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Posts posted by Russell17au

  1. On "My Khon Kaen" the the great illusionist General Anupong Paochinda, Minister of the Interior visited the Huai Phra area. Phra Lap Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Khon Kaen Province to monitor water management so that water does not flood the inner economic area. So far the water at the D8 floodgate has risen 4 metres and the outflow from the Ubonrat Dam has been reduced to 15 million cubic metres per day. The Interior Minister said that water management by all sectors can be done effectively and if there is no more rain It is expected that in about 10 days the flood situation in Khon Kaen province will begin to unfold. The thing is that this idiot forgot to check the weather report which shows thunderstorms for all next week because of the tropical storm "Lion Rock" that are approaching from the South China Sea. Plus the Thai Meteorological Department has issued 40% Thunderstorms for Sunday with 60% for Monday to Wednesday and 70% for Thursday & Friday with unknown report at the moment for any further activity. So "IF" there is no further rain then the floods should start to ease in 10 days. What an idiot.

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  2. On 10/7/2021 at 12:05 PM, nahkit said:

    I believe its actually the Chonnabot dam releasing water that has caused this rather than the Ubolratana dam.

    Actually the main problem is both dams because they cannot stop either dams from releasing water. The Ubolratana is releasing water that is entering the Chi river downstream of the main flood front and that water is acting like a brake and slowing the flow of the water up stream of the river and not allowing the flood water to flow away quick enough and the water from the Chonnabot is being fed by the Chiayaphum flood waters and that is coming in behind the Khon Kaen flood waters. If they don't get the water at the front moving quicker then the water at the rear will build up higher and the water at the front is from Ubolratana dam. They are going to set up 12 water pushers at the front of the flood to push the water to Maha Sarahkam dam so that the water level at the rear will drop. At the moment the Ubolratana dam is at 90% and building up so at the moment they can control the water coming out of Ubolratana but once it hits 100% then there is no control of what comes over that wall and unless they get that water moving quickly before next week when there is more monsoonal rain to hit this area there is going to be some really serious flooding

  3. 36 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    Muang Kao Sukhothai Historical Park and Temples are open and have had no floods.

    I guess they sent all excess water south.



    Meuang Kao, Khon Kaen not Muang Kao, Sukhothai, and Khon Kaen is not south of Sukhothai it is east and the water that is flooding this area is the water from the Chiayaphum floods moving north in the Chi River plus the water that is released from Ubolrotana dam into the Chi River to alleviate flooding from around the dam catchment area 

  4. 31 minutes ago, EricTh said:

    Something is fishy about this story.


    Do you really need a gun to rob a pensioner (someone older than you) in a house? A big knife would be more than enough for most robbers. You only need a gun to rob a bank with security guards.


    For all we know, the swiss guy could have used the gun to hit the robber's head .


    Else how can a scuffle result in his death?


    By the Thai guy hitting his head on the concrete wall or on the concrete floor causing a skull fracture and a brain bleed like what happens to many who are king hit and knocked off their feet

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  5. It would be interesting in what the cause of death is. In the pictures that I have seen they look as if the Thai guy has his head very close to the concrete wall. Has he died from head injuries inflicted when he fell and hit his head either against that wall or on the concrete on the ground. If this is the case then there is a good chance of the Swiss guy being found innocent on the grounds of self defence. There are many cases in Australia where a 1 hit assault has become a murder conviction because it was a deliberate act but with this case I would think that the Swiss guy did not deliberately hit this guy so that his head would hit the concrete with enough force as to cause a head injury which would cause the Thai guys death

  6. 58 minutes ago, Hanuman2547 said:

    Are they sure the person that they have detained is the right guy?

    I would say at a guess that they have the right guy as it has now been released that he has confessed to both the rape and assault on the masseuse in Khon Kaen plus to the sexual molesting of the 12 year old school girl at a roadside food stall at Ban Phae on his way back to Nana. He claims that it was because of the use of the illegal drug speed that led him to commit these offences.

  7. There is one thing that I have got to give this scumbag and that is he rode that motocross bike from Nana to Khon Kaen to molest a 12 year old school girl at Ban Phae then attempt to rape and attack a 45 year old masseuse in Khon Kaen or vice-versa and then get on that bike and ride it back to Nana. That would be about 1,100 to 1,200 kilometres, boy I reacon his a*s would be sore after that bike ride

    • Haha 1
  8. It has been reported on Thai news that the lady has woken up but is unable to speak owing to injuries to her face and throat. Her boss has been interviewed on the news and she has said that there is a camera set up in the desk area and that this camera has caught some of the attack and she has handed this to the police. The police have stated that this man did on the same day sexually molest a school girl in the Ban Phai area. So it is hard to say where this piece of scum lives. He rides a red motocross bike with no number plate so the bike is not registered and cannot be traced to any address, such is the slackness of both the government and the police.

