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Posts posted by Russell17au

  1. 41 minutes ago, chilly07 said:

    Why do they always wait until everyone has left before locking down. Have the decision makers all got investments in Hua Hin and Pattaya? They certainly did in Phuket! If the wealthy in Thailand put as much effort into procuring vaccines as they do protecting their money we would have 2 jabs for the entire population by now! Don't they realise the dystopian reality of a societal collapse or are they too busy moving funds and foreign currency reserves to off shore safe havens such as the UK property market?

    That is so that there are not as many people in Bangkok that are infected so the infected number can be decreased

    • Confused 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Plus it takes organisational skills, and forward thinking. Something lacking in Thailand.

    Not only in Thailand but in many first world countries as well. The big Pharma companies just cannot manufacture the vaccines quick enough to cover the needs of every country in the world. Without supplies of the large amounts of vaccines that are needed by each country to be able to vaccinate all the residents it is going to be like this until there is enough vaccine manufactured for each countries needs. There is no short cut or way around this problem unless there is a large increase of Big Pharma companies that can manufacture the vaccines.

  3. If I remember correctly it was only a couple of years ago the law about foreigners having guns changed. I thought it was now illegal for any foreigner to have a gun. And a good advertisement for the banning of alcohol to all foreigners, they just can't be trusted, make them all go to an alcohol dry out centre at the foreigners expense of course and those that still want to drink alcohol make them know that they are not wanted in Thailand. Filthy drunken, gun carrying foreigners, get rid of them all except those pure law abiding Chinese (and Australians of course)  

    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

    Australia has done remarkably well in controlling the COVID situation.


    The UK wouldn't lower itself to Thai levels with petty reciprocity.


    True, most of the government and authority figures in the UK are an absolute shambles, but they are still light years ahead of what passes for governance here. 

    You are missing the point that I am making. That is that Australia placed an order and paid for it with AstraZenica and when that order was ready the EU stopped it from being exported to Australia which did not allow Australia to meet the timeframe that it had set for vaccinations. Australia had no control over the order after it was placed and paid for. It was all under the control of the pharma company and the country of manufacture. We don't know if the same thing is happening here because Moderna is wanted in every country including the country where it is made.

    I do remember that it was stated by Thailand that the first order for Moderna was for 5 million to be delivered in October with another 1 Million to be delivered in December and the other 4 million to be delivered in early 2022

  5. 20 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

    True idiots running this.  Nobody has any clue.  You place an order and pay the bill.  Then you get the delivery.  Its so freaking simple!


    Eventually some of these idiots will be hanging from a tree.  Thai people have to much patience with these pathetic bed wetters dressed as Generals.

    So true idiots running Australia as well. Australia placed an order and paid for a shipment of AstraZenica and when it was ready for shipment the EU stopped the order from being exported because they did not have enough AstraZenica for themselves. So it is not that freaking simple. It depends on the Pharma company and the export country to release the shipment.

  6. 2 minutes ago, worldview said:

    If my company employed attorneys that took over 6 months to prepare a supply agreement, we would fire them - Zuellig is an experienced pharma company and the private hospitals have been negotiating with the US pharma companies since before year-end - there is no way it takes this long to secure additional supplies of vaccines - as usual, the government thinks that people are stupid and cannot see thru the government's duplicity - and we all know who benefits from this 'supply' shortage - what a farce!

    and how many other countries are trying to negotiate at the same time and to have their order delivered earlier than anyone else. Even the EU stopped a delivery of AZ from being exported to Australia which was ordered without a problem, because the EU wanted it for themselves. Maybe, just maybe it is not all the fault of the Thai Government maybe some of the fault lies with the big pharma companies and the countries that their head office is in. Also maybe some of these pharm companies just cannot meet the demand for their products.

  7. 22 minutes ago, Leaver said:


    I didn't ask how many you knew who did. 


    I ask how many do you think have?  



    Care to put a percentage on it?  


    At a rough guess I would say about 80% are certificate qualified. It is not like the olden days anymore. We have seen shops open only to close again within a week. Just using where we are in a radius of 1 kilometre there were 7 traditional massage shops and now there is only 2 left open. 4 of the shops were closed because they did not have the certificates that were required by MOPH. The other shop just closed.

  8. 1 hour ago, Leaver said:


    How many massage girls in Pattaya / Thailand do you think have secondary or tertiary education for massage?  

