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Posts posted by Russell17au

  1. 6 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    It seems to have escaped your notice that only a miniscule number of people who test positive will get any symptoms at all, let alone need any treatment. 

    If I cut my knee should I be hospitalised for a couple of weeks in case I get Tetanus? 

    It's insane blocking up hospitals with asymptomatic 'patients'!

    You seem to forget that Thailand set up all those field hospitals and hospitels for those that gave a positive result so that they could be monitored and transferred to a hospital and treated if they showed any symptoms and if they gave 2 consecutive negative results they were released and as most of these field hospitals are now closed because of the low infection numbers anyone who gives a positive result is sent to a hospital to be monitored.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, JustAnotherHun said:

    It seems you have no idea what you're talking about.

    Worlds most contagious virus? BS!

    Anayone who's infected is taken to a hospital? LoL! As long as you're tested positive but asymptomatic, you do not need any treatment and surly not in a hospital. Otherwise there would be MILLIONs of people in each country staying in a hospital. Positive but asymptomatic means quarantaine at home, nthing else.

    You need to go back to school and learn to read. I said the CURRENT which is something that it appears that you cannot see and understand

  3. 4 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

    Hospitals are for sick people, if you’re not sick and forced into hospital it’s nothing more than a scam and open to serious abuse. Self isolation is a different story and there should be a way to enforce and monitor it. The successful opening of the country could screech to a halt when this gets around.

    So if you show a positive test result to the current worlds most contagious virus you are not sick so you do not need to be hospitalised? So as far a concerned you must wait until a person is dying before they are taken to hospital for treatment. The people that I know who have had a positive result to this virus has been taken to hospital where they received treatment to try a minimise the affect and to try and stop it from progressing further. Which is something that they do not get when in Quarantine.

    • Confused 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, Morty T said:

    Not following the logic here. If someone tests positive after landing, it would follow suit that everyone else on the plane with this person should also be quarantined. They were also exposed. 

    No one knows and it has not been reported if the other passengers have been notified to get a covid check. But knowing what it is like on here there will be all the warriors screaming that the other passengers have not been notified when they do not know same as the taxi driver.

  5. 19 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

    So, the Thai people who have been close to that infected farang also have to quarantine in an expensive hotel? I don't think so. This is about money. Several Thai people in my neighborhood in Bangkok have tested positive during the pandemic and all of them have simply been told to go home and self-isolated. All of them. (And, not all were asymptomatic.) None of their family members were carted off to quarantine. Exactly none.

    That is right they tell the Thai's to go home and self quarantine. You seem to forget that this man and his family are not Thai's and they are not residents of Thailand so yes just tell them to go home and self quarantine when they don't have a home in Thailand.

  6. I definitely would not get in any vehicle driven by the OP because he does not know where the equator is located as every big conflict since WW2 has been in the Northern Hemisphere and I would like to hear him tell the families of the men that were with me in Vietnam that did not return home that it was not a major conflict.

    • Like 2
  7. Just be careful with Wise as there has been a lot on this site and other sites that have reported that their Wise transfers do not show as international transfers into their Thai bank accounts. I do not use Wise as my pension is paid directly from the Australian government into my Thai bank account but this year I have been asked for proof of where my income is derived from. I have provided a document from the Australian government pension 

    • Like 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

    Dunno ask the Thais that have lost their livelihoods, penniless, and no hope of a future. Add the increase in suicides, mental health issues etc. 

    For 9 Covid deaths/million of population over the past week. 



    No, ask the Thai families who have lost their love ones including men, women and children and the family breadwinner from this virus that now has no hope for the future. Atleast anyone who is still alive has a chance of working through this if they want to.

    • Thanks 2
  9. Well so much for "Lionrock" we didn't get one drop of rain in Khon Kaen. On the radar last night it covered the whole of the north east from the Laos border down to Udon Thani and across to Mudkahan but that was as far as the rain went. To be honest thou it is good because now the floods that came from Chiayaphum have a chance to move on and the people on the southern outskirts of Khon Kaen will be able to return to their homes until the next big one hits. Take care and keep safe everyone 

  10. Today I went back to the same spot that I went to yesterday on Mittraphap Road and the water level has dropped about another 100mm but unfortunately that is not enough of a drop before "Lionrock" hits and looking at the Khon Kaen weather radar the rain is going to arrive before daybreak tomorrow. I looked at the Thai Meteorological Department website and then their satellite images and it clealy shows "Lionrock" and "Kompasu" but if you look further out into the South China Sea there is another larger depression heading this way. At the moment the weather reports for Khon Kaen for the next 7 days are thunder showers list every day with tonight 30%, tomorrow, 70%, Tues 40%, Wed 60%, Thurs 70%, Fri 70% and Sat 60%. I could not find any report on the depression that is following after "Kompasu".



