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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. This is typical the human race (or Thailand??)

    Of course cutting back is a good thing, but.... why not have some campaigns in radio-TV

    trying people here to stop their throwing away plastic garbage just along the roads. This

    beutiful country, is one of the most unclean places I have ever seen in my entire life.

    Suggestion, why not use the Thai King.. People here love him ( well deserved) and they LISTEN

    TO HIM.... he can just say... -"It is time for us Thai now to make our country a clean and safe

    place for us all"

    Glegolo, Chaiyaphum

    How about this is the Kingdom of Thailand? It belongs to his Majesty the King. Anybody that lives here does so by the grace that comes from him. How dares ye that throws trash around the King's domain? I mean, how disrespectful is it to litter? Answer, very! the problem is somebody is paid to pick up the pieces, and respect is just a required act of politeness and just that, an act. It seems the Thai people are not quick to consider anything outside of the moment. The actions they take that effect a large group, ie. loudspeakers etc, does not extend past the boundaries of their self-created realm, and why should it?

  2. This is typical the human race (or Thailand??)

    Of course cutting back is a good thing, but.... why not have some campaigns in radio-TV

    trying people here to stop their throwing away plastic garbage just along the roads. This

    beutiful country, is one of the most unclean places I have ever seen in my entire life.

    Suggestion, why not use the Thai King.. People here love him ( well deserved) and they LISTEN

    TO HIM.... he can just say... -"It is time for us Thai now to make our country a clean and safe

    place for us all"

    Glegolo, Chaiyaphum

    How about this is the Kingdom of Thailand? It belongs to his Majesty the King. Anybody that lives here does so by the grace that comes from him. How dares ye that throws trash around the King's domain? I mean, how disrespectful is it to litter? Answer, very! the problem is somebody is paid to pick up the pieces, and respect is just a required act of politeness and just that, an act. It seems the Thai people are not quick to consider anything outside of the moment. The actions they take that effect a large group, ie. loudspeakers etc, does not extend past the boundaries of their self-created realm, and why should it?

  3. True story, I forgot about this one!

    I went to Lotus Express, put a bunch of tomatoes in my own plastic bag, handed it to the girl behind the counter, she took the tomatoes out of the bag and placed them on the scale one by one, printed the price ticket, threw my bag away, and proceeded to put it in a very thin unmarked lightweight bag. I told her to put it in my bag, in Thai of course, and nothing could have said "huh" louder than her expression. After numerous attempts, I managed to leave with the tomatoes in the bag I originally brought. I doubt the facility to adapt to a newly implemented plan even exists, but it's the perceived action taken of the thought that counts.

  4. 7/11 are the worst offenders.

    I go to buy a can of Coke, they give it to me in a plastic bag with 3 straws.

    True story.

    Nobody can seemed to be bothered with asking if you want a bag. I always carry my own used plastic bags. I don't want a straw that is supposed to go into my mouth handled by nose-picking fingers. Who the hel_l would want an unwrapped straw in this country? Buy 8 cups of yoghurt, you get 8 spoons, no questions asked. The problem is kii giat, too lazy to ask. When I tell them why I don't want a plastic bag, it's as if it went right over their head. (pun intended)

    Another plastic bag catastrophe is the hot food. A little research and one will find that phthalates are a major cause of birth defects and cervical problems. Is it any wonder that the Bangkok Post reported yesterday that Thailand has one of, if not the highest infertility rate in Asia, if not the world? :o

  5. I just tried to discuss with my wife the 2 dead in the riots which she was apalled at and the 220 deaths on the road which I was apalled at. Sadly as I have found with many discussions like this she was disinterested " up to them" her comment, I mentioned how about the folk walking on the pavement that get run down by them who didnt choose to drink and drive, " I got pain my tummy" came next and frustratingly this is how many of our "serious" chats often end up or with "u correct" which means she doesnt want to talk about this anymore.

    Anyone else get these type of responses? I get disheartened at times by it.

    As I read these expressions of disheartening discussions, or lack of discussions some have with their wives, I wonder what the conversations were like before they were married. :o

  6. personally, I think there is a lot to be said for experience. I'm wondering what a 13 year old boy really has to offer. Can a 13 year old last long enough to actually "do it" before "losing it"? (great pun!) I think the real person with the problem is the teacher. What kind of trauma has she experienced in her life to have to do such an act in order to bring some meaning to her life? Get the teacher some help. Teach the boy that is not something to pursue, for his values have definitely been distorted. The boy didn't do anything wrong, I feel for the parents of the teacher most of all.

