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Posts posted by Russell17au

  1. 12 hours ago, NanLaew said:


    Getting away from filthy cats for a moment, how did you cope with all that filthy bird poop over everything?

    Didn't have to worry about it because they knew where to go and do it same as some domestic cats and dogs can be trained just like you were trained? by your parents so your sarcastic stupid remark meant nothing

  2. The big problem in places like Thailand is who is going to teach these children to swim because at a guess I would say that 95% of the Thai adults can't swim either and that is where the problem lies there are not any swimming instructors to cover all of Thailand but there are many swimming pools which are located at hotels and condos and even they don't have swimming instructors so the poor kid that is playing with his/her friends feel hot and just jump into the local pond on the edge of their village and you have another tragedy like this one

    • Like 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, owl sees all said:


    Not a nice thing to say Russell.


    My cats were free to go anywhere. I don't have them at the farm any longer. But I do keep a couple at home. I'll warn them about straying on your patch.




    I see you have spent time in Oz. Do you know they kill koi carp with bows and arrows there for 'sport'? They shoot at kangaroos and try to catch rabbits; not to eat, but to skin. And don't get me started on camels!?


    Some strange people in Oz. Don't appreciate beauty.





    This is beauty which the filthy cats killed

    3 Mollie 5-1-2003.JPG

    25 Mollie.JPG





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  4. 4 minutes ago, owl sees all said:


    Not a nice thing to say Russell.


    My cats were free to go anywhere. I don't have them at the farm any longer. But I do keep a couple at home. I'll warn them about straying on your patch.




    I see you have spent time in Oz. Do you know they kill koi carp with bows and arrows there for 'sport'? They shoot at kangaroos and try to catch rabbits; not to eat, but to skin. And don't get me started on camels!?


    Some strange people in Oz. Don't appreciate beauty.





    Like I said keep your filthy cats off my property or they will be dead like the ones last week. Not like the strange demented idiots that would keep 40 filthy cats on their property. If you want to continue with you attempted demeaning of people then go right ahead because all it shows is what type of person you are.


  5. 1 minute ago, owl sees all said:


    Is this hypothetical? Or do 'filthy soi cats' actually come onto your property.


    Cats are animals of the earth. They need our love not hate. Why not catch one and give it a little clean if you think it is dirty.


    I used to have over 40 cats at the farm. They are lovely.



    The filthy things destroyed many of my pets so you can keep your filthy cats on your own property and it is because of cat lovers that Victoria brought in laws to protect the native marsupials that the "beautiful" cats were killing. As far as I'm concerned cats are vermon and should be treated that way. If you want cats then keep the things on your own property or if you let one come onto my property to try and kill my pets then it will be killed.

  6. 8 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    Take the cats away and the rats will come.


    With the rats come snakes and dragons.


    These reptiles can bite people; some could die.

    So according to you I must allow the filthy soi cats to come onto my property and kill my pets. Filthy soi cats carry many life threatening diseases like rabies and if you are bitten or scratched by one of these filthy soi cats then you can die. You want these filth then you can have them but keep the bloody filth on your own property.

  7. 3 minutes ago, tifino said:

    this model doesn't seem to affect birdies (cockatiels/budgies) 

     - but it really sends cockroaches and especially earwigs bonkers. They go crazy for that first day spinning in random circles... and then they are all gone 


    as far as other animals are concerned, I'm happier that we only have goldfish right now ????   

    Can you send me the details on make/model/etc. Where did you buy yours from Bunnings?

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, tifino said:

    for those who really don't want any cats around...

    the following will do a pretty good job of keeping them away from your space


    This Model makes Cats - 'S.E.P'   (somebody else's problem)




    I have over the year tried out a myriad of models/designs

    - and this one worked best for me 



    unfortunately that also affects other animals as well, so I cannot use one or it will affect my pets in the same way it would affect the bloody soi cats and dogs

  9. What vaccine is safe. All of them seem to have some serious side affects to them and you don't know until after it has been injected into you. Some say that the risk is worth it. They wont say that if they are one of the ones that suffer from a serious side effect, like a blood clot going to the heart as is what has happened in various countries around the world and is still happening in Australia with more cases reported this morning.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Susco said:


    Why would I pay 207 Baht + shipping for 5 of those cheap items, when the normal price is 32 Baht + shipping, for 10 pieces delivered to my doorstep?



    You do not explain yourself very well. Ok then why not buy this lot and it will only cost you 54 Baht which includes delivery, why whinge about it because you will not be able to buy the item over the counter for that price here in Thailand and go in your own can to pick it up. Looking at this add this item comes from China which is always cheaper than Thailand.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Russell17au said:

    but the fuel in your car is not. You can pay 200 baht and they are delivered to your door or you can pay 10 baht and then use 300 baht in fuel running around to pick the things up. Definitely needs to learn economics and look what cost will be involved in going and pick the item up personally and adding that to the cost of the item. Also if you take your own car then you also run the risk of an accident even if it is not your fault will be more expense. But you might say that I will not use that amount of fuel, but what about wear on tyres, wear on brake pads and other normal wear and tear on the vehicle, that all must be taken into consideration, it is not just the price of the item. 200 Baht for 5 pieces delivered to the front door to me is worth it. 


  12. 15 hours ago, Susco said:


    My time is free.


