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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. This sounds vaguely reminiscent of the pseudo bomb that was found in the trunk of a car in front of Toxin's house. Not really a bomb, just pieces of stuff, maybe bomb sort of stuff. It's the classic "w" technique of creating some kind of fear, scared people will let you do anything, even take away their rights. This sounds like BS Toxin propaganda. The poor slob has nowhere to go, so create enough of a mess here and maybe he can slip in and make a life by taking some others. The bro-in-law needs to go in my never to be humble opinion, I smell a rat, and this rat smells different from the many other rats. :o

  2. Hallelujah!

    Americans can now walk strong and proud again at home and abroad and maybe we won't always have to carry a big gun. We're doing a makeover, please be patient. When Martin Luther King had a dream he was dreaming of President Barack Hussein Obama. Yes, he will stumble in the future like any man, but let us savor this historic moment of hope and old fashioned corny American optimism. You are fooling yourself if you think this is just another election. This is the election of a generation or maybe two or three. Our esteemed General Colin Powell, a republican, put it best: his will be a TRANSFORMATIVE presidency.

    Are you aware Obama opposes gay marriage?

    Why redefine marriage? Obama is pro legal unions. Isn't marriage a legal union? Does a woman need to be called a husband? Should we redefine husband, or wife for that matter? If two guys adopt, does one guy need to be called "mom"? Legal union defines one as "family" that's what matters. Being family opens the doors to all kinds of legal issues that are within the same realm as marriage. Legalize same sex marriage or not, a legal union is blanket coverage of the same bed they make. :o

  3. I am very happy with this outcome, but this man has got a long, hard road ahead of him. Things are really in a terrible mess and it's going to take a long time to dig out of it.

    I think the Republicans still have enough seats in the Senate to filibuster (block) Obama every which way. For that reason I sincerely hope he is successful in his stated intent to reach out to them to get their co-operation.

    When is the last time you ever saw a politician reach out to the other side without a selfish alterior motive?

    Substance speaks. Can you give an example of a selfish "alterior" motive and who it was that did the reaching, and throw in from which side he/she reached from to where the reaching was directed? This could be a stretch. :o

  4. Calm your euphoria gentlemen.

    The complexion of the US President has obviously changed, but in all other respects it will be "business as usual" – only the recipients of the new Governments' largesse will be different.

    Bush was obligated to "big Oil" and the Financial Services Industries (or as we call it after the recent bail-out "Capitalism without risk") for his election, just as Obama now has to demonstrate his thanks to the Industries who financed his.

    The hundreds of millions of dollars "donated" to the Obama campaign had strings attached – strings which will become obvious in the months to come.


    Exactly. Only the names have changed... The game stays the same.


    Just a state of fact

    Most of Obama's money came from the over 3 million people who gave 200 dollars or less.

    Hardly is he bought and owned by the Oil companies or any other companies.

    President elect Obama is Not the same old game.

    Barry is the same old game... He has to answer to his daddy - the Democratic party. Despite where you think all his money came from. Things are not always what they seem or what the liberal media tells you.

    LOL You think MLK's true dream became true tonight? Not even close. Race played an issue tonight as well... just in another direction. Race will continue to play heavily in an Obama administration. REALLY? :o You think people didin't vote for McCain because he was white? (cue hank williams jr singing McCain/Palin tradition here wearing a 96 on his jersey that looks just like a swastika)

    Change is good. But most of the change you will see from Barry will be for the worse.YOU HAVE A CRYSTAL BALL? ARE YOU SOME KIND OF WIZARD? :D :D You think having both the Legislative and Executive branches controlled by a single party will be a good one? My dog is a better choice than what we were presented. The only part that made McCain clearly better was that the branches would be under different control.

    You are also nuts if you think there is much core difference between the democrats or the republicans. I NEVER SAID THAT, DO YOU SEE DEAD PEOPLE TOO? Their two party lockup AND NO TWO PARTY SYSTEM UNDER MCCAIN? A DICTATOR IS BETTER I SUPPOSE :D of the system wrote off the ability for positive change years ago. Greed and corruption in the US is not much different than what I read about in Thailand except that the collective we (US) learned how to hide it better.

