Wait, what?
I just assumed GG was the/our forum member that is really Really high most of time (no judgement GG).
forum archetypes? - examples only
Shirley - know's medical stuff about first-aid, our concealed rashes and heart surgery.
Mike Lister - the Quant - knows how much money Thailand has, understands the finance sector's sophistry bs, and probably the value of pi to, I don't know, 5 places?
The Other Mods - I don't see as much but they do appear to have "specialities". Or they just type good words and prevent us from being visited by the brown bling sausage patrol.
The Rat Pack (not rats, think Sinatra) - the people who actually do know stuff and post accordingly. Some, allegedly, have wood fired ovens that make delicious pizza and are probably rich.
The Smart Asses (I salute thee, doing the Lord's work helping the stiffs)
The Visa Boys (peace UbonJoe) (background music always playing - Holiday Road - Lindsey Buckingham)
Team Innuendo (background music always playing - Benny Hill theme song)
The Easily Confused & Sad Squad (background music always playing - Enya - Sail Away)
The Everything You Just Typed is Wrong and Now You Must Be Shamed Enforcers - you know who you all are (background music always playing - Darth Vader's entrance - John Williams)
Forum Fringe Dwellers (who just need to be heard/loved sometimes.)
Disclaimer 1: I have no idea where I'm going with this.. just stop typing you fool!
Disclaimer 2: This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author's (this idiot's) imagination or used in a fictitious/foolish manner.