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Posts posted by petercool

  1. If you are married, if the son is registered within that marriage, and if the British Embassy accepts the paperwork then I see no problem in getting passports for your family and then you can go to the UK with no issues. The Embassy or nearest Consulate is the place to check.

  2. After working in Thailand for many, many years in the service industry, I really do feel that there is a cross-cultural issue with farang bosses and Thai staff. Experience proved - for me at least - that a good Thai deputy was required who did the hiring and firing and instructing of staff and the farang boss dealt with him or her rather than anyone else. It may not suit your situation but it's my 2 cents worth.

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  3. The whole idea of the movement to say man contributes to global warming is very specious so my use of a big diesel SUV is not a problem for me. One volcano's hour of output is about equivalent to a lifetime of my effect on things. And to feel that a car is more of a penile extension than a bike is just as specious IMHO.

  4. It depends very much when and where the road checks are.

    Very early morning road checks do indeed stop cars at 3 major Pattaya intersections at weekends but usually randomly or if the officers feel a particular car or its occupants warrant a further look. These are normally weapons and drugs related searches for cars and if bikes are stopped it could be for papers and physical rider checks.

    Day time checks would be too disruptive for car checks and logistically motorbike checks are easier and thus more common.

  5. Problem is that many locals are not really locals but have come from smaller towns or villages and are just not conditioned to what has become a major city and the way to drive in such a city. I find that when I am the first in the queue at any lights when they turn green, it pays to wait a few second and look both ways before starting off. That has save my life and some locals' lives on many occasions.

  6. Foreigners are just not taking the easy solution of checking the rules and rental companies do not care whether the renters have a valid International Drivers Permit specific for a bike or a Thai licence specific to a bike. A straight licence from any home country is just not valid. Also with so many stolen bikes, they are checking Thais and others for valid ownership and insurance papers as stated above.

  7. Maybe a large rice producer, but also has a large disparity of those who have and those that don't.

    850 kids right here in Pattaya don't - unless donors support them and Foundations like Father Ray and others set up ways to house, feed and educate them. Sorry to hear that are "bugged" and "pestered" by those who care enough to be involved in any of that.

  8. Yes. I work as a Foreign Police Volunteer and am used to all the attacks aimed at us and all the misconception that we are the Foreign Tourist Police Assistants and all the guesses and innuendos and bar talk and posts here that are anti. But I know what is positively achieved from this work so that all normally bounces off me. But it does wear thin at times and then I react and try to reasonably explain what I can - as I have done here and above and in other threads.

    Yeah right - I've had direct, first hand experience of Pattaya's FTPV's and my opinion is that they are f**king useless.

    In fact, they are worse than useless since their connivance in the whole BIB's fiasco makes them complicit in the problem.

    Sure, they might help a few old ladies across the road but IMHO thats about all they're good for. That and stutting about in their ridiculous uniforms. Pathetic.

    I said it was a misconception that we are connected to Tourist Police. Why further that misconception ?

  9. Sounds like you're in on the scam mate, rolleyes.gif

    I am in the police station often, that is true, but I have never been part of any negotiations on settlement there or anywhere else. I simply assist Thai police in conveying the options to both parties. Period. I do not receive, and have never received, one Baht for that or anything else I might do there.

    so you work for free then?

    Yes. I work as a Foreign Police Volunteer and am used to all the attacks aimed at us and all the misconception that we are the Foreign Tourist Police Assistants and all the guesses and innuendos and bar talk and posts here that are anti. But I know what is positively achieved from this work so that all normally bounces off me. But it does wear thin at times and then I react and try to reasonably explain what I can - as I have done here and above and in other threads.

  10. Sounds like you're in on the scam mate, rolleyes.gif

    I am in the police station often, that is true, but I have never been part of any negotiations on settlement there or anywhere else. I simply assist Thai police in conveying the options to both parties. Period. I do not receive, and have never received, one Baht for that or anything else I might do there.

    So you speak good Thai I presume? Fluent?

    Yes. 45 years in Thailand and an original 1 year course to high school Thai level helps.

  11. Sounds like you're in on the scam mate, rolleyes.gif

    I am in the police station often, that is true, but I have never been part of any negotiations on settlement there or anywhere else. I simply assist Thai police in conveying the options to both parties. Period. I do not receive, and have never received, one Baht for that or anything else I might do there.

  12. .....so the jet ski scam is not a crime then Peter.......

    If proven, yes, but how to do that on a case by case basis ? It is firstly a civil case for damages brought by the jet-ski operator rather than a police matter. The disputes are about the amount for any damage and believe me when I say that the majority who come into a police station admit that they caused damage. No policeman can assess what repair costs and what days lost cost and if the renter and jet ski operator cannot agree then then a report can be made by the operator and the case can go to court soon after. City Hall was once agreed as the place to take these cases but that proved unworkable so they continue to turn up at the police station. Those that do not are likely the ones where real intimidation takes places but even then is difficult to prove by a station officer who never saw it but he would take a report if one was made.

    I think the police, like all here on the forum, would like to see proper regulation, licencing and insurance in place but that is not in their hands to control. I have no evidence of any jet-skis being in police control and if anyone has, then say so.

  13. If police fully applied all the laws that exist then half of Pattaya would have to be closed. I am sure no-one wants that.

    That they selectively raid for certain things is simply a matter of logistics but to do so on a whole Soi is proof that there were no favourites on that Soi at least.

    If they were just after pocket money as is suggested, then no-one would have ended up in jail.

    If anyone is fined by the court or pay due fines at the station that can hardly constitute corruption.

    I am very aware of the reality of police stations being virtually self-funding and senior officers having to buy positions and even ranks but without the extras that some get there would be no police stations and, whatever one may feel about the differences between here and the West's way of doing things, it seems to work and a lot of good policing gets done and a lot of foreign visitors and residents get help - as well as Thais.

    I don't set out to be an apologist for Thai police but I do know that many more robberies, motorbike thefts, and a myriad of crimes would occur if they were not there and and that many crimes are indeed solved daily.

    I will sit back now and await the typical vitriolic responses that TV seems to generate.

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  14. . It is culturally wrong almost anywhere in the world to stray off beaches half naked.

    LOL. You should visit a beach resort in Australia. I'm sure there are plenty other places where people are cool about it too. You certainly aren't true to your handle are you?

    So you can enter a government office, bank or shopping mall with no shirt in Australia ? That surprises me. As to my "handle", I can stay cool with my shirt on and find it no cooler with it off.

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