    I venture to say your dillusions of wizardry are not so grand.

  5. Just go ahead and keep thinking that "change" is all the US needs. It is easy for a politician to spew the word, but almost impossible to deliver. The US was in trouble the day the only choice was Obama or McCain.

    how should we word this? Did someone say that change is all we need? What should we keep the same? Is there something wrong with change? Easy to spew "The US was in trouble the day the only choice was Obama or McCain." but where's the substance behind that? That's all McCain ran on, "we need change", but he had no policy. So when Obama says it, it's BS, but when McCain says it, it's not the same ol' rhetoric. All the US needs IS change, what would you like to keep the same? Dismantling the constitution, increasing the wealthy/poverty gap, or maybe more de-regulation is your fancy? McCain was involved with the 80's Savings and Loan scandal, you want more of that? I don't think the lower drinking water standards Bush is pushing for at the moment would affect you at all. In fact I don't think lower standards across the board would even catch your attention. :o

  6. congrats to president obama. Hope he will make a change.

    What a great country american is!!

    Indeed, USA (not America) is a great country and with the help of Obama we are going to change that. :D

    i cant believe you are such a dumb nation voting for a man( i dont give a toss what colour he is)with no policy but i am going to change things......only in the USA

    you must have just stepped out of an AM radio right wing talk show. NO POLICY? Barack was all about policy, puppets don't have policy, which is why McCain lost. McCain didn't really want to be president anyway, wasn't that obvious? It would have killed him. He was pushed into it, his heart wasn't in it. He didn't believe a word he was told to say. He did nothing but embarass himself, and he knows it. It's the "know nothings" that believe the ridiculous crap on those shows. Anybody that gets news from sources other than the Fox network would know that Obama's plan to deal with the economy was far superiour than McCain's jargon. get with it. If he did in fact pick Sarah Palin as a running mate, that should be proof enough that he didn't want to win the election, what an idiot! :o

    Sounds like you just came from reading the Daily Kos yourself.

    Thanks, I never heard of the Daily Kos, I'll check it out. :D

  7. congrats to president obama. Hope he will make a change.

    What a great country american is!!

    Indeed, USA (not America) is a great country and with the help of Obama we are going to change that. :D

    i cant believe you are such a dumb nation voting for a man( i dont give a toss what colour he is)with no policy but i am going to change things......only in the USA

    you must have just stepped out of an AM radio right wing talk show. NO POLICY? Barack was all about policy, puppets don't have policy, which is why McCain lost. McCain didn't really want to be president anyway, wasn't that obvious? It would have killed him. He was pushed into it, his heart wasn't in it. He didn't believe a word he was told to say. He did nothing but embarass himself, and he knows it. It's the "know nothings" that believe the ridiculous crap on those shows. Anybody that gets news from sources other than the Fox network would know that Obama's plan to deal with the economy was far superiour than McCain's jargon. get with it. If he did in fact pick Sarah Palin as a running mate, that should be proof enough that he didn't want to win the election, what an idiot! :o

  8. This is good news. I can feel relieved that Thailand won't be making any pacts with the devil because the American people have sent the devil packing. Just for the record, an African-American cannot, any more than a Thai-American or any other ________-American can become the president. One has to be born in the United States to qualify. I don't think an American-Thai, or African-Thai or anyother national-Thai can be the prime minister here, I may be wrong. I do think though, that the Thai nationals that have a mixed race background, as Thai nationals through and through can be the prime minister. Ones race cannot be determined by ones DNA, but the difference between a rat and a mouse can. Lets work on properly lableling those first, before we label people. A rat and a mouse cannot breed, but any two from the different races can. Congrats Obama, the Thai people were behind you, and I think so is the world.

    "I believe banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties

    than standing armies!

    If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue

    of their currency, 1st by inflation, then by deflation, the banks &

    corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the

    people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the

    continent their fathers conquered."

