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Posts posted by petercool

  1. We only the hear the horror stories and the successes are rarely talked of so a very biased view is there.

    It is not so easy for retired men in Pattaya to meet girls who are working in a bank or an office whereas those living and more normally working in Bangkok get to meet many in their daily working life. However, I know many men who have had very successful relationships for many years that started right here in Pattaya regardless of where they first met.

    • Like 2
  2. ^^

    That's the beauty of their sophisticated mathematics and calendar system.

    The 25,800 years refers to the time the solar system takes to re-align to the universe in cycles.

    Or something like that. It does so again at end 2012.

    We can multiply days of a year by any number and they could too - and we live a short life also.

    Sounds like complete mumbo-jumbo non-sense...you need to stop reading Chopra and watching Oprah. smile.png Leave the science to scientist please.

    Read something about the galactic alignment and then tell me its mumbo-jumbo. That some ancients calculated this is not debatable.

  3. ^^

    That's the beauty of their sophisticated mathematics and calendar system.

    The 25,800 years refers to the time the solar system takes to re-align to the universe in cycles.

    Or something like that. It does so again at end 2012.

    We can multiply days of a year by any number and they could too - and we live a short life also.

  4. While it is true that a special blitz was on during Songkran - in many provinces - you can get caught driving drunk at many other check points at other times if the senior officer decides that this is part of that night's agenda.

    I join others in congratulating the OP for his informative post and his overall attitude to being caught.

    A couple of points on some comments made in replies...

    1) Tourist police are seldom involved in Traffic stops or Soi 9 station duties

    2) other foreign police volunteers who usually are involved are not working from April 12th to 19th inclusive

  5. If you have paid for the days spent there and all extras like drinks and food, then just leave and move into another place with less idiotic staff.

    If they are after extra money for whatever reason then don't pay.

    If a police report was made against you what was that for ?

    From what you say, I cannot understand the exact problem you have with police at this time.

    If you mean you want to complain about any unfairness, it is a waste of time calling any police station as language is a barrier and it must be done at the relevant district police station, ideally with a Thai translator.

    But I am not sure they will be interested as no law was broken if you have in fact paid for everything and a hotel has a right to choose who they allow to stay or not regardless of the circumstances.

  6. Your initial post was a bit cryptic. What kind of problem ?

    You don't need to be ultra specific but a little bit more info might generate a response that helps.

    There is always a policeman that outranks the one you have a problem with but you will need very clear evidence and some very real issue that relates to an illegal act rather than a civil matter.

  7. It is not any law that prohibits drinking but a request from authorities to keep things quiet, no excessive public displays of drunkeness, low key in lighting and low volume and the 9th may be more sombre due to the actual cremation. Beach Road was in full swing right today next to the Police Station and that underscores the request nature as opposed to prohibition.

  8. Apart from any respect for the occasion of a Royal funeral, which we can each choose to relate to or not, is the respect for local laws or rules regardless of how those might appear strange to our way of thinking. Since these are easily circumvented by advance preparation when it comes to having a drink, I can't see any major issue. Restaurants are open, shops are open, beach is still there, attractions are open, arrangements for female company is easy enough ....

    • Like 1
  9. While it is announced quite early when bars are likely to be closed for a Buddhist holiday or a National special event like this one, the actual official note from municipality and/or police is awaited on the off-chance that a local ruling might be different. Sometimes that official note is delivered very close to the actual date and any advance notice to customers is then also going to be late.

    • Like 1
  10. I have had quite a few up close incidents with Russians. Some involve police reports. While I dislike generalisms, it does seem that many Russians just have never been exposed to what we might consider good manners where we might come from and what is acceptable social behaviour here. Language misunderstanding is one problem but petty theft from 7 Eleven, fights over baht bus fares, purposely offering 1000 baht notes for a 10 baht bus ride and other experienced incidents tends to colour my opinion of them negatively. This may have nothing to do with being "cheap" but rather with some of them trying to beat the system in some way.

    If you don't mind answering.What are the police reports generally about ?

    Are you in soi 9 or up on the hill mate ?

    I am in Soi 9 and Banglamung. Offences range from petty theft (lipsticks, make up, bottled drinks etc) from 7 Eleven and/or Central, running off without paying for a meal, domestic fights, traffic accidents, You name it.

    I should add that some are victims and none to easy to deal with in terms of attitude.

  11. I have had quite a few up close incidents with Russians. Some involve police reports. While I dislike generalisms, it does seem that many Russians just have never been exposed to what we might consider good manners where we might come from and what is acceptable social behaviour here. Language misunderstanding is one problem but petty theft from 7 Eleven, fights over baht bus fares, purposely offering 1000 baht notes for a 10 baht bus ride and other experienced incidents tends to colour my opinion of them negatively. This may have nothing to do with being "cheap" but rather with some of them trying to beat the system in some way.

  12. It happened again today and planes were heard maneuvering overhead where I live around the Lake.

    I would imagine they are training exercises and/or test flights of new planes.

    I didn't look out of the window to see anything though so can't confirm that.

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