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Posts posted by petercool

  1. brooner.... email me at [email protected]. maybe I can help you.

    I happen to know the poster and he can indeed put together a group of top musicians that can do Thai and Western songs in a unique way. The problem with a current working band is that they can't easily take a night off from the regular gig and most weddings are done by bands put together by experienced individual musicians for that night only so seeing them in action isn't easily arranged.

  2. Yes It has happened to me, and a long keying on one side of the car.

    It is not legal to stop people parking in front of any shop or restaurant but the owners feel that that stretch of the kerb is theirs regardless and get very possessive about it. Only in some rare circumstances, such a privately owned Soi or Cul de Sac, is it possible to lay legal claim to any area beyond the kerb.

  3. Some of these gangs of thugs use any excuse for a fight because in the midst of it all robbery of any victims's belongings takes place. Some cases are due to someone being beliigerent with one guy and then his friends all join in, but many are unprovoked with mob mentality taking over when some profit is seen out of it. They split and run and share out proceeds later. Not unlike UK youth street gangs and just as frightening but no CCTV here to help catch anyone.

  4. I had always assumed that existing satellites are usable for weather pattern research so it is unclear what ground based research planes or facilities could add to those. That NASA has severely bent the truth in the past is not news, though, and while mentioned as "an independent agency of the US government" it is not independent of US Military branches as I understand it.

  5. I'm sure the ID is a fake or of someone else...no working girl would be stupid enough to drug/rob a "john" if she had left a copy of her real ID.

    Like all Thai ID cards, it would show her home town address and not any address in Pattaya. Unless in trouble again, she may never be located. It's doubtful that she was born in Cholburi, but possible.

  6. The issue is not really personal choice when it comes to drugs but the related crime it leads to here as well as the lives it can ruin.

    I am not a hang 'em high advocate but I cannot defend anyone involved in supply of illegal drugs and whatever the Thai laws prescribe is OK with me.

    Without knowing all the details, I won't comment on the specific man in question and am talking generally here.

  7. The topic has shifted a bit but while that is still going on I would add that the dark side has its trouble makers and would-be hard guys fueled by drink. I have had a few verbal confrontations and one physical one so I know it happens. It is wrong to think that police will not deal with a farang vs, farang incident and can and do follow Thai laws and penalties on public disorder.

  8. Pattaya Police station has a lost and found tray of smaller items but your case is considered to be in Banglamung station jurisdiction and I have not seen such a tray there. In any event, the experience is that if you lost something there is a chance of a good samaritan returning it but if it is stolen then probably you will never see those items again. It could be that items not felt worth keeping might be tossed away and someone finds it and turns it in but that would be very rare.

  9. Although the law may be on your side when you are innocent, Thai practice is to help the other guy if he has a lot less money than you, This is how it works for Thais too and it is not just aimed at foreigners. But everything is related to the initial police report, if there was one, and what that says and what your insurance guys say.

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