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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. The bank will replace them, it's Thailand so just a few extra steps. Plus they found a copy on the back of passport photocopy at CW immigration, so all good.
  2. Don't they say, not sure who they is, but don't they say these types will be the first to go, build a fortress to tomorrow and then tiktok a tour. Can't use mercs, the toughest one is just going take over all your stuff, no matter how much Jiu-Jitsu you know it won't be possible to repel the hordes on your own, so the only option must be robotic guard sentries?
  3. By now all the spare robot parts, assuming the automated assembly lines are running 24/7, will be using a lot storage, making it harder to conceal and so on. Dig hard, dig deep, go for shelter, and never look back
  4. Apparently you're doing okay in the Apocalypse so long as you can recharge and turn on an apple device. Or at least that's what I've seen in movies.
  5. Are we certain he's not building a Dr Evil type lair complete with liquid hot magma
  6. No way they are going to remove that gateway to power, it will be re-branded or re-imagined as something else.
  7. Yeah, we're all looking for that one special prostitute we can "My Fair Lady"
  8. yes yes, but how do we feel about hottie lesbians?
  9. As apposed to hetero sexual interactions not being shouted from the proverbial rooftops of the film/tv/advertising industry for the last 45 years?
  10. And to those who mention about how it was in your day, that 'day' was a second in the entirety of human history. Yes, absolutely, it's relevant to how you feel, but that's where it ends. Roll backwards and forwards through history and the concept is like coffee, one year it's good for everything that ails you, and the next each coffee is driving you to the grave and will end the world. Also, it's a stretch to think that homosexuality is going end humanity, we've been gay forever and still managed to pump out 8 billion of us and rising. If you want a real paradigm change to be concerned about, wait till they make working artificial wombs available to the public. Some people are going lose their <deleted>. *** This is an opinion only ***
  11. So are you advocating a specific age at which the complexities of human nature can be revealed?
  12. humans are weird, all of our imaginary/abstract concepts, many of which we will resort to killing thousands over, while the vast cosmos remains indifferent to all of it.
  13. yeah well, I'll put my gay friends up against your gay friends any day of the week! that said, there was a lot of beard in that episode
  14. They found like a 100 particles there and put them in a bag, mission accomplished.
  15. What is the height restriction on you own land over here?
  16. That's true, I was more referring to someone surreptitiously snapping a photograph.
  17. Like my Thai rellies say, while you can still buy a something bowl for 30 baht, find a tree for a hammock and never be cold, nothing will change here. There is no boiling pot/pressure cooker ready to go, they're just tired of it all. They've been shown multiple times these last few years just where their true place is in the scheme of things. Bent knee, Bowed head.
  18. Stop it, there's so many temples and street food.. and temples.. did I mention street food.
  19. side note Just a question about the image and the holstered firearm that officer is wearing. Isn't there supposed to be some sort of clip-over so that somebody faster than a brown sausage can't take said firearm?
  20. Theft: A Love Story Stealing some diamonds from a Thai repository, sure maybe, but stealing cheetos from a 7/11 not so much
  21. He needs Uncle P's cardboard stand-up sign guy, a few of those bad boys strategically placed and they can have "sightings".
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