  11. 4 minutes ago, Hamus Yaigh said:

    My Thai bank credit card is based on the balance in a fixed deposit account at the bank. You need a minimum 50kTHB in the fixed deposit account to get a credit card with a limit to the value of the fixed deposit account. Age doesn't come into it.

    Yes, but the bank has access to your fixed deposit of at least 50k THB to cover your credit card debt if you die. That is different to what is happening to this gentleman.

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    • Confused 1
  12. 1 minute ago, mikebike said:

    55555... yes this!! Because no one that age has "assets" that the cc company could check. What planet r u on?

    I'm on the planet called Earth, and in a country called Thailand, unlike you it appears. You are dealing with commercial enterprises like banks that are only interested in making a profit with the least expenses involved and a person at his age is classified as a risk because of his life expectancy. So what planet r u on to not know that they look at the life expectancy of the applicant.

    • Sad 1
  13. You want to renew your credit card at the age of 77. I would not renew your credit card at that age. You want the use of someone else's money instead of using your own. If you renewed your credit card at your age you could run up that much debt and then die and the bank would never be able to recover their money. No one would give you a CREDIT card at your age, a DEBIT card, yes, because with the debit card you are using your own money and not someone else's money. Why should a bank take the risk of you dying before you pay back the money. Face the facts that you are just like me, you are too old to be trusted with a credit card.

    • Sad 7
  14. On "My Khon Kaen" the the great illusionist General Anupong Paochinda, Minister of the Interior visited the Huai Phra area. Phra Lap Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Khon Kaen Province to monitor water management so that water does not flood the inner economic area. So far the water at the D8 floodgate has risen 4 metres and the outflow from the Ubonrat Dam has been reduced to 15 million cubic metres per day. The Interior Minister said that water management by all sectors can be done effectively and if there is no more rain It is expected that in about 10 days the flood situation in Khon Kaen province will begin to unfold. The thing is that this idiot forgot to check the weather report which shows thunderstorms for all next week because of the tropical storm "Lion Rock" that are approaching from the South China Sea. Plus the Thai Meteorological Department has issued 40% Thunderstorms for Sunday with 60% for Monday to Wednesday and 70% for Thursday & Friday with unknown report at the moment for any further activity. So "IF" there is no further rain then the floods should start to ease in 10 days. What an idiot.

    • Like 1
  15. On 10/7/2021 at 12:05 PM, nahkit said:

    I believe its actually the Chonnabot dam releasing water that has caused this rather than the Ubolratana dam.

    Actually the main problem is both dams because they cannot stop either dams from releasing water. The Ubolratana is releasing water that is entering the Chi river downstream of the main flood front and that water is acting like a brake and slowing the flow of the water up stream of the river and not allowing the flood water to flow away quick enough and the water from the Chonnabot is being fed by the Chiayaphum flood waters and that is coming in behind the Khon Kaen flood waters. If they don't get the water at the front moving quicker then the water at the rear will build up higher and the water at the front is from Ubolratana dam. They are going to set up 12 water pushers at the front of the flood to push the water to Maha Sarahkam dam so that the water level at the rear will drop. At the moment the Ubolratana dam is at 90% and building up so at the moment they can control the water coming out of Ubolratana but once it hits 100% then there is no control of what comes over that wall and unless they get that water moving quickly before next week when there is more monsoonal rain to hit this area there is going to be some really serious flooding

  16. 36 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    Muang Kao Sukhothai Historical Park and Temples are open and have had no floods.

    I guess they sent all excess water south.



    Meuang Kao, Khon Kaen not Muang Kao, Sukhothai, and Khon Kaen is not south of Sukhothai it is east and the water that is flooding this area is the water from the Chiayaphum floods moving north in the Chi River plus the water that is released from Ubolrotana dam into the Chi River to alleviate flooding from around the dam catchment area 

  17. 31 minutes ago, EricTh said:

    Something is fishy about this story.


    Do you really need a gun to rob a pensioner (someone older than you) in a house? A big knife would be more than enough for most robbers. You only need a gun to rob a bank with security guards.


    For all we know, the swiss guy could have used the gun to hit the robber's head .


    Else how can a scuffle result in his death?


    By the Thai guy hitting his head on the concrete wall or on the concrete floor causing a skull fracture and a brain bleed like what happens to many who are king hit and knocked off their feet

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