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Everything posted by james.d

  1. 7/11 have 'Rock lce' that certainly may be an option for you.
  2. Just to be clear... You have an ice machine that you brought from Switzerland, you prefer Mont Fleur. However, the cost of electricity is expensive and the time to freeze water is long.. Also the shape of local ice is gross... (Don't take offense)
  3. I've had them from Villa but only found Villa 33 and Thonglor.
  4. I failed to add the image of what l would like to bake
  5. I'll see what the red SAF is like and try a different after that.. I make 'artisan' bread as l have have a Dutch oven and it's no knead. I'll try for a crusty loaf in a square tin one day.... Thanks for your feedback.
  6. Being a novice bread maker l didn't know there are different yeasts. I usually use the gold SAF instant yeast, but saw they have different types I've ordered the red as l don't add sugar to my bread recipe but curious if anyone has tried it already? https://www.lazada.co.th/products/saf-instant-yeast-i2839983354-s10364540822.html?spm=a2o4m.tm80108896.min-pdp.1.67069RYP9RYPtC.67069RYP9RYPtC
  7. Kenny, I just use it basically as a slow whisk/stirrer for 2 - 3 minutes and don't proof mine twice. It sounds like your making a more professional bread than mine. Best of luck.
  8. I use a danish bread whisk as l only bake 1 at a time every couple of days and don't have a mixer.. Good luck and if you have the time let us know how you get on. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/13-inch-dough-mixer-large-wooden-mixer-with-stainless-steel-ring-traditional-dutch-mixer-baking-tool-dough-whisk-i3697061069-s13984943477.html?spm=a2o4m.tm80108725.min-pdp.1.2e3ewN7xwN7xJE.2e3ewN7xwN7xJE
  9. Hi Kenny, I'm no expert by any means, but my bread (I posted here somewhere) wasn't rising as much as l expected, I watched a lot of videos and now proof mine overnight in the fridge and the results have really improved. I think the proofing height will decrease when shaped? Again, I am not an expert and this is for no knead bread in a dutch oven. https://youtu.be/Xw_NgS8iqhU
  10. Thanks for your reply, l leave mine to prove overnight in the fridge, maybe I'll let in prove longer next time.
  11. Looks great, I've been doing the no knead bread for a while now. Are yours pictured a sour dough? Thanks
  12. Thanks Kenny and Billd.
  13. What cuts do you do Kenny? As l said, I've being do only loin. What cut would you use for collar bacon? Cheers.
  14. Getting a little bored of eating loin bacon and only found 1 decent slab of belly pork in the last couple of months. Anyone doing collar bacon? Is it called pork butt cut or shoulder here? Thanks
  15. Looks like it makes a great pizza. Extra anchovies on mine and deliver to Sai-Mai please.
  16. Thank you for your help.
  17. Thank you again, any chance of a photo or model please when you have time? My battery is 12v 71Ah.
  18. Many thanks for you feedback. I was looking at those chargers on Lazada and didn't understand what the repair function was ... now l do. I'll try a charger (6A is sufficient?) Thanks again.
  19. Looking for a little advice from more knowledgeable than myself. The Panasonic battery on my pick up is low, not enough power to start the engine. It was replaced 26/10/63. I haven't used the truck on a long run (a few kms only and stop/start etc) for about 1 month. Is it worth buying a battery charger or just get a new battery? Thanks in advance.
  20. It was March, sometimes the search facility doesn't work here I think
  21. There is a thread regarding air fryers a couple of months ago with alot of replies and info. Hopefully you find what you're looking for. Cheers.
  22. Delicious pies... a different type of crust though. Kindly share if you ever find one here.
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