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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. There is no fairness within the thai political system . MFP was dissolved because of 112 . Thaksin , the dealmaker , will not be considered a threat to the monarchy , and has nothing to fear . The CC is not independant , and their rulings will be biased .
  2. Why is Israel given " carte blanche " to do whatever they like ? Why do developed democratic Countries become complicit in Israels genocidal actions by arming a state that clearly gives no values to non-jewish life ? Nethanjahu's call for help from developed countries to finish off with their perceived threat by muslim countries all around them , amounts to the declaration and hope of a racist world war . Israel needs to stop now . No more arms for them , but sanctions . They became an aggressive and heavily armed pariah state that will bring destruction only .
  3. Immigrants who behave in a way that insults or endangers people of their host country , should be detained and deported as soon as possible . To overcome cultural differences , a will and wish to integrate into the society of the country that granted them asylum is necessary , even if cultural values differ . If that will is missing , the asylum seeker will become a troublemaker and burden for the host country . Immediate deportation just as Thailand does it with overstayers is the only choice . And blacklist them to prevent them returning . Good guys in , bad guys out ...
  4. Putin likes to scare off the european leaders by threatening the use of nukes . He won't stop doing this as long as nobody makes it clear to him that ANY nuclear strike by Russia will be answered by a nuclear strike against Russia itself . The use of nuclear bombs will make him a loser in the end .
  5. Thanks for your empathy . There are 2 kind of people . Humans who still feel empathy , Love , etc and Humons ( Human Monsters ) , who do not feel anymore .Those are the majority , but they do not belong here . Damned are their souls to eternal suffering ...
  6. I took my old loyal dog to Thailand with Swiss air . I loved it too much to leave it alone . It got poisoned by some Thai <deleted> soon after .
  7. The facts are facts . We should know by now what happens and happened . Desperate attempts to distort the truth only show how degenerate the jewish narrative is . They never admit having done something wrong , it is ALWAYS somebody elses fault . Disgusting .
  8. " Mini Heart " ? that gesture means counting money .
  9. The Thai Elite ... all dressed in white , to be sworn in . White symbolizes sadness now . The color to prefer is orange by now ... PP .
  10. Spirit in the sky ... Great musicians . RIP .
  11. So , build your own submarine then ... instead of buying from China .
  12. I wonder sometimes who writes all that $hit ...? There is money to be made and it will be made , even if Casinos are no exact fit to the family friendly international tourist hub ... but who cares ...?
  13. The " misallocation " of public funds by local administrations is a " sport " that has a long tradition in Thailand ... and not only in Thailand .
  14. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/quick-and-healthy-recipes
  15. Are you crazy ... need to know her , and her family before getting engaged into something that could easily become a nightmare for you .
  16. Can hear a lot of shots in the video ... Why did they not shoot at the tires to definitely stop the truck ? A 6 wheeler with a driver gone mad , could do a lot of damage ...
  17. Yeah , all this is very nice , but , after all , still only speculations ... The polls show a narrow lead for the Harris / Walz team , But the trumpists are not far behind . Too early to party ... ( brings bad luck ) .
  18. Of course . Uncertain ... means ... may be ... ' May be ' means probably never .
  19. Bravo , that is the way to go in the present situation . Sue them as much as possible . especially by the Constitutional Court , the one that dissolved the MFP ... But wait ... the members of the CC are all bought cronies of somebody influential ....? No Justice to be expected there ...
  20. Thavi certainly did ... and got rewarded wit the post of the " Justice minister " ... for doing something that was the opposite from " Just " ... That is right . But there is no" equal treatment " for ordinary , " non influential " prisoners in Thailand . There never was . It was always the rich , influential , people who designed everything for Thailand . Ordinary thais have the right to bow or kiss the feet of the leaders . That is about all ... The one party that wanted to change this , has been forcefully dissolved , twice .
  21. Is that not counterproductive to their goal of attracting 40 million tourists ?
  22. That definitely goes for yourself as well ...
  23. Free him immediately and give him a medal . And money that he can continue .
  24. Shame on Japan for still allowing to hunt and kill endangered whales . For what ? Just that they can eat and sell whale steaks ? The japanese do NOT hunt for scientific purposes as they pretend . The whale meat will be sold for profit , that is all . Shame .
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