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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. What kind of behavior qualifies somebody for heaving mental health issues ? Where exactly is the ' red line ' that has to be crossed ? becoming violent ? Depending on their definition of having mental health issues ... but I think there will be many ... Too many drug users in Thailand . There won't be enough treatment available for all . Anyway , they probably meant " some drug users " ... A utopian vision that will never realize .
  2. On a sad occasion , nobody is allowed to have fun .
  3. I know that a lot of Europeans are fed up with the rising prices and the cold winter over there ... Up to Thailand to provide a new visa for , let's say , a 6 month stay , to attract foreigners ( wealthy , of course ) , to spend the winter month ( and their money ) n Thailand .
  4. Guns and Yaba again . Potentially a deadly mixture .
  5. I guess that a good part of Thailand's population would end up dead in this case .... but that is just a bad fantasy ... as long as there is a lot of money to be made in this business , there will be people who want this . No war on drugs will ever be won , as long as there is a demand for this . People are quite ingenious to find ways to supply themselves with what they want , even illegal .
  6. Why ? The killer sold and took Yaba , not cannabis . 2 VERY different things . One is a chemical drug known to make people mad and crazy , the other one is a natural plant that makes people relaxed and funny ...
  7. That is what ( wannabe ) politicians do and dream about . " Me first " in the rat race ... Grab a ministerial seat is like a win in the lottery . It assures a comfortable life ...
  8. Thai law sometimes seems to be quite ' flexible ' depends on the connections and money someone has ...
  9. . Thaksin paid good for a vote . They remember this . Just tell them that everything will become better ( $ ) and hand out some little money and here u go ... In Isaan , most ( elderly ) don't care so much about politics , It's the daily food and drink that counts
  10. Smells fishy ... Before dawn ... talks to other men , and then got shot ... I do not think that was because of a ' mobile phone deal ' ... May be illegal drugs ? Too many guns and too many gangsters .
  11. You need to contact your immigration office about the requirement . I contacted mine before renewing my 400000 baht insurance , and they said that they still accept this one . I did not need to change to the 3000000 insurance ....
  12. Most privately owned guns in Thailand are illegal ones .
  13. If they want to reduce the number of guns , they should set up a ' buy back ' program , just as the US did , may be some prefer the money to the gun ...? At least , do not sell ammunition anymore .
  14. Yes Adolf !!! Of course u r right , mein Fuehrer ! But , of course , you describe yourself as "Pom Farang. Mai Khow Jai" .That's right .
  15. Than there should be somebody armed who surveils the armed guards , too ... and who will surveil this one ?
  16. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/06/asia/thailand-mass-shooting-intl-hnk/index.html The suspect had been involved in an ongoing court case for allegedly selling drugs, according to Maj. Gen. Jirapob Puridet of the CIB. He had appeared in court in Nong Bua Lamphu hours before traveling to the nursery and “opening fire while the kids were sleeping,” Puridet said. Puridet told CNN the former officer was dismissed from duty and “charged with selling narcotics” last year. Gun ownership in Thailand is relatively high compared with other countries in Southeast Asia.
  17. A former police officer armed with a gun and a knife stormed a nursery in northeast Thailand on Thursday, shooting dead at least 30 people including children before killing himself and his family, police said. The mass killing comes less than a month after a serving army officer shot dead two colleagues at a military training base in the capital Bangkok. And in 2020, in one of the country’s deadliest incidents in recent years, a soldier gunned down 29 people in a 17-hour rampage and wounded scores more before he was shot dead by commandos. Where does all this hate come from ? May be there is something wrong in the system .... Do , at least , not sell ammunition any more .
  18. Dogs have different characters , just as humans . There are good ones and bad ones ... But humans who support cruelty towards animals and post things like " kill them all " on a public forum , just prove by their comments that they are not better than the bad and aggressive soi dogs themselves , and should consequently be treated as such ...
  19. No . I have the feeling that the people turned crazy . But I am sane . We just not have the same values . If " everybody " would think same me , the world would be a better place .
  20. Confrontation about what ? Village is flooded , so drain it into the retention area in Pak Hai distric .That is what the area is for or not ?
  21. Years ago , scientists predicted that the man-made climate change will lead to more frequent weather extremes . They were right . Of course , there has been extreme weather phenomenons before already , but not as frequent and damaging as today . And that is still only the beginning . Everything is connected .
  22. These exploited little kids are just underage non- paid workers . There is always somebody who provides them with what they sell and collect the money they get . Do not buy from them . If you feel pity , just buy them some decent food . Do not give money .
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