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  9. 1 hour ago, timendres said:

    If you are living with your wife (or any other individual), and there is no rental agreement, then you would show the proof of living with the wife (Thabian baan, ID, photos). If you have a rental agreement, then such evidence is not required.

    Read what I wrote. I said there is no wife for a starter and I am not living with anyone and the rental agreement finalised years ago and I am on a month by month rental

  10. 18 minutes ago, tonray said:

    He is just providing proof of where he lives which is sometimes necessary when you don't have a rental agreement to show.

    I can provide that without providing a wife's tabien bahn, a wif's ID card, photo's of me with the family outside and photo's of me with the family inside the house. I can the landlord to produce the "Landlord's tabien bahn", the "landlord's ID, photo's of me only outside the house and photo's of me only inside the house. If he does not have a rental agreement the he only needs the land owner's Tabien Bahn and ID to show where he lives with a photo of just him outside the house showing the number. There is no wife in my life so according to you I cannot get a retirement extension at Nakhon Si Thamarath unless I have a wife. I have lived in Thailand for over 12 years and had both retirement and marriage extensions and I have never heard such BS

  11. Isuzu is the oldest manufacturer of small diesel pick-ups. They have been rebadged for GMH (Holden Rodeo, Chevrolet) for years and their experience has come from the building of large diesel trucks. They only built diesel vehicles and never played with petrol family cars. I would not go past Isuzu for experience in the small diesels.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, StreetCowboy said:

    Private cars are not a necessity, despite what their owners pretend.
    If we got rid of them, traffic would be improved immensely.  But no, people insist that forming a traffic jam is an essential necessity of modern life.

    Part of what you say is true but no government in any country in the world could have a public transport system that catered for every person in every location at every hour that would be needed. example what are you going to supply to pick up workers that finish work at 02:30 and there are 50 of them that live in all different directions and distances. Private transport is a necessity.

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  13. 8 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I lost a friend because of a driver who had consumed alcohol and still got in his car. Its just sad that people put their selfish needs first and then kill innocent people. Too bad that the punishment in the Netherlands is not that strict.

    It took time but now in Australia if you are caught eating or drinking anything whilst you are actually driving a vehicle you are put off the road and get a hefty fine as well, because whilst eating and drinking when actually driving you do not have full control of the vehicle that you are driving, thus even drinking hot coffee and you have to hit the brakes in an emergency and that hot coffee spills in your lap and causes a split second reaction by you that has now cost the lives of an innocent father, mother and 2 young children aged 5 and 8 years

  14. 4 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Not really I just got good memory and crazy stuff stand out. I mean admitting to going to bars  drinking and then driving back home because you think taxis are to expensive. 


    So no not a fan just a good recollection of stupid things. 

    Forget it robblok because people like these idiot just don't care and they never will until it is their family that is killed in a vehicle accident that a driver like these idiots has caused and I am talking from over 25 years experience of removing the bodies of men, women and children that have been killed by these type of irresponsible people.

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  15. 6 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

    You're quite right, registration and insurance would make these disability conveyances much safer for the able bodied in their cars and and on our 1000cc rocket ship bikes.

    And while they are about it, what's with cyclists being unregistered and uninsured. They kill more people and scratch more entitled peoples cars than a granny on an electric scooter. And don't get me started on the scratches a shopping cart can do to a car. Who pays for that?

    And those athleticcy people running down our roads, they make a hell of a dent in the bonnet/hood when they get in way and smash in to my car, Who pays for that? And animals wandering out of the forest on to my road, where's their insurance to pay for any damage they cause?

    Children and people who can't drive cars should be kept locked up in their houses away from my road in case they damage my car! 

    Plus what about those irresponsible pet owners who allow their pets to roam the roads and cause all sorts of damage and not pay for any damage that their pets cause. Dogs chasing children on pushbikes and nipping their legs and causing the child to fall off the bike, dogs chasing cars and motorbikes and causing accidents, who pays for that damage? It seems that there are a lot of selfish inconsiderate people around who want people with a disability to be locked in their homes all the rest of their lives. Well, I hope a lot of these inconsiderate people end up with disabilities and then they might become a bit more educated and be a bit more thoughtful to the disabled people.

  16. 5 minutes ago, IraqRon said:

    cool . i like it.  company or brand name please.  the pic is sort of fuzzy on my notebook so I couldn't makeit out.  Looks like what I am wanting.  thanks.

    Ok, IraqRon it is a U888 and if you go on Lazada now and just type U888 in the search it will come up with this model and at the moment there are a few sellers with them for just under 16k. I am very happy with mine.

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