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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Same procedure as every year ... not even newsworthy anymore ... News would be that there is no , or less pollution , but for this the crop burning would have to stop and vehicles become EV's .
  2. It is the solar charger ( best is PWM ) , that cuts the batteries off automatically when the voltage drops under 10V or so ... Mine , normal lead acid batteries , do their job for about 5 yrs now . Recently had to replace one because it turned hot . Aircon will make the price for everything ( charger , inverter , batteries , panels , ) go up a lot ... up to you .
  3. Just figure out how many watts you will consume ever day . Buy and install solar panels for at least double that amount . 12, 24 , or 48V , up to you ... Why not make a double roof with the panels on it ? You might not need aircon then . Design the place that there is a possibility of natural air circulation . Use gas for cooking or hot water . For energy storage , you can use the big truck batteries , ( 200Ah = 6500 baht , if you have an old one to exchange , the price lowers to about 4500 baht ) . You will need tom have at least 3 of them , they last about 5 years , ( at least , mine did ) . Choose the inverter that suits your system , plenty available on Lazada ...
  4. Good post , but a virus has neither a metabolism , nor consciousness . It is more like a sophisticated , ever evolving tool . Designed for what purpose and by whom ? Well , my theory is that it is simply a part of the immune system of ... a living planet , that needs to protect itself against a threat ... There are still many things that humans do not know about yet ... Everything is connected ...
  5. The link is an interesting read , even if clearly ' fearmongering ' as a combined infection of Delta and omicron in the same person at the same time did not happen yet . But , as Omicron is a lot different to the Delta strain , it could be a possibility ... That this could create a more lethal ' supervirus ' is , at this point , pure speculation that hopefully , will never happen .
  6. Let's hope so ... but a high transmission rate equals a high possibility of further mutations , what could mean no good ... It's a bit early to celebrate and embrace , isn't it ?
  7. I remember , many years ago I wanted to take the bus from Baltimore to NYC , I entered the bus , there have only been black people in it , no driver yet , I sat down and soon after a 150 kg black woman came over to me and told me that this bus is ' only for black people ' and I better get out ... This is a form of apartheid or racism , isn't it ? A party for 'colored people' only seems the same ... but , at the same time I do not have the right to complain about it , as that would be seen as racism , too ... mad world ... A shipping container with a pool table in it ... some people like it hot and packed , I guess ... unavoidable body contact seems to be attractive to some .
  8. And country folks here nearly all have a gun ... and get high on lao kao ... when drunk and upset by something there is a risk that they use it without even thinking about it ... ( they hardly do anyway ) Is this the right country to retire in ... I am not sure anymore ... may be city life is better ...?
  9. Yes . I did it just 6 days before due date ( 13.12 . ) , 3 days later I got an email with the attached TM47 stating that the next report has to be done by march 8th . That saved me a lot of trouble as my immigration ( Phang Nga ) did not put the dates of my latest extension ( 13oct 2022 ) in their system , and when I tried to do the 90 day reporting via the phone app , it said I was on overstay and need to contact immigration . I did this , had to talk to some school girl who hardly spoke any english and hung up while I was still explaining ... arrogant and ignorant ... how can they let so unqualified persons work in an immigration office that is supposed to regularly deal with foreigners ? Anyway , the new online reporting saved me a 300 km round trip , and I am thankful for that . But , after all , the 90 day reporting is just a needless hurdle put up for foreigners , as the morchana phone app provides them with actual data of where somebody stays . All this system is designed to scare foreigners of being deported or jailed if they fail to submit their illogical requirements . There are other countries more open and welcoming foreigners than xenophobic Thailand . Shame on them .
  10. If Omicron is mild , does not cause serious disease and is bound to replace the more dangerous Delta strain , it might be good news as people infected bu Omicron will develop antibodies that protect them , at least for a while ... High infection rate , mild processes ... that will lead to the famous ' herd immunity ' and could mean the end of the virus ... if the Omicron virus does not further mutate , ( and there is a chance for this given the high transmission rate ) , into a more dangerous version ... Let's hope for the best ...
  11. That is ridiculous . Who will be able to count this ? ...14999 ... 15000 ... closed . Some of the people will leaving , more will want to join in ... nobody can control this , as it will take place in an open space . Anyway limiting the number of attendees to 15000 will help reduce the spread of the virus ? It's a mad world .
  12. Backwards orientated , as ever ... People work , pay their taxes , do what they are supposed ( by the government ) to do ... It is of no importance at all what their sexual preferences are ( if not paedophile , of course ) . If a man loves a man , a woman loves a woman , it is their PRIVATE LIFE , and the dinosaurs of the government should keep their nose out of it . Not their business .
  13. It will need another , non military government , to legalize it completely . THC has consciousness enlarging effects and this is not wanted . I do not smoke , but use it to make a tea , and the effects of it help me to find out what is really important to me , and the little bugging daily problems suddenly appear as what the really are , not important . And solutions can easily be found . It changes the 'point of view ' that you are used to , and that is a good thing . Your neighbor makes a lot of noise at night ? It makes you angry ? Don't be , let it be , have a tea and you'll sleep good ... just laugh about it .
  14. Imo , Cloud storage is ok for non sensible files only as the system admin of the server ( whoever that is ) will definitely have access to your files as well ... ?
  15. May be just try ? They change the rules often , and it does not cost anything ...
  16. You can do it online now : https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/register/add ... and , incredible , it works ! Just need to wait about 3 days to get a response with your TM47 attached to the email . I am not 100% sure if that this ok for the FIRST 90 day reporting ...
  17. Thanks for this . ... and for this , too ! Written with a great sense of humor , it was fun to read . Rooster managed to put the facts on the table , in an enjoyable manner . It is true that certain doubts about the future development of the Covid crisis persist ... may be , in the long run , the perpetual booster shots do more damage to the human immune system than the virus itself ? Time will tell ... All in all a very enjoyable read , thanks again .
  18. The elephant killed it's mahout ... If you had somebody sitting on your shoulders and hitting you with a sharp stick every time you do something he does not like , what would you do ? I can understand the elephant ...
  19. A paedophile , one more ... What happens in the brain of those apparently sick persons ? What attracts them to underage kids ? I do not know that , but I know that this is kind of mental disorder . May be psychiatric treatment would help ? If that does not help , may be this :
  20. The tiger is still young , it just wanted to know about the world around , I guess he did not like what he saw and went back . Clever .
  21. Better not have kids ... but mental distress is a ' sign of the times ' ... something wrong in the system ?
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