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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. maybe this - they are well more educated leaches, in the land of the blind a one eyed man is king sort of thing going on.
  2. The nine or ten families that run things here act the same way.
  3. I've seen first hand how carnival rides here are "maintained", this may not end well. Paint in Thailand apparently has the bonding strength of concrete, must be the closeness to the Equator or something, science. 2 coats of paint thickly and messily applied? fwaoooar, that structure is never coming down.
  4. The first time I caught one of those buses the floor was wooden planks, took me back to me 'ol primary schools days it did.
  5. Mysteriously brandishing an axe in public
  6. For starters, when facing outward to the grown up world stop using the foolish nomenclatures. Any follow up by DW or German media is going to include references to, "yes they have assigned an officer named Big Joke to the case."
  7. Yes, I processed a transaction on Saturday and it was completed inside 10 minutes.
  8. I've have two transactions, one large, one small, with the status "We are unable to give you an update at the moment." for almost 24 hours now. - Not receiving their auto-response help emails either. They are usually fair to good, so hopefully they may just be having "a moment".
  9. Merchant navy? Pirate?
  10. Why is she smiling?
  11. a few images of him playing racquetball, he'd have to be getting bored by now.
  12. Thai Tom Selleck is on the case.
  13. If it happens what can you do, just breathe, know that your holiday awaits just steps beyond them, and imagine that she probably wanted to be an artist/writer, but she has to deal with all our smelly asses. - smelly because no bum gun yet.
  14. This, eat your vegetables, and scooter usage when small children are involved.
  15. That's it, fun for the kids. We drink. This is the way.
  16. this is, glorious! haha
  17. The Shinywhatthe clan can't claim any connection to the best blood in the Kingdom can they?
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