    A lot that I know of. My wife already had her certificates from a registered massage school in Bangkok from many years again and when the regulations changed she went back to a registered massage college here in Khon Kaen and re-did her courses and got her new certificates that were forwarded to Bangkok to receive her recognised certificate from the Thai government plus when that was done she sent her certificates to the Government and got her certificate to be able to open her own shop and then the shop was inspected by MOPH who gave their certificate of approval for the shop to open and last year we were ordered to close for 3 months because of Covid-19. When we were allowed to re-open we had to do many updates to the shop and follow the new restrictions and when we were ready to re-open we were inspected by MOPH again who issued us a new certificate to say that we were qualified to open again because we met the new regulations that were required. No woman works for us unless they can produce the required certificates and there are many other massage shops that meet these regulations. There was a problem a few years ago (about 2 years before Covid-19) when some customers died whilst being massaged and it was found that the girls doing the massage was not qualified or trained so the government had inspectors going around checking the shops and the girls qualifications. Some shops were closed until they could meet the new requirements. The owners of the massage shops that were involved with the deaths were charged by the government. So ,yes, there are many qualified masseuses in Thailand

  9. 4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    That shop would be an exception, many shops offer happy endings and even full sex. I don't bother, too old and my GF is always happy to help out.

    A shop with older women MAY offer happy endings. When it is staffed with 20-30 year olds, it's almost a given there will be several forms of sex on offer.

    It is not an exception at all as most of the shops in our area are well respected shops and the others are also well known for the extras they give. Most of the shops around Khon Kaen are owned by elderly owners and are worked by elderly trained and workers with MOPH trained certificates, whereas the other shops are worked by young girls who do not have the training and the massage certificates. 

  10. Normal price is 200 baht per hour for a Thai massage and the girls do not get paid while sitting around waiting for a customer and they get paid 50% of the fee for whatever massage they do and they are kicked out the door if they try any happy endings and the customer is also kicked out if they ask the girls for any extras. 

  11. Australian organisations notified the Office of the Australian Information Commission (OAIC) of 539 data breaches in the last six months of 2020, bringing the yearly total to 1051.


    These include all the banks in Australia, Centrelink (social security), Dept of Immigration and Border Patrol plus many private companies. How many breaches has there been in America or UK or Europe?


    Of the 539 breaches occurring between July and December last year, the number of incidents caused by human error increased by nearly 20 per cent, according to the Notifiable Data Breaches report.

    Data breaches caused by human error tend to be simple mistakes such as sending personal information to the wrong email recipient, unintentionally disclosing the information, or simply forgetting to use BCC in a mass email – as the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade did when sending bulk communications to Australian travelers stuck overseas last October.

  12. Well, All the Thai bashers are at it again, but they will not accept the "Data Leaks" that are occurring in Thailand but they cannot and will not admit to all the "Data Leaks" from banks, social security organisations and other government departments that occur in their first world home countries like America, UK, Australia and Europe. It does not matter what country it is in the world "computer data is not secure" If you do not want your information to be put onto a computer data base then don't give it to the organisation that wants it and just go home to your own country and curl up in a dark corner. 

  13. As an organiser of a couple of volunteer emergency rescue team and bush fire brigades in NSW, Australia who regularly donated blood at the local hospitals back in the 70's & 80's we were limited to donating at 3 month intervals and until the age of 60. The reason that we were given by the medical experts then was that it takes 3 months for the blood in the body to rejuvenate to the amount and strength that your own body needs and that once you reach the age of 60 it starts to take longer for your blood to build back up again. That is what I was told by the hospitals back then.

  14. 1 minute ago, CALSinCM said:

    I just find it interesting that it's oppressively hot and humid and with all the humidity there is only a few small scattered radar imagines of small thunderheads and microbursts but no soaking rains.  I going to welcome them when they get here.  I've been holding off on planting a vegetable garden.

    I have no problem with watering the vegies. I just stand in a large plastic dish and sweat and empty the dish on the garden. I know what you mean. But every time there seems to be a decent gathering of rain storms for some reason at the 8 or 16 kilometre mark it either goes around to the north or south of us or it splits and goes both sides of us or it peters out altogether and we get nothing. Maybe that bloke up there is as corrupt as those down here and he is waiting for his coffee money.

  15. On 5/18/2021 at 7:13 AM, Kiwiken said:

    Is there any Update on What has happened to this man's Body? 

    I got a phone call late yesterday that his body is being released from Uban hospital and his funeral is going to be held at Maha Sarakham on Saturday. I have been told that everyone in the Khon Kaen and Udon Thani area is meeting at Chilling Bar at 10.30 on Saturday morning and Paul the owner knows where about in Maha Sarakham the funeral will be and anyone without a car will be able to get a lift.

    That's as much as I know at this time.

  16. 5 minutes ago, rabas said:


    mRNA vaccines were developed over the last 10-20 years because they promise revolutionary safety. They use no part of any virus, live or dead.


    J&J was not developed like Sinovac, it's similar to a one shot version of AstraZenica, a viral vector vaccine.

    Both AstraZenica and the early release of J & J had deadly side effects and J & J withdraw their vaccine until recently when a new modified vaccine was released with no reports of side effects yet but AstraZenica has been withdrawn from use in Denmark and has been replaced by Pfizer as the main vaccine in the UK plus is still causing deadly blood clots in Australia. There is no way of telling if AstraZenica is going to effect you or not until it is too late and it has been injected into your body.

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