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About Andycoops

  • Birthday 07/28/1956

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  1. Lammy the clown should be in Fred Carno's circus the guy has absolutely zero credibility or kudos He should be cleaning the toilet somewhere...
  2. Thailand in the dark ages always looking at the past but only in a very selective way instead of focusing on the future.. Very sad as it's not going to effect a frigging thing, whatever happened to the Bhuddist culture Instead of all this revenge crap?
  3. Obviously as thick as pug <deleted> for posting the material where everyone can see it.
  4. I predicted that upon the start of visa free entries the flood gates would open for criminals to take advantage of the situation. And the policy is only about numbers as usual and not national security.
  5. There must be quite a few ex SAS here, as in ex Scandinavian Airlines Services pilots or crew...
  6. Same here, 2 different numbers and I also showed them my Pink ID card and Yellow house book.
  7. Well you can't believe anything that comes out of the stool pigeon Johnson's mouth because he's just a vile orange blobs puppet. Which of course they all are which is why he picks them.
  8. I sincerely hope they do reject him, he won't last 5 minutes dealing with Trump. I can't think of anyone worse being the senior UK representative in the USA. It's about time he was given a whack on the nose, he makes my skin crawl.
  9. Same here but I do get a message telling me when they are doing to take it, Bangkok Bank follow the same process.
  10. The police are a increasing disgrace poking their noses into non criminal activities. A friend of mine son was taken to court for homophobic chanting without any evidence whatsoever. The judge dismissed the case within minutes, a complete and utter waste of taxpayer money and resources. Not to mention the family stress and financial outlay required to fight such wokeism.
  11. Typical, until it effects them nothing is done for the ordinary citizen as they don't care a jot about them getting ripped off.
  12. I got mine at the local Revenue Department, by showing my passport, pink ID card and yellow house book. Was in the same building where you apply for ID and yellow books. I paid a small fee.
  13. Absolutely, his conduct since he became PM is shameful and a utter disgrace. Glasses, suits etc being bought for him on his salary... Not to mention the economy is now on life support, pensioners are being treated like they don't matter anymore, the country is being taxed to hell and back, the so called 'growth' agenda is dead.
  14. Giving money to a international terrorist government is unforgivable. Sanctions should be applied and all visas cancelled and none issued until they the scum return the criminals. The UK doesn't need the terrorists in any way shape or form. They need to be teached a lesson in diplomacy and the rule of laws. Of course in the meantime they are a vassal state of china and the pooh bear communists
  15. I've had a 1 door/2 drawer one for 17 years here, only replaced the door/drawer seals once. Excellent.

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