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About Andycoops

  • Birthday 07/28/1956

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  1. Most advanced fighter jets, that's a laugh they are old F16s which will be soon out of service and replaced by new Gripens, should the contract go through. Completion of the hi speed train will render any flights to and from Bangkok uncommercial.
  2. Suggest you walk around, quite a few places available
  3. What a complete load of propaganda. This man illegally took over the country at the point of a machine gun barrel and plunged it into democratic chaos as a result, just look now at the unelected senate blocking elected MPs from progressing any policies.
  4. I don't hide at all, up here in rural Isaan it's very authentic and a enjoyable experience with family and the locals. 3 days and it's all done and dusted for another year.
  5. Arrest the scum for causing a public disturbance and then don't renew his visa that should shut the fat moron up.
  6. It's hardly surprising because the miserable people trying to run the country are more concerned with displacing democracy with illegal coup d'etats, corrupt complaints overseen by corrupt institutions, unelected senators with zero accountability the same as the military. All in all it's a complete shambles as the reality for the majority of citizens leaves them little to smile about, especially with the continual political bickering and shenanigans going on daily.
  7. Thanks a very useful piece of information.
  8. Let them all rot in the Bangkok Hilton.
  9. Their is and never had been any clarity with the Thai government's policies aimed at expats because individuals and individual offices make up there own mud as they fumble along in their small bubble of officialdom.
  10. That will be a slap in the face and potentially another one to come with the Thai trade deficit and imposition of tariffs looming...
  11. Virtually every morning I do a walk, minimum is 3.5 upto 5km depending on the route. Usually only severe rain prevents my dawn patrol.
  12. Just because if you live here for more than 180 and are required under the regulations to file a tax return it doesn't mean that you will have to pay anything. As it's all about if your meet the criteria.
  13. I have had CRS forms from both Kasikorn and Bangkok banks this year.
  14. Just wait for the vet bills to come in for the sick buffalo, 555
  15. I agree, I am only filing (next week) because I too can see that proof of filing a tax return if you are here as a expat on yearly extensions is more likely than not, to be a future requirement to obtain said 1 year extension.
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