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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. No bad habits, but just some "you won't believe this!" stories for when they return home, a lot of them. You know the kind of stories where people say "I ate for free on that story for months" because it was true but nuts.
  2. Thailand has created a working AI, I did not know that.
  3. That's it! If we get all the Air force aircraft, jet and prop, to fly above Bangkok as fast as they can go, in a tight circle, we can, in Thai theory, create a vortex, a tornado if you will. We can suck the "pollution" up and away from the area. Genius, it might just work. I love science. ** if Superman can turn back time by flying around the planet super fast we may have a chance too.
  4. Excuse me, the Department of Corrections has requested that we all no longer refer to him as an or as the inmate. Continuing to do so will harm the inmate's efforts to once again rejoin society... and you're also infringing upon his human rights.
  5. Plus don't they use a slightly different scale here, because the usual one doesn't take into account the science of Siam?
  6. Human morals, somewhat of a joke concept. Ignored by request and whenever we feel like it. - Don't get me wrong, it's a great idea, and shows promise for us as a species, but, for now, too hard to consistently implement as a species. Our mammal/lizard brains switch to Survive and Fck mode in a heartbeat, or when the mood takes us.
  7. It has happened before but also happens in other countries too. Teens procuring and pimping.
  8. The Ten Families had to be sure they wouldn't be condemned morally before they took it all over. Let the unwashed poorrs play in the pool for a bit, gauge public and international opinions and then when it's value can be determined it's all of a sudden "a private pool, everyone out of the pool, we'll take it from here, you'll only spend the money on boring poorrs things and yoda bongs." This stratagem is not specific to Siam.
  9. Then you will have to accept that not everybody's experience in this country is the same as yours, it's very simple, everything swings both ways in life at any time.
  10. I'm going with a single step, roll me into the nearest khlong, monitor lizards gotta eat, family agrees.
  11. ...unless you get involved in an accident, are foreign, then not so much?
  12. The guy on the far right looks like a character from GTA.
  13. If they offered the tax breaks as other countries do for film production etc they could attract some foreign film action.
  14. Yes this, they would have to be seeing it nonstop in the foreign press for months before anything substantive happened, going for the face might work. And yeah, the neighbours next door don't give a hoot so why bother.
  15. Don't forget boobies, cleavage, side boob, under boob, someone holding a gun, a knife, angry dogs, butt crack and any white powder on a table.
  16. I mean, encourage the youth yes, live up to your fullest potential, go for it! Just not from these guys, they can't even ensure the school lunches are not being stolen or skimmed.
  17. it's not on topic, but this looks amazing. I envy you guys. https://www.nomadicknights.com/adventures/
  18. Ultimately what does it matter, it's their production and the show must go on. But I'm still impressed that nobody has sought to take a single sneaky pick after all this time. "No beloved grandchildren, no pictures with grandpa right now" hilarious If you step back, and I mean really step back, all this behaviour, and elsewhere, is absurd. The fact that we've created structures and belief systems that require this nonsense as a species is insane when you think about it. The human race is frikkin nuts at times.
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