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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. I would like to find a good gardener and a maid that speaks at least a little english ... very difficult on KKK island . Busy all day ... up by 6am to bed by 9pm ... no time to be bored .
  2. https://wishbeer.com/products/bushmills-irish-whiskey-700ml-400
  3. Asia: The Asian countries which have adopted toughest measure of sealing their borders to avoid the transmission of Omicron Covid-19 variant include Japan and Israel. Both have closed their doors to the foreigners and also introduced toughest restrictions for their native travellers. Recently, Israel’s government also gave permission for controversial phone surveillance for contact tracing. Besides, there are countries in Asia including Philippines dependant on tourism which are mulling to suspend its doors for now on tourists, due to Omicron Covid-19 variant. South Korea and Thailand are also putting restrictions on their flight movement to curb the influx of foreigners and also putting in strict measures for any foreign travellers, who have already arrived in the country. America: US is also among the countries which believes the spread of Omicron Covid-19 variant can be stopped at its borders. So, the country has blocked the entry of foreign nationals from southern African countries. Canada has also imposed travel restrictions for travellers from southern African countries to contain the spread of Omicron Covid-19 variant. The country has already reported cases of Omicron Covid-19 variant. For now, the country has ordered that only Canadian nationals from the southern African countries can travel to the country. Brazil has also imposed a ban on flights from southern African countries. Mexico remains the only country in the continent that has ruled out border closures, due to Omicron Covid-19 variant. Europe: In Europe, the Germany has allowed its airlines companies to allow fly its citizens from the “high risk” southern African countries. The country has also made it mandatory for travellers visiting the country to spend mandatory 14 day quarantine, provided they test positive or negative for the virus. The England has also kept south African countries on its red list. However, it has resumed its flight operations to the region while making mandatory 10 day quarantine period mandatory for travellers from these countries at their own expenses. Switzerland has also significantly tightened travel restrictions. The country has made 10 day quarantine period mandatory for travellers from the south African countries entering it. Oceania: Australia has postponed its plan to relax entry rules to the people with the country’s visa for at least two more weeks. The country has put blanket ban on travellers, who have been in the “high risk” southern African countries in the past 14 days. Besides, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea have also put these southern African countries in “high risk” list. Africa: In Africa itself there are countries including Angola, Egypt, Mauritius and Rwanda which have imposed travel restrictions on southern African countries.
  4. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/12/18/no-evidence-omicron-milder-than-delta-british-researchers-say “We believe that it might not necessarily just be that Omicron is less virulent, but … coverage of vaccination [and] … natural immunity of people who have already had contact with the virus is also adding to the protection,” Health Minister Joe Phaahla told a news conference on Friday. “That’s why we are seeing mild illness.” However, ICL said in a statement that protection afforded by past infection against reinfection with Omicron may be as low as 19 percent, according to its research." The study, which involved AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines, also found a significantly increased risk of developing a symptomatic Omicron case compared with Delta for those who were two or more weeks past their second jab dose, and two or more weeks past their booster dose.
  5. Life saving devices like this should not be taxed or overprice . Bravo for showing that the same quality can be produced locally at only 25% of the price of imported ...
  6. social media influencers ... Sure ... That is what is needed now . Together with the crystal ball from the TAT . Because they realized that tourists won't come in numbers same before anymore . Now , they say ' we did not want them anyway , we only want quality tourists now ' ! It is a bit like a shop owner who does not sell good and consequently rises the prices to the double amount ... desperate measures and childish behavior ... If they had some good brains , they would not try to kill all the fun that Thailand once was ... With one shot , they shot themselves in the foot and killed the ' golden goose ' as well ... Bravo , but that was to be expected by a military government who wants a clean image for Thailand . But Thailand is no ' clean ' country . If they want to be like the Cote d'Azur , They should try to look alike and behave themselves ... Thailand could be fun again ... allow casinos , prostitution , legalize cannabis , just be open minded ... but no , they want to play the stupid game of being an important , serious , mighty , wealthy , "powerful ' country in the Asean , a leader ... People come here for a holiday , they want to have fun . Realize that and open up ...
  7. That happened on the island where we live , too . A big piece of 41 rai ( we wanted to buy this , but could not as it was not possible to contact the owner , who died and no contact data for who inherited this plot was available ) . Suddenly a neighbor claimed it as theirs , built a fence around it , but in Land office , no change of the owner was registered . A few days ago we received a letter from the land office telling us that the new owner is this neighbor now , who , apparently , knows ( and pays ) somebody in the land office . Is there a government phone number where somebody can report suspicious land deals ?
  8. Bio mass power stations can burn the crop that is otherwise burnt directly on the fields . If they filter out the toxic particles of that smoke , there is nothing that can be said against this . A big improvement to air quality compared to the ' wild ' crop burning ...
  9. Same procedure as every year ... not even newsworthy anymore ... News would be that there is no , or less pollution , but for this the crop burning would have to stop and vehicles become EV's .
