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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. 90% of what is said on all forums is silly. Hedley Lamarr : My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives. Taggart : God darnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore. * not adjusted for inflation
  2. I've always wanted to ride a bike through the countryside, YouTube vids of people doing that here look like a blast... but I grew up with horses not bikes. I would die.
  3. The underlying reason is more related to "why don't my deadbeat parents love and care for me like other kids I see?" ..good luck kid
  4. from the Time article in 2018 ???? This is what I want you to understand about how I took this position. Personally, I never wanted to obtain power this way, never imagine becoming the prime minister like this. [The nation] was at the brink of destruction, and I could never let that happen.
  5. Stop it, it's all real and impacts all our lives, kings, queens, princesses, crying, harry, magic and castles.... The Windsors also on Netflix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_DCYMviMsU ????
  6. I do love the smell of mumbo-jumbo in the morning.
  7. Please tell me there's a room with a pinned string board and lots of photos/notes... standing there late at night.. "this means something" ????
  8. The package also contains the wind(s of change) from 100 youths after eating the cheapest shabu they could find one Saturday night. Maybe.
  9. FIFA: sure, we have a discount streaming package available for B600M. ** yes I know this isn't football
  10. Do you get a Thai name the same way you choose a porn name? YOUR PORN STAR NAME: (Name of first pet / Street you live on)
  11. Frustrated ☒ Loser ☒ Overweight ☐ Bald ☐ Fast Ageing Moaner ☒ Complainer ☐ Superiority Complex ☒ Likey Likey the Caramel corn ☒ dam I don't make the cut....
  12. A duck floats in water [bread, apples, very small rocks, cider, gravy, cherries, mud, churches, lead]. If the woman weighs the same as a duck, then she is made of wood. The woman weighs the same as a duck. Therefore, the woman is a witch?
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