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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. ououo, the trifecta, fat, bald, no shirt so glorious, for the Empire! <someone sing Royal Britannia> careful he might be a Kingsman deep deep deep deep undercover.
  2. But if they had to go the "informal" route in the first place might that not indicate that most probably don't have good credit? These announcements are surely not being translated accurately, everything so far mentioned is nonsense.
  3. We appear to be the only species on earth that is willing to <deleted> each other over for a percentage.
  4. I hope it was cool, John Wick, tactical suit cool. It won't have been, just two brown overstuffed sausages with their shirts half out, rolling on the floor shouting in Thai, one spraying bullets with two lucky shots and the other throwing rocks. I wonder if he emptied his clip.
  5. Open for Business! We currently have a Fire Sale Special running, buy 2 Democracies get 1 Free
  6. The new Biz Crew trying modernise Siam in 90 days. How can we look like we are changing everything, for the benefit of everyone and not do that?
  7. They tried this on with me every visit to an ophthalmologist, white coat syndrome had my blood gushing out of every orifice according to their test(s). They got me to lie down for 20 minutes it somehow went higher. The looks on their faces, how can you still be conscious? can you see through the red mist? I got out of bed and did 3 star jumps (no lie), nope I'm good. I was feeling extra saucy that day. They then insisted on a wheelchair, which I took because it looked like fun, knowing that every little thing was going to be on my bill. I then actually paid attention to how they applied the cuff, and as someone who has been on the administering side an age ago realised that some staff do not get much training. Not all cuff sizes are the same, even if adjustable. Turns out they had mixed up the kids cuffs with those used for adults resulting in see-saw results. side note: my lady ophthalmologist was a smoke show, hot dam, Dr Butternut.
  8. Use the time proven method for choosing a race horse, I like the pink one.
  9. Isn't there a term by now for how psychologically, as an example, a group of say 500 people can beat down 68 million people?
  10. Something appears to have shifted on the ground for some, a few Thai friends that speak openly say it's too much now, they won't let go. Shrug. And nobody wants to go down the fire and blood path, A. it hasn't worked before B. mums don't like their children being shot. C. nobody likes jail
  11. This, for almost the entirety of human civilisation, we're a crafty and duplicitous species at the drop of a hat.
  12. They have to be kidding with this shtick surely.
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