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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. Puff and spin, almost every politician ever, par for the course.
  2. it's a matter of perspective? Serotonin Dopamine Endorphins Oxytocin
  3. Because existence "seems" to be without purpose, everything outside Earth's barn door is scary and humans die very easily/quickly, but, we have fantastic imaginations? We have imagined countless divinities and immaterial concepts, some even decided that human mortality can be surpassed and a divine state achieved (not for everyone mind you, plebs are still required). And every now and again every century or two, someone comes along and says no that's not it, this is how you should interpret this and that. I'm not dissing anyone's personal beliefs or path, I'm all for people seeking and attaining peace and happiness.
  4. Do they have old school hard labour in Thailand? Two years should do it for those complicit. For the person holding the knife it's five. No if or buts or running to temple.
  5. I'm not there yet, but I can already feel the fury building, this amazing but stupid skin suit forgetting how to repair itself. Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Coping mechanism will be copious amounts of Chili Con Carne.
  6. I hope the family of that poor little girl have the funds to get proper care. She's going to need a specialist. As for sitting with the girl "watching over her", what a load of bull<deleted>. If that was my kid they would not want to be anywhere near me.
  7. okay, if we're going to get boned by cyborgs can it at least be along these lines.
  8. Plus if you buy the farm here, you get one free reincarnation.
  9. I am, I told them not to shoot me from that angle!
  10. you forgot the closer.. Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
  11. Urologist, now dude. Be well.
  12. Any genuine effort to curb pollution is a good thing. However Beijing's pollution largely stems from industrial and urban activities, and not from farmers burning fields. That said, every bit helps.
  13. I have one of John Williams movie scores running mentally in the background non stop. - that and from time to time the theme from Greatest American Super Hero.
  14. Silly humans, thinking it's necessary to deny themselves the pleasures of the flesh suit, and then pleasuring the flesh anyways all the time. We would have to be at times the dumbest great apes on the planet. When one of them anywhere can, for example levitate, or exhibit a single extraordinary ability due to them not touching their penis' let me know.
  15. This is his PR team, they needed to hose this down quickly after the recent bombing and death drew attention from the media and public.
  16. What is the take on him recently stating he would remove himself from the presidency, if it meant continued support and security for the country against Russia?
  17. I think you can safely double that 17 million figure, maybe even triple it.
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