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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. They may be copping some unseen flak for them to wheel out the JM and order him to tell everyone "nothing to see here, move on". Plus didn't they say that if the MFP says the word Thaksin they will go weapons hot?
  2. Wait, is Mike Lister the forums Quant? - I only know that term from the movie The Big Short - Also, I just tried rava fries, Indian seasoning, delish!
  3. If the brakes fail there is no Siam Spiderman to stop it. I was going to Photoshop Anutin's face in there, but meh, lazy.
  4. Why/How are they attempting, allegedly, to connect the budget to Tony?
  5. Thailand Targets <select from dropdown> Tourism Revenue big colossal enormous extensive gargantuan gigantic grand great heavy hefty huge immense imposing impressive mammoth monumental substantial towering tremendous vast
  6. https://bamboou.com/the-3-stages-for-turning-bamboo-into-a-reliable-construction-material/
  7. Birthrates are dropping in many places. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/18wqutp/chinas_birth_rate_has_collapsed_completely_197m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
  8. And now this apparently, crazy if true. https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=982427586577514&id=100044308452347&mibextid=WaXdOe
  9. Sure, but getting randomly poked by someone with special needs is different to someone taking the time to choose a target, prepare phlegm, aim, fire sputum, saunter off jauntily. Sometimes two tickets to the gun show is needed.
  10. Is this a different incident to this one? If it isn't, wow. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40033441
  11. I'm curious, if the borrower shuffles off this mortal coil , do the sharks then go after whoever is left to recover their money?
  12. I'm I'm doing one. 'Rescued a child now there's a problem' I saved the village headman's child from a buffalo stampede down the main street. Now there's this whole thing about a statue, I've declined of course, but they want me to pay a consulting fee for the statue quotation. The guy who 'broke ground' without an official go ahead also wants me to pay for his time, and a shovel he broke. His brother is a cop so I'm just going to have roll over and pay. grrrrrrr Mondays Thailand.
  13. Oh my, that is not what the Table wants, tik tok Srettha.
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