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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. What is judged to be the tastiest (sweet) mango in Thailand?
  2. We have one laptop running Windows 8.1 in a room with a bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling. We all Google hackers to stay ahead of the threats. * He looks very sleepy
  3. yeah, learn to paint and smile, get those furious fingers off that keyboard. ????
  4. here we go.. so many bright shiny greedy eyes. What has it got in its pocketses? Cash, precious, yes yes. ????
  5. He will never face justice for what happened, as forum-rage inducing that is, he obviously has endless "kiss my ass" money. He will continue to live the high life abroad sipping Cristal, eating food off of the naked bodies of hot women and attending countless eyes wide shut parties. The only thing that has taken a hit is his ability to show off on social media.
  6. Exactly, he is living a rich persons life somewhere other than Thailand, aside from location very little has changed for him.
  7. So in all these years he has not called his mum or dad, other family etc? He has paid cash for every purchase he has made since being on the lamb?
  8. leave them alone, they're good girls just trying to pay their way through a uni medical degree. (ref: 90's movie)
  9. There is one particular lady IO at CW who from personal experience is adamant that anyone who has been here since the amnesty ended using covid extensions to stay is no longer eligible. Attempt to explain the extension requirements posted and she is then backed up by the old duck they have sitting in the back. Go back another day, different IO officer, no problem at all. "Remember the 5 D's of dodgeball: Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge." - Patches O'Houlihan.
  10. Which vaccine are they using to do this? In fact, have they actually purchased any vaccines (Moderna not included).. you know, with money?
  11. okay, they owe approximately 400 billion baht.. so they only need to sell 1,000,000,000 puff pastries at 40 baht a pop?
  12. So... the people you haven't managed to double jab are now on your list for not being double jabbed?
  13. I think they are closing on the 30th, if their Facebook page is correct.
  14. The relevant ministers are conspicuously quiet about recommendations for opening the schools. As mentioned in an earlier post, this being Thailand, nobody wants to be seen making a decision in case it all goes south due to low vaccination numbers amongst parents.
  15. Our school in Bangkok has officially announced they will be opening on the 15th to all ages today. They posted their "approval" letter from the health department online. As there are still so many people not fully vaccinated it's not clear how they will prevent kids from bringing the virus home to parents who haven't yet received any vaccine. Especially with the kindergarten classes, the kids more than likely will be fine, but they can still carry the Delta variant. Keeping them socially distanced all day will be akin to herding cats.
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