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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. well i'm glad the red shirts have declared war against the government. This should give this government every good reason to get out there and kick some asses and end this crap! :D These fools are doing all this for a coward that has no interests in their plight, if they even really have one, just shows how stupid the herd mentality can be. Arrest the leaders of this charade and charge them with treason. Have every shop owner that has been affected sue them for damages. Make them rue the day they decided to let their egos control their actions, and know that the almighty Thaksin Shinawatra has no interest in anything other than recouping his stolen money and getting into power to steal more. This is not a peaceful demonstration, to demand the house be dissolved when it is not in the best interest of the people just shows how uniformed they are. Notify every county out there to take a look at their constitutions and see if it is legal to use their country as a base for terrorism. Now's the time to finish the job. :)

  2. Certain terminologies are thrown around with complete disregard for their true meaning, and two such examples would be words like "friend" and "monk". Thanks to entities such as Facebook, Hi5 and other social sites, the term friends has been downgraded to mean nothing more than a name on a page, or a contact. The same can be said for the term monk. A monk is a monk because one has evolved into a monk. One does not just become a monk because it is the whim of his parents or society. Wearing an okra colored robe does not make one a monk in any sense of the true meaning. To be a monk is a state of being, not a performance. The headline should have read man pretending to be a monk, or man dressed as a monk etc would have been more appropriate. I put this in the a category far worse than the fake blind beggars, or the healthy people that crawl around the streets and beg for a living. I even put this as more offensive because of the use of trust, than those that run gangs of beggars and maim people. This is outrageous. I truly hope that the people involved with the legal process drop the obligatory pseudo-respect that one unconsciously gives these people, and yes they are only people, and treats them as they really are. :)

  3. They saw on the television who was doing it. Why don't they arrest the people that poured the blood? As far as someone's comment about the virus that causes AIDS only lives for minutes outside the host is ridiculous. I've been told by a AIDS researcher that it can live for up to 10 minutes in a mild bleach solution. Why this illegal activity, the dumping of body fluids, which i consider human body parts in public places can happen I don't have a clue, at least arrest them for littering, and sue them for the cost of clean up, and make sure you tack on all the bio-hazard related expenses that go along with it. Arrest them! why is that so difficult? Why is this coward that says he's healthy, gained a few kilos eating Swedish breads and caviar allowed to to this to the kingdom? HOW DISRESPECTFUL and outrageous. I say enough is enough! End it. This will go on because one person doesn't want to have more talks. I wonder how much Taksin is going to pay him if he succeeds? :)

  4. I've only been to one of these shows, a friend of mine has a dealership in Bangkok. It's amazing to me the amount of money spent on the productions, the singing and dancing, costumes etc. Some of these shows cost 1 million baht to produce. I had a lot of fun, it was certainly a new experience for me. Very bizarre how the girls poise themselves in front of the cars with a mob of cameras gawking at them. I might go again for something to do. I recommend it.

  5. It has been reported that Jatuporn has threatened that this protest could last for a year if it takes that long to get the house dissolution.

    I don't tink so. Who pays for the gasoline bill?

    If this is going to last for a year, wouldn't it make more sense if the people just stayed in Bangkok? I can see it now, long cues of people waiting for their "blood" money. I had a dream I saw Taksin saying on the television that no body would have to stand in line for 500 baht again! Life is but a dream, sha boom sha boom :)

  6. isn't there a any consideration being taken here that this kind of behavior is, or should be, somewhat embarrassing to the country? Throwing feces, bags of urine, spilling blood, "priests" kneeling in the blood and sticking his hands in it, the single symbolic stick of incense, enough is enough! Sanctions to whatever country houses this terrorist coward that has never lived the life of luxury and only wears one 1 million baht watch at a time. Why is this still going on? Let's get it over with, all it takes is one person, no taking on mobs. Hand him over. :) simplicity has it's place, but does it here?

  7. Just now watching on television some of the Red Shirt women cooking in big pots. Maybe they are doing some good afterall. There may not be any more mangy soi dogs running loose in the streets of Bangkok.

    What a racist statement

    What race was mentioned here? Red Shirt women is a race? If it's a race to cook the most soi dogs, give me her number! Clean the streets of all the dogs I say! :)

  8. I don't think this is bunk at all. Taksin seems very desperate at this point. His followers are using pathetic techniques here, and I don't believe a man educated in the west is going to fall for or be intimidated by some witchcraft BS. I think the blood should be considered a bio hazard, i would find it hard to believe there is no law about body parts not being dealt with properly, or even used as a weapon. I think legal action should be taken and embarrassment to the country needs to end. The assassination plot is more than likely real and probably has been in the planning stage for two years now. I say end it, send a message, sanctions against any country that harbors this fugitive trash, and charge him with treason and prosecute to the full extent of the law and be done with it. enough is enough, just do it by the books, it certainly can be done. :)

  9. did anybody really think Abhisit would give into the demands of these people? It will all go away when a more aggressive campaign as to the real nature of the fugitive they are supporting comes to light. To me it's just so weird that they let this cowardly behavior continue from abroad and just a simple campaign with education as the focus might be the best defense. Butwho knows,, everything i thought was normal is, just not here. :)

  10. Obviously if the Thai's had any brains at all both the government and UDD leaders would get together and just hand over power and governance to a team of UK expats.

