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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Won't happen ... just the buds will become a ' controlled herb ' How , ever , the Police will be able to enforce this , is unknown ... Some were against the legalization because of hypocritical reasons or the fear that they could not profit enough from it , but many are pro - legalization . Time for demonstrations . What about all the stalls selling it ? Some invested a lot and now they fear losing it ... What about the inmates they let go ...? Catch them again and put them back in prison ? All that was not well ' thought through ' by the government . I guess , everything will just continue as it is now , only the stalls selling the buds will need to bribe the RTP ...
  2. Did not even know that this is illegal ... ( for foreigners ? )
  3. Is that really newsworthy ? May be because the kid was " thai-italian " Half thai only ? BS .
  4. Don't think that will happen . Consumer protection ? That surely is a novelty for Thailand . I have at least five batteries for electric tools that stopped working within a few weeks or month . But , in Thailand , if you buy cheap , yo only buy for the rubbish bin .
  5. That looks rather healthy , compared to some western economies that prepare for recession . Thailand now has the chance to become a ' hub ' for sustainable energy development for south east asia . Why is there no thai company producing EV's yet ?
  6. Not very intelligent to just send it barely hidden in an airfreight parcel . Did they not know that customs have scanners ?
  7. What is ' soft ' about muay thai ? I am confused ... I think ' soft power ' is a term for software designers ...?
  8. 12400 million baht ? That money could help building a sustainable energy network around Thailand ... anyway , what are they planning to do with that submarine ?
  9. That chinese writing on the shop makes it just too obvious ...
  10. Drunk and violent . Again . If , instead of heavily drinking , he would have had some Ganja , nothing of this would have happened . Violence is never a solution . It only leads to more hate and violence .
  11. Even " Move Forward Party " ... I did not expect them to be against the legalization ... anyway , that is a list of political parties NOT to vote for .
  12. Another victim of being too drunk to realize ...
  13. Xi Jinping did not want to do it with Prajut ... 55
  14. The danger to society is the people proposing the U-turn again , not the harmless plant itself . What about Alcohol ? That is a danger to society as well . Make it illegal ! Oh , I forgot ... too many influential people involved in that business . And too much money . What danger to youth ? Better take care that Yaba and Ice get off the streets first , you hypocrites . Stupid wanna-be politicians are everywhere , but some in Thailand really don't know anything .
  15. ... by keeping the protesters far away ...
  16. Did Biden shake hands with Prajut ?
  17. Yes , explain that to the poor countries that suffer from famine and natural disasters due to climate change ... But what to expect from an ex-banker ? Recalibrated ? It is time for radical change now , not for re-calibration . Re-embrace the same that already led to wars and economic and ecologic instability ? It is time for a new era , a new way of thinking and doing things now .
  18. Unregulated growth is like a growth of cancer for the planet . No way economics can continue to grow as in the past without inflicting substantial damage to the ecosystems the people of this planet need to survive . Only the transformation to sustainable energy concepts should produce more economic growth . Need to get away from fossil fuels now . The damage done by the use of it is irreversible already . This era needs to end . Going green opens a lot of new possibilities for sustainable economic growth . If this will not realize , the present era of the Anthropocene (the time in which the collective activities of human beings (Homo sapiens) began to substantially alter Earth's surface, atmosphere, oceans, ) will come to a disastrous end .
  19. Thailand's jungle is not anything like a french Pine forest ... Cobras , scorpions , poisonous centipedes ... Stupid .
  20. His house , his belongings ... does he not have the right to do what he wants with his own stuff ...?
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