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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. Hah, what has AstraZeneca (Thailand) convinced them they need to buy. Anyone know where to find the yearly budgets of the DES and whatever DEPA is classed as?
  2. There will be an Ad for CP Sausages included for sure. Or a Buy Insurance link.
  3. fixing computers on exposed rooftops in HK is just asking for trouble
  4. There are very good reasons why you do not reveal details about a public shooter at this stage of an investigation. So desperate for PR they appear to be ignoring the fact he is a minor with a history of mental health problems. True or not, procedures are in place for good reason, but is that a thing here in Thailand? This is a typical clown show with everyone trying to jump in front of a camera because they're new to their positions and need to be seen. Dumb asses will end up with copycats.
  5. The media spin is taking on a different flavour with the new sheriff in town.
  6. Yeah, that sticky ping pong ball that stuck to my cheek when it was fired from across the room felt very conservative to me.
  7. It's always great to see sh????tty people complaining about other sh????tty people.
  8. No, yeah, this guy is possibly not a good guy.
  9. I get hand gestures directed at me all the time. Flipping the Garuda, someone told me, very old and full of meaning.
  10. We so desperately want to be "special" and just not a part of it All.
  11. Confirmed, not to mention they can now talk and snigger about me in three languages. It's funny when it's accidentally done in English. (I heard that! Remember I'm the one that speaks English dumb dumb! - laughter from other room.)
  12. Imagine being an agency with vast electronic surveillance capabilities, able to access almost all transmitted information. It's quite amusing to think about the countries that unintentionally provide entertainment to whoever is listening in.
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