    - Thomas Jefferson 1802

  9. Jack says "no". any predictions out there? Does anyone think the PAD is going to lay low and kick back for the festivities, and see khun brother in law leave with his box of belongings on the TV? I don't think so. I think they'll try it again, there hasn't been a consequence yet, why should there be the next time? I do kinda think that a change now would disrupt the official activities coming up. But then again since these activities are so official, I can't see how they can't not happen. Could you imagine George Bush taking responsibility for his actions? Dumb ass McCain said in the debate the other night, "we had to go into Iraq to secure our oil supply" Now that's a good reason to kill over 1 million people. :o

  10. I'm almost tempted to say "is it possible this can happen again?" To have another Toxinite get in the hot seat and have the country continue on whatever path it is they are on. But then again, this is the amazing Thailand where gall turns into a

    #_(&-up, and the response is a grin. Is it possible this can happen again? I'm wondering if I shouldn't wonder about this. :o

  11. F1 runner, George doesn't write the news or headlines. Take it up with the original source.

    My god.... Ireally really really didnt think there were so many incapable and stupid people around here. Of course not, he doesnt!

    But he is responsible for posting it here. I am talking about Thai visa! Not some news agent in Bahrain or Stockholm!

    Great answer Plus!

    This is nothing at all to defend! ITS A CRAP THREAD HEADLINE HURTING THAILAND!

    Should be taken right off the board or the text in the headline be changed!

    Thailand almost in war.................. what a stupid nonsense!

    'welcome and thank you for coming to spending your hard earned savings in my country'. We forgot to tell you about the problems and dangers, and your personal safety may be at risk. We could have told you, but for the "good" of the country and so as to hide it's problems caused by stupidity, we didn't. Don't take it personally, being ethical is not one of our strong points, we don't really know what it means, and we will do anything and everything to save our face, regardless of consequence. Now leave it you don't like it, I don't care you :o

  12. this is all so stupid. Is there some reason this area can't be made into a "safe" zone. A type of "temple" for lack of better words where all can come to seek peace and come to center? Does it have to have a label, the "I, Me, Mine" consciousness that all the great masters have taught us is the cause of suffering? I want to enter this temple from the Thai side, and exit from the Thai side. Can't the Cambodian people enter from the Cambodian side and exit from the Cambodian side? It seems that the lack of willingness to share care-taking responsibility is nothing but pure ego as if to say "you can't do it as well as we can". So the answer is to start a war, to start a process to kill, to take away ones children, brothers, daughters, mothers and fathers over an imaginary line drawn in the sand. What is the difference between the orientals labeled Thai, and the orientals labeled Cambodian? An imaginary line drawn in the sand. Imagine if Thailand "owned" this plot on the planet how life would be perfect. It's all just imagination. If I don't get this piece of candy I'm going to throw a tantrum until I do, and as every other answer/object outside of my being has never solved any problem I had, surely as a stupid human I will look for something else to cling to. Pure ignorance. And as long as I continue in this manner, I will still have problems/more cause for suffering. This act of war, this "barking" from behind a fence is life as one lives in the lower chakras. The dog days of somber. :o When do we separate what we define as culture, and when do we recognize pride as something as merely an association that feeds an insatiable entity we call the ego. When did pride stop being something we took credit for because of our actions? :D This is so low class, and I'm truly angry. Oh to be a witness, and not have the anger is something that because of me is just out of my reach.

    "All beings tremble before violence.

    All fear death.

    All love life.

    See yourself in others.

    Then whom can you hurt?

    What harm can you do?"


  13. Is there any word about government businesses closing? Where is the brunt of the violence taking place? I hope all the people realize that everyone of them are the same, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, providers, non-providers etc. Everyone is someone to somebody. To permanently remove a family member from ones family is certainly offensive. I hope there is a moment of thinking before the act. :o

  14. "The ministry will also hold discussions with other agencies to ensure that, this time, amendment will create fair conditions for both Thai and foreign businessmen," said Chaiya.

    This time they will ensure fair conditions through some amendment? Is "fair conditions" relatively fairly conditional varbage? (I thought that would rhyme better with garbage) He's a relative, but he's not. This ones an oriental, but not the right kind, the farang are all the same, but this one has money......