    A non return valve cost 14 Baht, so why would a much simpler item cost 3 times that, and then you also have to take 5 pieces to get that price?

    but the fuel in your car is not. You can pay 200 baht and they are delivered to your door or you can pay 10 baht and then use 300 baht in fuel running around to pick the things up. Definitely needs to learn economics and look what cost will be involved in going and pick the item up personally and adding that to the cost of the item.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Excel said:

    Well the reports state the gender of the two unfortunate ladies that died as well as the gender of the vehicle drivers. So based on what was reported how can you not be sure gender comes into it ?

    There was only 1 person who died in this accident but you are too busy trying to prove that you are a complete goose and that you have not read the OP properly before you prove that my assumption of you is correct.

  14. 23 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    to make it as easy as possible for people back home, pre-arrange and prepay through Amar and give them (relatives at home) all the details. Then all they will have to do is inform the Embassy of the arrangement and authorize Amar to collect the body.

    Unfortunately Sheryl I would guess that there are many single retired farangs here in Thailand that have not given this matter any thought. Those that are married is a different story because they have next of kin here.

  15. 20 hours ago, natway09 said:

    I feel sorry for the old boy (as I am).

    It sounds like the family want nothing to do with him anyway, was there not someone he was living with in Maha Sarakam who can organise a simple funeral, once the Embassy give the all clear. Public Hospital charges will be minimal.

    I went to a Swiss guy's funeral in Bangkok (he was a pauper basically)where we still said goodbye with the 4 monks chanting. very simple, 35,000 Bht. 12 of us chipped in.

    No he was on his own but he is not in the hospital at Sarakham he is in the hospital at Ubon. It appears that all his close friends are not even interested, so much for close friends.

    • Sad 1
  16. 13 minutes ago, BadSpottedDog said:

    Let people quarantine at home if they are asymptomatic or mildly ill. No one wants to be in a hospital for 2 plus weeks, especially if they aren't feeling that sick. There is no need for hospital in these cases. If this change is made, then people won't be so afraid to give information. 

    How many would stay within their homes for 14 days. If they are not willing to disclose where they have been then they will not be willing to self quarantine

    • Sad 1
  17. To those of you who are screaming out and complaining about your exercise and your bike riding without wearing masks is easily fixed. Go and buy a treadmill or an exercise bike and then you can do you own thing on your own property and before you say you want to be in the fresh air then even a condo has a balcony so there is no excuse for you to exercise around public areas without wearing a mask plus the advantage of having your own exercise bike or treadmill at home is that there is no excuse for not exercising when it is raining. Obey the law.

    There are many budding scientists on here that falsely claim that the wearing of masks do not work and they have even quoted figures, one person quoted 30 million people have been infected. Well I want all those that think they are that good to list all the figures around the world of how many people would have been infected and how many people would have died if the mandatory mask wearing laws was not introduced. Mandatory mask wearing laws did reduce the amount of people that have been infected and it did reduce the amount of people who have died from this virus. You prove otherwise. 

  18. 7 minutes ago, phantom51red said:

    Because they can get away with it mostly,and well it feels so good to have the nice warm breeze blowing through your hair if ye have any,kinda the same reason a dog enjoys sticking his head out the car window,so was the lack of helmets to blame for them coming off the bike or maybe a thais bad driving ?

    I think if you read the post properly you will see that it was not a Thai rider but a farang rider and his Thai girlfriend. You are exactly right about getting away with it and that just breeds an arrogance into the way of the farangs in Thailand. They have not got the guts to go back to their home countries and break the laws that they break here in Thailand but they will continually put s**t on the Thai's.

    • Confused 2
  19. 3 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

    I could be +/-5% for all we know. Look up the COVID infections vs annual flu in any given year and the numbers are pretty similar.  Those are those facts as we observe them.

    But you have not answered how many people would have been infected by Covid-19 if no one wore masks. You are the one who claims that 30 million contracted the virus while people were wearing masks.

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  20. 1 hour ago, NorthernRyland said:

    People are talking the like the USA didn't already test the idea of mass masking the population as public health measure. Despite mask mandates in nearly all states for many months, 30 MILLION infections, which is roughly the same recorded for flu every year. It's even possible the masks did literally nothing at all.


    Government officials says masks work? Tell that to the 30 million who were infected and many more who went on to die.

    OK, with all your brains and figures. Tell me how many would have been infected if no one wore masks as you and many others would like. Thailand has passed the laws for mask wearing and it is your responsibility to obey the law. What would happen to you if you disobeyed the law in your home country?

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  21. .A friend of mine died yesterday in hospital and the only family he has are back in the UK and have had nothing to do with him for years and they have even changed their phone numbers so that he cannot contact them. He lived in Maha Sarakham and he recently retired from work and he moved to a new address and a friend of his asked him to go to Ubon to a wedding, whilst at the wedding he ate some Isaan food and developed stomach pains and diarrhea which he ended up collapsing and nobody was game enough to take him to hospital because they were afraid he had Covid and it took 3 hours from the time he became sick for an ambulance to take him to hospital where he unfortunately died. Now his body is at the hospital waiting for documents to arrive from the British Embassy. But the problem that has come up is who can pick up his body when there is no family members in Thailand? Also what happens about a funeral? 

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