  7. Foreigners living in Phatum Thani Province, Nonthaburi Province, Chainat Province, Lopburi Province, Saraburi province, Singburi province, Ayutthaya Province and Angtong province can visit either Ayutthaya Immigration, Chonburi Immigration or Nakhon Pathom Immigration offices.

    I didn't see the word Nonthaburi on the PDF. Am I supposed to go elsewhere for my 90 day ED visa check-in other than Soi Suan Zoo?

    The didn't put them on the list because they are part of the Bangkok metropolitan area.

    What they are doing is letting you go to the nearest office for these provinces because the are all small and there is not an office in any of them. So it's your choice.

    Thank you so much for that info. "the sun will come out tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow....." :o

  8. Foreigners living in Phatum Thani Province, Nonthaburi Province, Chainat Province, Lopburi Province, Saraburi province, Singburi province, Ayutthaya Province and Angtong province can visit either Ayutthaya Immigration, Chonburi Immigration or Nakhon Pathom Immigration offices.

    I didn't see the word Nonthaburi on the PDF. Am I supposed to go elsewhere for my 90 day ED visa check-in other than Soi Suan Zoo?

  9. I might be missing something here. Who was arrested for what? Was the crime operating a business without a license or something? If they were arrested for disturbing the other hotel guests were they warned beforehand? Are parties that include sex illegal, or does one have to charge as does the prostitutes to make it acceptable although still illegal? Was there a building code violation because the room couldn't sustain the weight and poundings on the floor/walls etc? So you have friends up the a$$, why do the police have to get involved and the people that cum here with money to spend get reamed? What the phlock? :o

  10. Who had the money to buy this card,

    should not cry !

    There home is now builded in China !

    ( not in Dubai )

    Any one know how big is it ?

    ( propably for all card holders )

    Have any one one heared how many holes have the attached golf course ?

    And will they get also a 5 year Visa ?

    I prefer farongs which get their visa on honesty !!

    That's one of the first things I ask, "did jya getcha visa on honesty?" Those that do just make for a much better person. With all non-farongs, it doesn't matter how they got theirs. <deleted>?= what the farong? :o

  11. I'm not sure I really understood the purpose of the "elitist" card. The news every morning had a "message" from the division of high end tourism, a 7 minute advertisement for thai elite card holders. I think every country in the world has spas to visit, and honestly I haven't had a massage here that matches the quality of the massages I got in the states. I don't know who watching the "news" at 8:50AM needs to buy or would want, or have the money to buy one of these cards. If I was a tourist, I wouldn't be watching the tv on my exciting vacation in the land of smiles. If 1% of the population has 95+% of all the money, who was this targeted to, and how many people would it actually bring in? Is it for those that stay in the international hotels and send the money out of the country? Where is the family oriented division of tourism? What does Thailand have to offer the families that come here, or why would families want to come here? I'm sure there are reasons, advertise them. Advertise to the people that would be supporting the Thai people, the local people, the local artists and restaurants. This is a golden opportunity for Thailand to get on the map as the best tourist destination in the world, but to advertise to 1% of the people, shows a lack of judgment. If you bought a Thai elite card, we all make mistakes, maybe your government will bail you out, businesses do go under.

    disclaimer: this is a non-scientific posting of mostly opinion and in no way is to represent scientists making scientific claims. It's just fun to do it on the table once in while.

  12. "The facts simply are not known by most."

    point being let's not jump to conclusions, just get everything we know on the table, and table everything we don't know and see what comes up. "What if" is part of the process. What if the case is solved this way? This could happen to any of us here, and it would be treated exactly the same way. It's just the way it is here, and that's why we live here, because it is what it is.

  13. I have been reading this thread, and feel sickened.

    Does Thailand really have this sort of percentage of sick, inconsiderate, narrow minded, bigoted, childish Ex-Pat morons such as are posting on this thread?

    Uh ,yes to answer your question.

    And as one who has been married for over 20 years to what one of the above mentioned bigots has described as "some savage ritual drum-beating dance around the fire dirty filthy border people", although I daresay that would certainly add some spice to my otherwise rather ordinary life, that given the past 30 years that I have been hanging out off and on with these allegedly filthy people, including Shan, I can claim that the "tribal" aspect of the story is pure fantasy.

    the quote "some savage ritual drum-beating dance around the fire dirty filthy border people" was a reference to the Thai perspective of the poorer people. This is not the behavior of the rich, the dancing around fires or huddling around them to keep warm. The rich commit their crimes with more "tact" if that's even possible. They pay people to kill in the name of "law" or saving face. It was not a bigoted response coming from a bigot which I am certainly not. It was a observation of how the poorer people in this country are treated. Is their a icon for sarcasm? My eloquence isn't up to par for this group. :o

  14. If you were sat in a bar discussing this horrific murder, and there were a number of people present who know the victim present, would you really say these things in their presence?

