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Posts posted by leddie

  1. 19 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Not easy to do unless you already have a job offer and the paper work to take with you wherever you apply.

    Sorry not following this.  All applications have to be supported by the relevant paperwork.  Wasn't this always the case?  You seem to imply that it is different now without providing any details.  For argument's sake, assume job offer in hand, and all corporate paperwork provided.   Now I re-ask the same question as in the original post. Thank you.

  2. 16 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Read my posts.

    That's why I said ask your local labour office.

    Immigration have no input or idea and have nothing to do with work permits and I don't care if the Queen of Sheeba told you.

    The labour office require a non Imm' visa or extension to issue a WP. An O-A is the exception.

    Do you know of any specific offices in Bangkok where this is possible or is it totally hit and miss?

  3. On 2/23/2018 at 5:58 PM, MerryJerry said:

    Nitrogen gas is a must to properly serve Guinness from the keg.

    Make sure they're using it.

    Are you saying the servers must ingest nitrogen gas?  Isn't that detrimental to the health and/or illegal.  Their flatulence must be off the charts the following day. 

  4. 42 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    You will go to the Immigration Office and ask to report returning to the country.  The front-desk will insist you fill out a TM-30 form, before they will give you a queue-ticket for the TM-30 office (down the hall to the left, from the front-desk). 


    You will make a copy of the face-page, TM-6, and latest entry-stamp to accompany your application.


    If you are returning to the same place you already filed a TM-30, before - then you may not need more than that, or they may want the stuff below, again (did not, my last time, a few months ago).


    If renting - your rental-contract, house-book for the place you are renting, plus signed-copies of your landlord's ID card and their house-book.  If you own the place, then your ownership-doc (blue-book) for your condo.


    Ok thanks!

  5. 2 hours ago, BritTim said:

    The TM30 has nothing to do with your extension. Immigration will tend to check that a TM30 notification was done when you visit for an extension only because it is a convenient time to do so.


    If you have not been away from home, a new TM30 notification is never required, even if you stay in the same house for 20 years.  If you take a trip away from home (either outside or inside Thailand) whether a new TM30 notification is required on your return to the same house depends on the policy of your local immigration office.

    Let me simplify to a single specific question as still confused.  Is a new Tm30 required specifically at Jomtien immigration after returning from abroad or is visiting the Jomtien immigration with only passport all that is required.  Trying to determine specifically what paperwork if any is required.  I hope that is clearer if anyone knows the answer?

  6. For Pattaya immigration, if a trip abroad is made and a TM30 was previously issued at time of one year extension, is a new TM30 required, or is it possible to just go report to Immigration with passport in hand.  Are any other photocopies or mountain of paper needed?   Also is a new TM30 required at the time of each extension, or is the first one considered valid?  Thank you.

  7. On 1/19/2018 at 9:10 PM, dfdgfdfdgs said:

    To the drinkers, and the bar-goers, I'm not trying to preach, and you can do whatever you like, it's none of my business, but I'm just curious what you actually get out of it.  I know having a drink or two can make you loosen up and have more fun, and that's great once a week when you're in good company, but there's a difference between that and sitting slouched over a bar every day, with a bunch of other 'like-minded' expats, all of whom are almost immune to the effects of alcohol.  All that is doing is slowly killing you.


    Why don't you try not drinking completely for a month.  Find something more beneficial to do.  Fruit juice, smoothies, lots of other flavoured drinks all taste as nice/nicer than alcohol, really they do.  I hear a lot of people say after a hard day there's nothing better than having a cold beer.  Well there are, alternatives are just as refreshing.  Society is overexposed to alcohol in general and thus it is normalised and almost used as a substitute to water, when it should be seen as a occasional treat.  I think people associate beer with happy times from their past, and thus it remains their go-to drink.


    I bet after a month, you will wonder why you drank so much beer before.

    Somehow the thought of a bunch of people sitting around the bar drinking smoothies seems a bit strange.

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  8. 21 hours ago, wirat69 said:

    Leaves Wildtrack for dead..... available now, at least from Toyota Nakhon Sawan.....

    Can you be more specific why you prefer one to other...also the title of the post is for actual "sightings", not availability.  Would love to see a photo and hear real feedback from a real user.

  9. 4 hours ago, topt said:

    The wine is yes.

    There is an island called Cape Verde off the west coast of Africa...........


    Cape Verde does produce wine (none called Monte Verde that I am aware of) and I doubt it has found its way to Cambodia but I guess it is possible.......

    The other poster said there is a wine called monte verde from off the coast of Africa which appears to be false?  What are the Cap Vert wines you refer to?

  10. 12 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Another negative aspect of Malaysia is their penchant for Irish themed pubs. Paint them green and have Kilkenny on draft and they think they're on a winner.


    Oh yes, and they haven't sussed out how to make a decent bread product of any sort.

    What about Roti Canai?  This is a flatbread, so technically falls into your "of any sort" category.


  11. 11 hours ago, jobsworth said:

    you need to be drinking monte verde and not montclare.

    have been able to find monte verde in cambodia.

    monte verde literally green mountain is a wine from a small island off the coast of africa.

    try it if you can find it. you will like it.



    Isnt monte verde from Chile?

  12. On 1/21/2018 at 12:10 PM, orientalist said:


    I did the same. I got back my contributions plus generous interest. They told me no need to pay for 6 months as I would remain covered. After 6 months I rejoined and pay 432 baht a month by direct debit. The only downside is this resets your pension age. I would have been due for the minuscule SS pension payment at 65, but after taking the lump sum I have to wait another 15 years.


    My experience of SS is that it depends on the hospital. Little private ones like Kluay Nam Thai are not so good. Camillian was OK. All the big government teaching hospitals have a full quota and you can't get in. For the Sukhumvit area they now stick you in Loet Sin Hospital near Saphan Taksin, which I've heard has queues out into the car park every morning. SS doesn't cover some expensive imported medicines. I had a condition which could only be treated with a medication from overseas and they just said I'd have to pay for it myself.


    When I left work the HR Dept told me to keep SS as a backup, and that I could always pay privately for an operation at a big government hospital if need be.

    Thanks for additional info and responses.  Is the lump sum available at 60 years old only, or can it be taken at 55 years?


    On 12/23/2017 at 10:10 PM, rnalswls2 said:

    We are both 30, and we just want basic cancer cover insurance, since I believe Social security(SS) won't cover 100% cancer treatment. (Am I correct?)  We don't want extra cover for outpatient since it increases cost much.

    Where did you hear about cancer not being covered?  Do you have a link or evidence of this?

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