A yellow house book would probably suffice, as would any recent correspondence addressed to you from say a bank. FWIW I keep past copies of my bank credit card bill, for this purpose.
The YHB is what I used recently when I applied for a TIN.
I used an app called PDFgear on my PC to add text and my scanned signature to the forms. There is a bit of a learning curve however. Alignment can be a little "fiddley" when entering characters/numbers into pre-defined boxes. I find it a doddle after using it for years.
I've just finished season 1 of The Queens Gambit and it was very good IMHO. I passed on it the first time round, but following a recommendation by @LosLobo recently, I decided to give it a go. Glad I did. Thanks @LosLobo.
Thanks for that - but I already have 3 VPNs 2 by choice (Nord and Proton and 1 bundled in Norton)
If surfshark can do it then why can't others? I'll ask them.
NordVPN also has URL based split tunnelling in the NORDVPN browser extension as well as APP based.
Check this out https://nordvpn.com/features/split-tunneling/
After having a few beers with my pals this afternoon, I stopped at a local market on the way home to get some pork scratchings / pig skin. One bag for me to enjoy with my beer whilst listening to music and the other for SWMBO + mam-in-law + sister-in-law as a side dish for the somtam. Everyone happy.