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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. Confirmed in Pinklao, asked the franchisee at our local, he said they adopted from beginning of August. I know cash is easy but after the removal of two nearby ATMs it's a pain in the derriere. Yes, was told the option for debit is always there, the banks didn't write a custom system for 7/11. In this store at least they are told by whatever passes here for 7/11 Corporate to not offer debit card options.
  2. - So, logically-- - If she weighs the same as a duck... - she's made of wood. - And therefore? - A witch! - A duck! A duck!
  3. He is the Highhhlander after all There can be only one! cue soundtrack Also, something else is brewing in the background, important arrivals spotted at airports after long absences, and it ain't Thaksin.
  4. Trump talk is always good for some light trolling on forums
  5. We can't do math. Or are they finally including all the sexy time money too?
  6. but garbage trains ? also, The HubLander There Can Be Only One!
  7. People have sucked throughout all human history, in the 80's we sucked but we sucked with big hair, neon colours and cassette mix tapes. Here is some Haiku (whatever) In progress we grow, Learning from our past mistakes, Better now we hope. Nah, we still suck but that's life. ????
  8. Survey's for Sale! Hot piping Survey's Here! Get Your Survey!
  9. A Thai friend tells the story that they did have bins once, but locals kept taking them to build cooking fire pit barrels. He does party a lot so maybe he is remembering something else. This is the Way.
  10. ..this reads like your average night in Soi Cowboy.
  11. Well sure maybe for some, but I can't make do with a whore's bath every day.
  12. There is no way they will dissolve the Senate structure, as an instrument of control it is 99% effective. It will be re-imagined/repurposed before the clock runs out.
  13. Jeez, pick a design style, eclecticism isn't a thing anymore.
  14. Hey everyone relax, take a week off, don't worry yourselves about those pesky going on's in Bangkok right now, eat drink bang in an orgy of excess. * This is in no way indicative of my average week..... okay, maybe the odd day here or there.
  15. We are a gullible breed... But help the old ladies and buy the orange juice.
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