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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. We're talking about an administration that blurs out booze, smoking, short skirts and boobs in movies/tv ...in 2022. ????
  2. All I know is that those Pattaya marathon girls need help getting their medical degrees too!
  3. Say they open the package and record the name, card number, expiry date and cvc number on the back. When the card is set to Active would it still be a security risk? I've got two cards I want sent and have been looking at options.
  4. I'm not saying there wasn't people around, I'm referring to the person allegedly looking after them let them wander off in the first place. I should of been clearer.
  5. You can't let a 6 year and a 4 year old wander off, at anytime, especially with water nearby. What is wrong with people, house plant IQs. -rip-
  6. Where do I plugin? I loved my MG during the uni days.
  7. from WIKI: It is also grown in Australia, where it has been grafted onto existing Kensington Pride trees. Cool Love Bowen mangoes too.
  8. Sweet and a lot of meat, the pit is smaller. There is a video on Reddit but I'm not sure if we're allowed to post it here
  9. Has anyone seen these for sale in Bangkok?
  10. Funny you should say that, I recall being told by an old educated "uncle", that while a bowl of somtam is cheap and it doesn't snow nothing will change in Thailand.
  11. Are "man traps" illegal here? Googling non lethal man traps is a rabbit hole..
  12. I guess the same can be said for "traditional" days and celebrations worldwide. Very few bear any resemblance to their beginnings.
  13. What have all these women been doing since the last bikini run... and where? Asking for a friend.
  14. Suggestions to make at the meeting: Add 1 extra jiggle of the hand pump at the petrol station, to shake out the extra drops. Multiply by 60 million people. Consolidate all your mia nois to the same postcode. Promote alternative sources of energy ie Coke is cheap.
  15. She has people all around her telling her what to do, everyone with a percentage would be "advising" her to do this and that. Also what is with the stupid pose they have her doing holding the bottle. Blurring of alcohol, cigarettes, short skirts/butts and cleavage when I first saw it here made me chuckle.
  16. So somebody connected high up wants to organise private and or corporate keggers, and needs to be able to serve alcohol until 11pm.
  17. I think I've seen that top location in some.. "videos".
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