    You can answer one of two ways I guess:-

    (1) Yes you would - In which case I regard you with contempt, because you are a sad excuse for a human being, with no compassion.


    (2) No you wouldn't - In which case I regard you as a gutless coward that hides behind the anonymity of the internet.

    How many times did we have to see the young man get off his motorbike, shoot a security guard at point blank, then plug a slug into the head of his "girlfriend" execution style, as she pleaded for her life, ON THE TV!? Do you think family members and friends saw it too, over and over and over again? Thai TV. Maybe we should all go and lament the dead, and pray it doesn't happen again, for not dealing with the source is certainly the Thai way of doing things. The westerners like to deal with the inept and remedy the cause. Getting it out in the open is part of the process. Scientists do not discuss theory, they argue it. If you can't take the heat, don't, for arguing a case is not for everybody.

  15. so it doesn't sound like a pure-bred Thai, but one of those cross-bred impure Burmese/Thai. Is it possible that it was committed by a basic Thai person, and not some savage ritual drum-beating dance around the fire dirty filthy border people. It seems that everything to do with a border is less than up to standard to the Thai. Sawasdibpiimaijeen :o

  16. what is amazing to me is the blatant lack of integrity and justifications for bad behavior. I know there are cultural differences here, but I don't understand the concept of acceptable criminal acts. God forbid you drop a book that you want to buy on the counter instead of gently placing it down because that would be considered rude, but legalized corruption is ok. I was going to add, where is the sense of pride and dignity? but thinking about it, the pride is there, but it has nothing to do with accomplishment. No one here seems to take any responsibility for their actions, and I don't suspect any will be taken in this case either. This is very sad, and not good for the Kingdom. And on that note, disrespectful at that. I think a movement about how to be a respectful and honorable subject is long overdue. :o

  17. I too think nothing is really going to come of this. It seems that when it comes to making money, anything is fair game. Whether it's driving through neighborhoods blasting a sales pitch at 125 decibels, or blocking a sidewalk with drying t-shirts, or a sidewalk restaurant, or a political sign, or the freaking guy on the train waking people up selling orange juice at 5:30 am. Making money takes precedence and probably always will. Sure you can put in the fire sprinklers and exits to regulation size, but if the exits are locked, it's the same as not having them, if not worse. Over crowding is an issue at these clubs, as well as non-fire-retardant materials that are cheap and easy to use. Most of the deaths at Santika were from breathing toxic fumes and carbon monoxide, not burns. Another note on Santika was that they didn't have any insurance, for they were planning on selling in about 3 moths time, keeniao maak maak. If taken the right way, this could be a welcomed job opportunity to improve the infrastructure, creating jobs and selling materials. But the real problem is, money. It's worshiped more than any other entity. I don't know if this is going to hurt the clubbing industry or not. I don't go to clubs, so I don't know other than what I hear, and because of what I hear is the reason I don't go. Announcing "crackdowns" does nothing more than advertise a problem, and the lack of action taken in light of these advertisements is laughable, or worthy of compassion in this case. We'll see, but I do think it is the citizens place to keep tabs on the government, otherwise, it's not for the people by the people, it's neither.

  18. So why is the airport closed? Is it the "knee jerk" "common sense" "this is the thing to do" reaction? Keep the stupid airport open. Work around the crowd. Do the best you can to maintain something normal. (if that's not an oxymoron) Is there a reason why seafood and orchids cannot be flown out of Thailand because of some protesters? I haven't been to the airport, so I don't really know. I know it would be difficult to get to the airport, so maybe there is another way, I don't know. The people in the airport should be able to leave by plane. I have seen the live footage and yes there are alot of people there. I think it would look good if the PAD showed that they can "close" the airport and still have it carry on business in a resonsible manner. Why can't the PAD let the bonafide passengers come and go from the airport? But then again on the other hand. while the PM hides out in Chieng Mai, I'm wondering why he is holding out. What is he waiting for? Why is it so dam_n important that he is th PM when so many around Asia don't want him there. Is he hanging in there so as to pardon someone? Is there a big payoff in the end? :o hmmmm

  19. I fear a civil war between north and south. The battleground will be Bangkok. This is s Buddhist country. How can all this happen? It's so sad.

    to say you are a Buddhist is really not a part of the teachings. To label oneself is a violent act of separation from the whole. I wouldn't label myself a Christian or a Buddhist so as to not be associated with such bad behavior. How does one label a drop of water after becoming part of the ocean? Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world.......

