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  1. Hi All, I used Carpenter luggage repair (in Google maps) in Bangkok. Picked up my case, repaired and dropped it back at the house within 1 day. Paid 1600B in total for 4 wheels. Excellent work. My wife used the Line App to talk to them.
  2. Hello Mod, bought a battery already. You can close this thread. Thank you.
  3. Hello all, I'm working overseas and looked for a user manual for a Mazda 3.2 liter BT-50 Pro 4WD 2012 without luck. Would anyone be kind enough to verify if a 63amp battery is an adequate replacement size and recommend any brands. Many thanks, James.
  4. Yes, next time I return l will do the TM30 asap just to be on the safe side.
  5. Just an update: I went to IT Laski yesterday on the off chance without a TM30. Was told TM30 was not necessary, nor were my wife's ID card and house book. Got 30 days extension stamp for 1900B. Not an unpleasant experience at all. Thank you for all the replies I received here.
  6. Sorry for all the questions about the TM30. The address was approved online, l filled in the name, passport and phone numbers and saved. I just checked for approval and is showing an excel form to fill, but no way to type in it when l open it. Any ideas please?
  7. Thank you all, I just applied online.... However, is the first registration page for me or my wife? I thought it was her name but now doubting myself. Thanks again.
  8. Thanks, l was up there for 3 weeks and now in BKK. As l said l just purely forgot about the TM30
  9. Thank you DrJack. So if they send me away tomorrow for not having a TM30, do we apply online today or can pay a fine tomorrow?
  10. Thank you very much. I have a British passport and arrived via air. I will go to IT Laski mall, but do we do the TM30 before or in the immigration office there? Does my wife need to join me? Thank you again.
  11. Hi all, I came back to Thailand 12th July for vacation/ visit family. I forgot to inform my wife to do a TM30. My visa expires 10th August and l want to extend for another 10 days. Will there be a problem asking for extension in Chaeng Wattana tomorrow? Does my wife need to go with me? Many thanks for feedback.
  12. Changed the fuel filter yesterday and seen an improvement. Thank you for your suggestion.
  13. I cannot recall the last time for the fuel filter, the air filter was changed along with the engine brake and oil 10k km ago. I'll have them check the fuel filter. Thank you.
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