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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. No one is releasing them from prison. Just not executing them. Try not to misunderstand.
  2. Interesting that the photos do not show any solar panels. People are now discovering agrovoltaics or agriculture under solar panels and find it is a good way of farming. Vegetables grow well with some shade. https://www.thecooldown.com/green-tech/agrivoltaics-olive-plantations-solar/
  3. I think it's called mercy. It is a Christian thing.
  4. Lie down on a couch and ask yourself, what does this make you think? When you understand that more than half of people don't know where numbers come from? What conclusion can you make? Also, should Arabic algebra be taught in schools?
  5. Education is the finest attribute that a government can give its people. Then something pops up to make you think. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/teaching-arabic-numerals/
  6. Britons remain among the most reasonable of people. No guns, sit down protests rather than outright riots (well, not many). Soup that can be washed off paintings with water. No capital punishment. All rather good-oh eh chaps?
  7. US$11.69 (11.24 Euro or 9.32 pounds) a day. In OECD countries workers are asking for more and want to prevent third world countries selling cheap produce. How do they think Asian products are so cheap?
  8. So, you read it and completely misunderstood it. Well done.
  9. Donald Trump Stands By ‘Central Park 5’ Ad Calling for Death Penalty: ‘They Admitted Their Guilt’ Five young men were wrongly convicted in a brutal 1989 attack on a jogger in Central Park, then exonerated when DNA evidence proved another man committed the crime — and he confessed.
  10. The people who broke the law to speed when the limit was 80 will break the law anyway whatever. It is the lack of discipline that causes accidents.
  11. I remember when the Lao army invaded Uttaradit Province and the Thai air force bombed their own troops, such was the lack of coordination, It isn't numbers they need but inter service cooperation.
  12. Whatever people say about Thaksin, he was found guilty by coup leaders who were trying to justify their illegal coup.
  13. Seems like it is easy to threaten but not easy to do. Sending US troops into Palestine will make them stick out a mile. Targeted missiles are more likely to kill the hostages. Just how is all this to be done?
  14. Showing disrespect just means the police will get you some other way.
  15. Lower the amount of food consumed.
  16. Reducing the US contribution to a level that is the average of what EU countries spend would be fair.
  17. I am shocked, nay stunned, that this kind of thing happens in Thailand. I do hope this honest police investigation finds the evidence that it is just a misunderstanding.
  18. Stealing assets from other countries? Insisting a foreign country obey him? Whatever next?
  19. The Daily Telegraph stirring up anti Muslim rhetoric again. British law still means you can't go too far with sharia law where they contradict reach other. Wait until the police find a few chopped off hands.
  20. I wonder why the Chinese would want patient data? Developing vaccines? Improving surgery?
  21. I think you will find that scientists do peer reviews because they are interested to know more. If they are studying that area of science it is useful to add to their knowledge
  22. So I am not stupid enough to think I know more than people who have spent 20 years studying the subject. 😁
  23. Good idea if you're a qualified scientist. Hard to do your homework if you just have google to rely on.
  24. In July Clauser gave a talk at the event Quantum Korea 2023. He warned the audience about the growing amount of pseudoscience and misinformation. “Now I am not alone in observing the dangerous proliferation of pseudoscience. Recently, The Nobel Foundation has formed a new panel to address the issue called the International Panel on Information Environment. They plan to model it after the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC. I think personally that they are making a big mistake in that effort because in my opinion the IPCC is one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation. What I’m about to recommend is in furtherance of that, of the aims of that panel. […] I have a second elephant in the room that I have recently discovered regarding climate change. I believe that climate change is not a crisis. […] Beware. If you’re doing good science, it may lead you into politically incorrect areas. If you’re a good scientist, you will follow them. I have several I won’t have time to discuss, but I can confidently say there is no real climate crisis and that climate change does not cause extreme weather events.” Source: https://clintel.org/nobel-prize-winner-dr-john-f-clauser-signs-the-clintel-world-climate-declaration/ Very interesting. Is Clauser a climatologist? Is his career based on studying the climate? Could a dentist make the same claims? NASA and others claim that 97% of climatologists say climate change is true. https://science.nasa.gov/climate-change/faq/do-scientists-agree-on-climate-change/ This implies that Clauser, who is not a Nobel Prize winner in climatology is in the 3%, doesn't it? That is fine as scientists are allowed to disagree. I am sure that if a biologist told a physicist that space is made of blancmange physicists would have to consider it. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-024-01928-2
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