    The Pythagorean Principle

    “As long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.”


    “First, live a compassionate life. Then you will know.”


    "All beings tremble before violence.

    All fear death.

    All love life.

    See yourself in others.

    Then whom can you hurt?

    What harm can you do?"


    It is the conflict in the individual mind that manifests as war. When individuals change, the society will automatically change.

    — Amma

  20. I live about 500m from there, and did not hear a thing, although wife has been down to get the oil on what was going on, and word on the street is it involves a Younger/Elder brother feud, one of which has brought in some ghetto support. Any rate I'm not walking down there at any time.


    That's probably a wise course of action to not take (but not a very bold statement coming from a "samurai"---so you send your wife?). Any one that would drop an explosive device into a crowd of poor vendors just trying to make a living (or order someone else to do so) is lower than pond scum! The human race needs some kind of litmus test to identify those that are greedy, violent in nature, and uncaring of the life and comfort of others. Those types need to be isolated and restricted (but, these days they seem to be the 'majority'...so it won't be happening anytime soon). Incidentally, people don't live in ghettos by choice and no civilized country should allow conditions that make them necessary.

    I was lucky enough to watch the Loy Kratong celebration in my village here in northern Thailand and there were several fireworks explosions strong enough to shake the ground 1/2 k across the rice paddies. They were for amusement here but one or more of those would cause great damage in a crowded marketplace.

    Sounds like the bottom line is that the Port Authority needs to be cleaned up. The rampant corruption of public officials is certainly not unique to Thailand but, IMHO, I think the King should devote what energies he can spare to correcting governmental corruption and commercial cheats. He is the only individual here with the influence to effect any substantial changes. Good luck, Thailand...you're too great a nation & people to allow the few 'rich & still greedy' to ruin your country's reputation and concern for the less fortunate.

    Paul, MaeRim

    A litmus test, that's an interesting idea. Can any imagine what life was like before the 10 commandments? Look how well they worked out. How about the 10 Litmus Commandments? If one doesn't "operate" within the rules of the 10 Litmus Commandments, then you are bad.

    Thailand...you're too great a nation & people to allow the few 'rich & still greedy' to ruin your country's reputation and concern for the less fortunate. I couldn't help to think of the USA and the level of corruption there. The rich are richer maak maak! the poor are poorer and there are more than before.

    Incidentally, people don't live in ghettos by choice and no civilized country should allow conditions that make them necessary. Actually yesl they do! It's the choice of those that work outside of the 10 Litmus Commandments. It's called suppression. You make the slaves to the monetary system live in such horrendous conditions that all they can concentrate on is just trying to make ends meet, even if the means are insufficient in the end. If you are sick and weak, we are going to charge you everything you have, and take everything from you and still you will die, but this time without your dignity. Actually this part is an assumption because I don't know how your previous deaths went down. So is Thailand "too great a nation"? I don't know, it seems right in line with the westernization of the culture. Why should they be different, easy to judge, where is the judge?

  21. Should it be that in the name of making money anything should be allowed, as it seems to be at this point?

    Hello, wake up and smell the coffee ! This is Thailand :o

    So after smelling the coffee, the realization is that there should be a sign posted somewhere on or near the gate, Warning! This country is owned and operated, and inhabited by Thai people, enter at your own risk. That's BS, I should like to give the Thai people more credit than that, no matter how difficult the task may be. :D

  22. I don't know a lot about this, the vendors in Klong Toey, but I'm thinking that if I buy a piece of property, and it is overrun by noisy dirty vendors littering the area with grease and trash, thus bringing down the value to my investment, why should they persist? Is relocation totally out of the question? Is some kind of code of conduct out of the question? Should it be that in the name of making money anything should be allowed, as it seems to be at this point? This is a huge city, change is real, nothing ever stays the same from one moment to the next, so why assume that they can or should stay. I think a relocation assistance program would be useful here, if that kind of consideration is not beneath those that would benefit. With the violence, everone loses. My heart goes out to those that will suffer from these inconsiderate actions. The concept of consequence should be taught at an early age, because from what I can tell here, the people do not understand the consequence of their actions. This is a sad day in LOS. :o

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