    They could recruit a suitable cabinet right here on TV. I mean, who knows more about Thailand...or running a country than UK expats on TV?

    I have always found it strange how nearly all the Redshirts come from rural Thailand...NW and Issan.....but all the Redshirt experts (and Thaksin) experts seem

    to be from the UK and live in Bankok....probably in air conditioned condos, have probably never had to run anything more complicated than a trip to the bar....and have forgotten

    what the hel_l they are doing here anyway.....icon1.gif Maybe if the pound reaches parity with the baht.....you will all be forced to go back and help run the UK instead....then Thailand

    would just have to manage on it's own somehow.

    there must be something relevant here somewhere. let's see, relevance, relevance relevance, nope, can't find anything. A little help maybe? :)

  11. so what does this mean "topple the government"? Create complete chaos, maybe assassinate some key leaders, dissolve the military, and Taksin is going to step back in as a hero and get his money back? How stupid can they be? If the person in charge thought these people had a smidgen of brains, they would form a legitimate party, but obviously the powers that want to be don't think they are capable of anything more than blocking traffic and stinking up the city. Don't these peasants know they are being used, or is being used OK if it pays 300 baht. How much is one's dignity worth? obviously to these people not much. :)

  12. It is needed. Well done.

    Stop talking rubbish, this is thailand and the thai,s have a right to demonstrate how they chose fit,this is one sure way of over reaction, when will us farang just keep our mouths shut and mind our own business,

    No reasonable government in the world would sit back and allow free rein to a violent terrorist movement massing in their capital. If you actually believe the red shirts are a peaceful movement, I would agree with you. However, I think the proof is overwhelming that they are a violent movement willing to do anything to achieve their goals. That is simply not acceptable.

    That is not acceptable is your comment. You have no evidence to speak about terrorist movement and I fully agree with the previous comment saying as Farang keep your mouth shut. It's right to the Thai people to demonstrate what they want, could be yellow or red; it's their country and their business not ours and even we have opinions, keep it for us. I would never accept in my country foreigners speaking about what is OK and what is wrong, that's all. :)

    "you would never accept foreigners speaking out about what is OK", you're certainly not an American, and you certainly don't believe in free speech or even that all people are created equal. Maybe you should read the Thai constitution, although the people may not do as it's is written, at least it's written.

  13. this doesn't sound like it's for real, since when do monks assist in disruptive behavior related to politics? I would think they would be completely detached from that kind of thing.

    Not at all! Buddhist monks were at the front and centre of the pro-democracy rallies in Burma as well.

    Difference being these protests have nothing whatsoever to do with democracy.

    precisely my point. this whole thing is in support of a fugitive and his loot. :)

  14. All kinds of comments floating around here, I think some people are just uniformed as to the facts. Amway at one time made more millionaires out of people than any other company in the world. Thailand has around 50, or maybe 80 i don't remember Amway stores. Most of the products do come from the US, so i would expect the quality to be better than what one finds at Big C. I do know in the states, one can purchase cars through their Amway distributor license, no dickering, just the best price, salespersons hate it, low profit. Amway rice is a higher grade, organic, and only 91 baht for 2 kilos and no sand. There is nothing wrong with MLM systems other than the fact most people just have no idea how to work them, thus the 98%+ failure rate. MLM's are easier than ever because of the Internet, but you have to be a skilled marketer. As a marketing trainer, and an expert with these types of systems, maybe some would like to learn the difference.

    I'm sure money making scams are on the rise in Thailand. More and more people are making money to spend and more and more are getting more desperate, and all those rich people do look like they have the perfect lives. Abhisit did not take Taksin's money, the red shirts will continue to lessen in strength. The point is, easy to trash something one doesn't understand. Don't confuse the scams with the legitimate company's, Pepsi and MCI have both used MLM compensation plans to explode their businesses, good marketing. :)

  15. I wonder how long the Thai government is going to put up with this childish behavior. Seems like their should be a solution that fits the som nam na clause. It seems that the lackadaisical attitude surely has to be detrimental to the country, and who has the authority to let the country fall? So much Thai pride, so little effort to earn it. :)

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