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Everything posted by Purdey

  1. Not sure how legitimate this far right-wing organization is but it is relatively new. No way to check if their data is accurate. I think confirmation bias may cheer it along as the Telegraph seems to be the only major media printing this stuff.
  2. Next time you buy a flat screen TV, tell them not to open the box, that you don't need it tested before leaving the shop. Take it home and plug it in and turn it on there. If it doesn't work, pack it all up, lug it back to the shop and ask them to change it ("No have").
  3. I think he lied to take people's minds off the price of eggs.
  4. You forgot Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933 to 1945 (12 years). Same number of years as Hitler, but better.
  5. Not sure what he could do that the Israelis haven't done. Hamas want something that no one wants to give.
  6. Biden successfully fooling people into thinking he doesn't know what he's doing.
  7. Another bright spark. Why?
  8. The worst thing is, cutting cables to China makes the government happier.
  9. They're eating the cats, they're eating the dogs. What's the confidence level Facebook?
  10. They would have got away with it if they had gone to gamble on horse racing.
  11. The Thai government - looking to solve the effect not the cause.
  12. My wife always foots the bills. I give her some money at the start of the month and she pays for everything.
  13. Do other developed countries, such as those in the EU, experiment on animals these days? No idea.
  14. On a par with many large cities these days.
  15. Clearly, comparing the present with 70 years ago is not relevant.
  16. And just like many here, it's all over in 30 seconds.
  17. He was carrying guns, was he? His gold-darned right under the Constitution?
  18. It is about time that countries moved away from money politics and put a cap on donations, with zero being the cap for foreigners.
  19. Go America. No need for immigrants. Asian American teens lead US to international math olympiad victory U.S. Places First at International Mathematics Competition in U.K. - News - Carnegie Mellon University https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th/id/OIP._HoEzDjTeglS6uqyzrM-eQHaIk?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain
  20. OK. Free school lunches expanded to seven-to-11-year-olds. Froze many transport fares for a year - for the fifth time. His environment policies were what got him the Green Party votes. Ulez is putting an end to vehicle pollution. He can justifiably claim credit for improving the capital’s air quality and reducing the amount of toxic pollutants threatening the health of Londoners Supported the planting of tens of thousands of trees Record numbers of new council homes Got The Superloop, the Night Tube and the Elizabeth Line all up and running, increasing convenience for Londoners. The highly popular Hopper bus fare. The policy allows Londoners to make unlimited journeys on buses and trams for just £1.75 within an hour of tapping in. More than 1,400 zero-emission buses on London’s roads He created a 170% increase in the number of public electric vehicle charge points. London now has more than 11,000 — a third of the UK’s total. Increased training for unemployed youths I think people who live in London, much like those who live in Bangkok, appreciate mayoral efforts to clean the place up. All these points can be googled.
  21. I understand that he wants to expel illegal migrants, starting with those who committed criminal offenses. However, he mentioned 20 million illegal migrants, a number not backed by data. He did say they can apply for entry after they are outside the borders. Trump's Agenda: Deportation - FactCheck.org He wants to use the military. Trump confirms plan to declare national emergency, use military for mass deportations - ABC News But he cannot use the military against civilians on the streets, so it will be hard to achieve. What is the Insurrection Act? | CNN Politics
  22. After eight years as mayor during a period of Tory government national control, I guess he must have done something right.
  23. I guess letting the facts speak for themselves is pointless in this discussion, because, of course, they aren't facts to some.
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