  10. It is the solar charger ( best is PWM ) , that cuts the batteries off automatically when the voltage drops under 10V or so ... Mine , normal lead acid batteries , do their job for about 5 yrs now . Recently had to replace one because it turned hot . Aircon will make the price for everything ( charger , inverter , batteries , panels , ) go up a lot ... up to you .
  11. Just figure out how many watts you will consume ever day . Buy and install solar panels for at least double that amount . 12, 24 , or 48V , up to you ... Why not make a double roof with the panels on it ? You might not need aircon then . Design the place that there is a possibility of natural air circulation . Use gas for cooking or hot water . For energy storage , you can use the big truck batteries , ( 200Ah = 6500 baht , if you have an old one to exchange , the price lowers to about 4500 baht ) . You will need tom have at least 3 of them , they last about 5 years , ( at least , mine did ) . Choose the inverter that suits your system , plenty available on Lazada ...
  12. Good post , but a virus has neither a metabolism , nor consciousness . It is more like a sophisticated , ever evolving tool . Designed for what purpose and by whom ? Well , my theory is that it is simply a part of the immune system of ... a living planet , that needs to protect itself against a threat ... There are still many things that humans do not know about yet ... Everything is connected ...
  13. The link is an interesting read , even if clearly ' fearmongering ' as a combined infection of Delta and omicron in the same person at the same time did not happen yet . But , as Omicron is a lot different to the Delta strain , it could be a possibility ... That this could create a more lethal ' supervirus ' is , at this point , pure speculation that hopefully , will never happen .
  14. Let's hope so ... but a high transmission rate equals a high possibility of further mutations , what could mean no good ... It's a bit early to celebrate and embrace , isn't it ?
  15. I remember , many years ago I wanted to take the bus from Baltimore to NYC , I entered the bus , there have only been black people in it , no driver yet , I sat down and soon after a 150 kg black woman came over to me and told me that this bus is ' only for black people ' and I better get out ... This is a form of apartheid or racism , isn't it ? A party for 'colored people' only seems the same ... but , at the same time I do not have the right to complain about it , as that would be seen as racism , too ... mad world ... A shipping container with a pool table in it ... some people like it hot and packed , I guess ... unavoidable body contact seems to be attractive to some .
  16. And country folks here nearly all have a gun ... and get high on lao kao ... when drunk and upset by something there is a risk that they use it without even thinking about it ... ( they hardly do anyway ) Is this the right country to retire in ... I am not sure anymore ... may be city life is better ...?
  17. Yes . I did it just 6 days before due date ( 13.12 . ) , 3 days later I got an email with the attached TM47 stating that the next report has to be done by march 8th . That saved me a lot of trouble as my immigration ( Phang Nga ) did not put the dates of my latest extension ( 13oct 2022 ) in their system , and when I tried to do the 90 day reporting via the phone app , it said I was on overstay and need to contact immigration . I did this , had to talk to some school girl who hardly spoke any english and hung up while I was still explaining ... arrogant and ignorant ... how can they let so unqualified persons work in an immigration office that is supposed to regularly deal with foreigners ? Anyway , the new online reporting saved me a 300 km round trip , and I am thankful for that . But , after all , the 90 day reporting is just a needless hurdle put up for foreigners , as the morchana phone app provides them with actual data of where somebody stays . All this system is designed to scare foreigners of being deported or jailed if they fail to submit their illogical requirements . There are other countries more open and welcoming foreigners than xenophobic Thailand . Shame on them .
  18. If Omicron is mild , does not cause serious disease and is bound to replace the more dangerous Delta strain , it might be good news as people infected bu Omicron will develop antibodies that protect them , at least for a while ... High infection rate , mild processes ... that will lead to the famous ' herd immunity ' and could mean the end of the virus ... if the Omicron virus does not further mutate , ( and there is a chance for this given the high transmission rate ) , into a more dangerous version ... Let's hope for the best ...
  19. That is ridiculous . Who will be able to count this ? ...14999 ... 15000 ... closed . Some of the people will leaving , more will want to join in ... nobody can control this , as it will take place in an open space . Anyway limiting the number of attendees to 15000 will help reduce the spread of the virus ? It's a mad world .
  20. Backwards orientated , as ever ... People work , pay their taxes , do what they are supposed ( by the government ) to do ... It is of no importance at all what their sexual preferences are ( if not paedophile , of course ) . If a man loves a man , a woman loves a woman , it is their PRIVATE LIFE , and the dinosaurs of the government should keep their nose out of it . Not their business .
  21. It will need another , non military government , to legalize it completely . THC has consciousness enlarging effects and this is not wanted . I do not smoke , but use it to make a tea , and the effects of it help me to find out what is really important to me , and the little bugging daily problems suddenly appear as what the really are , not important . And solutions can easily be found . It changes the 'point of view ' that you are used to , and that is a good thing . Your neighbor makes a lot of noise at night ? It makes you angry ? Don't be , let it be , have a tea and you'll sleep good ... just laugh about it .
  22. Imo , Cloud storage is ok for non sensible files only as the system admin of the server ( whoever that is ) will definitely have access to your files as well ... ?
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