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Posts posted by nobodysfriend

  1. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    The media suggested that those present at the seminar were also urged to call in tips and contact immigration about foreigners who were not following the rules.


    5 hours ago, webfact said:

    "Big Oud" Chingduang who was concerned about the image of the IB as well as foreigners creating trouble in Thailand. 

    Reality in Thailand is becoming worse than in Orwell's ' 1984 .

    It is not only that ' big brother is watching you ' all the times , the government seems to want the whole Thai population spying on Foreigners living here ... SAD !!


    Sometimes I think it would be best if NOBODY would be coming to Thailand any more  ...

    Thailand for Thais ONLY ... 55

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  2. 11 minutes ago, CGW said:

    The media blames the "Farmers" the "good old boys" making the real money are never blamed, the mills and sugar corporation are beyond reproach it seems, they have the power to shut down cane burning whenever they won't, just ban buying it burnt, but they are never mentioned, the media has obviously been told not too mention the real money makers as they all have close connections to the "government"

    ---> Farmers burning sugarcane face additional fees for milling their crop

    Sugarcane growers, who burn their crops before harvesting, will be charged 30 baht/tonne for the burnt sugarcane delivered to sugar mills, while the mills will be levied 12 baht/tonne for accepting burnt cane exceeding the set limits.

    • Confused 1
  3. 15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    The eggs were not moved, they were left in place on the beach with officers assigned to watch over them.

    Very good .


    The baby turtles will find their way back to the same beach they hatched after reaching maturity ( if the eggs are not displaced ) .

    But , of course , only if they ever reach maturity ...

  4. 12 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:

    So if you ask them to stop burning their canes and their rice fields, they will answer you;
    " A panni problem " ( it's creole language ), you come to cut the cane with your little muscular arms under a scorching sun and if a scorpion or a snake bites you, you shut your mouth and you don't cry ..

    I say it again : the government should invest in mechanical sugar cane harvesters , that should be supplied to every province and go from farm to farm , one after another , to do the harvesting without producing toxic smoke .

    That would certainly be a better investment for the country than submarines ... got it ?


    You say : " So if you ask them to stop burning their canes and their rice fields, they will answer you;
    " A panni problem " ( it's creole language ), " .... ?


    AFAIK thai farmers do not speak ' creole ' ...

    • Like 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:

    I see a solution .. But it will not please you ..
    We put all the "greedy farmers" in prison or better put them against a wall to shoot them.

    Except that your "greedy farmers" do not only grow sugar cane but also rice and vegetables and fruits (full to the brim with pesticides, I know).
    It doesn't matter, does it? (May pen rai), you will replace them 10 or 12 hours a day under a scorching sun if you want to eat.


    Do you like it as a solution? 

    In this topic we talk about air pollution caused by the burning of sugar cane .

    We do not talk about rice or fruit farmers , as fruit farmers do not burn their trees after the harvest ... do they ...?

    Apprenez a lire , mon cher monsieur ...

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    It's obvious to anyone with eyes to see that a population of billions all wanting "stuff" will exploit the planet's raw materials to exhaustion, and then what happens- war happens.

    Man made ecological disasters will result in a shortage of food supplies and drinkable water ... Wars for resources will occur . 


    Anyway , happens already , only for oil and gas yet ...

  7. 1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    So, if you disagree, you must have something else in mind- do share, as I'm wondering what that is.


    It's not up to me, but if I were dictator of the world I'd impose the Chinese solution on all countries. Unfortunately the Chinese stopped it just when it started to make a difference.


    Anyway, given how overcrowded we are, something like the incurable coronavirus currently just arrived in the US from China may do the job. Everything in nature works to balance things. If mankind has become a problem, as it has, nature will come up with some way of eliminating the problem.

    ---> nature will come up with some way of eliminating the problem. <---       Yes , it does .

    • Like 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Many of the older generation just don't believe the alarmism, so why would they be motivated to do anything about it?

    Where the whole climate Chicken Littleism falls down is that those of us been around a while know that the sea isn't rising, and storms are no worse than in the past. School kids have no experience of life beyond a few years to know how things were in the not so recent past.

    We've also been around long enough to know that if governments are not doing more than give lip service to the situation, it's probably not really serious at all.


    Did you always have to wear a mask when going out ...?







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