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Posts posted by petercool

  1. Yes, but patience is required. People do have a habit of just moving across multiple lanes on the assumption that everyone will see and/or stop for them. I don't know what happened in this instance but have narrowly avoided many such bikes moving from behind a car unseen from a lane to my left right into my path and even at normal speeds braking takes time and distance.

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  2. No-one can know for certain that local police had any idea he was back. In checking records once apprehended, past issues would show up but the newspaper report gives no indication of how and on what passport he returned here. It's an immigration issue at airports and notifications between various authorities can not be assumed either, even he did return on his original passport and name. The key known facts are that he slipped under the radar and is now apprehended by being none too bright.

  3. If for any reason you cannot find what you are looking for, I have a microwave egg poacher that works very quickly and well which I got from Central Festival.

  4. Retailing foodstuffs or anything else can focus on a wide range and variety or depth of choice in each item. It is not uncommon to not worry about one particular low volume item if overall the profits are up across the board. Bigger retailers here do indeed try to manage inventories but the main concern here is supply irregularity be that from local suppliers or overseas ones. I am not surprised that not all retailers want to source their products from some suppliers who have proved unreliable in supply. Smaller retailers need less volume supply and are more flexible. than the bigger stores.

  5. Was OK for a short time at 9.30pm last night then went and was still down this morning at 9am.

    Was out until 12:30pm today and it was back but slow and now at almost 3pm it has quickened somewhat. I am around Lake Mabprachan on Siam Country Club road,

  6. Are you the registered father of the boy ? The issues are really for the Consulate/Embassy but integrating into modern multi-racial UK should not be a major issue. Perhaps some special English classes would help with that. Kids are very adaptable and quick to learn.

    I am tempted to suggest that you first apply for visas for a family visit to UK and maybe when there it could be sorted out easier than at the British Embassy who can be difficult here. But that is a risk.

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