or are there different steps?


    Otherwise what your Hong Kong idea sounds interesting.  Wouldn't they also require various corporate documents as per past practice?


    Sorry for the additional questions, but looking for the smoothest path forward.

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