Wow ... Chinese , Indian , Arab , German , English , American ... criminals found and deported ... big task .
Only the usual thai criminals have the right to stay ... good for them .
Not typical wounds for a ( suspected ) suicide .
Would you try to kill yourself by stabbing yourself multiple times ?
Housekeeping staff does not seem to come very often for a 3star hotel ...
May be he had a ' boyfriend ' same the spanish chef on Koh Phangan ?
It seems very possible that there is a third person involved ...
Thai politicians who promise every year to do something to reduce the pollution are a cause of pollution by themselves .
Their cheap talk is just hot air and polluting as well .
But , the real problem is the ones who still start the fires , even knowing that everybody suffers , they just do not care .
They have always done this and will not stop until seriously enforced to .
Developed into what ?
Well qualified with a lot of experience ?
She admits by that , that nothing has changed except a few new faces .
But their policies are still designed by the same old farts as before .
I do not see anybody on this photo that I would believe is a true friend of normal thai people .
I only see people who I suspect not to care much about the many thai people wanting a better life .
They would vote for anything as long as they see an advantage for themselves .
A buddhist abbot orders an old and tall tree to be cut down ... he should have shown a little empathy to such an old tree and let it live .
Buddhism is not teaching this .
Buddhist monks are not all followers of the teachings of Buddha .
Respect of life in all it's forms .
No destruction or killing .
Thailand , given it's relative neutrality in international politics , would be a good place to manufacture high tech chips like Taiwan . just need to create the necessary infrastructure .
Less likely to be sanctioned .
Stupid idea from the beginning and difficult to implement .
It will create more trouble than good and fail to ' boost ' the economy as well .
So , 7 million Thai people earn more than 50.000 a month or have 500.000 or more in their accounts .
Who will check the private accounts ?
Or will the banks be required to give this info to the authorities ?
Not a good idea .