    However, the ministry will still reserve some business sectors for Thais if it finds there are still major concerns over low competitiveness in particular industries.

    So if the Thais don't want to do it, we'll save a percentage of the inaction for them just in case?

    The amendments should make the Act more concise and flexible for foreign investors, enabling them to keep up the momentum of foreign investment in Thailand, Chaiya said.

    Are we losing momentum here? The momentum of investments going to other countries? Shoot the foot because it hasn't been shot?

    The minister said there would, however, be no change in the definition of "foreign investors", who can hold no more than 50 per cent of the shares in firms in business listed in Annexes I to III unless they receive permission to do so from the FBA subcommittee.

    so if it floats, it must be made of wood, and therefore, a duck! How much is this "permission" gonna cost?

  15. It is all about priorities - if you want to go to Thailand, don't waste money on $4.00 cups of coffee, stop smoking, and suddenly you have a $100 extra at the end of the week!

    Scrimp and save in the west to go to LOS and live the good life!!!

    It doesn't help much for non-smokers and non-$4 coffee drinkers.

    Believe it or not, you can buy $4.00 cups of coffee in Thailand no trouble at all. A decent coffee at McDonalds can even set you back $3.00.

    I'm sorry, I just have to ask if that was a "typo" Did you mean to say "A decent coffee at McDonalds"? I think there's a better chance at finding a "decent" cigarette out there somewhere. Just a thought, nothing serious. :o

  16. I don't think it's a question of "shutting" down Panthip or any other mall/dept store/mega outdoor market where they blatantly sell this stuff. Maybe they should target the people selling the pirated goods, or bads considering the quality of what one gets. I don't buy pirated goods from these places because the quality isn't good enough, I can download all and any of this stuff from innumerable warez sites, and they work! What does the US do to curb this kind of indecent behavior? Maybe the Thai should take a look at how countries that are light years ahead in development, keep in mind it takes a developed minds to develop a country, deal with this kind of "problem". This reckless driving force of no commonsense/let's re-invent the wheel mentality has got to go. The problem is the Thai are too lazy, too "mai bpen rai" to do anything about it. I think they just don't know any better. It's not that they aren't smart, it's that they are really still children, if one wants to put it in perspective. Does anything pertain to everything, no, so don't go the I think all the Thai are stupid response, I said most of them. :o

  17. Off-topic posts have been deleted. This is the Teaching in Thailand forum, and this thread is specifically about teaching legally in Thailand, so lets keep the topic on that instead. If you have other issues to address or other occupations to discuss then please do so elsewhere.

    (and davidwright, I am a native English speaker, and a moderator and I was posting in that role. Lets just leave it at that instead of getting personal shall we?)

    Then if you are a moderator do not offer comment when you clearly did'nt read it properly!

    As i said advise was given.

    Have a nice day :o

    advice- noun

    advise- verb

    get over it people. I think the role of the English language teachers here is to communicate. I think we have clearly illustrated here that grammar is not of the essence, but maybe being a good teacher is. These people that are misusing the giving advice and advising others on what to do, do you guys have degrees? Fact of the matter is, we are communicating and that's a good thing. Relationship= interaction between two objects. Come on brothers and sisters, I'm elated we're related!

  18. Why do not more native English teachers who fully meet all requirements under Thai laws and regulations apply for work in Thailand and then receive co-operation from the schools to obtain a work permit?

    I know lot's of teachers that have all the necessary qualifications, certifications and experience, but stop teaching in the Thai schools for many reasons. The private schools are paid by the parents so the students cannot under any circumstance fail. The students in the lousy public schools cannot fail so as to not em-bare-ass the parents. The students for the most part misbehave, almost riotous was how it was put to me, and not many have the voice day after day of trying to talk over a classroom "lounge". I have taught in the international private schools, and I have taught in the public schools. Never again thank you, I don't need the aggravation. I'm not here to get rich, I'm certainly not here to look for a husband, I'm here to make a difference, but I'm not going to try to change a culture, especially one such as the Thai culture where common sense and consideration seem pretty non-existent. This Thai culture seems to take no responsibility for it's actions, expects everything, especially if you're rich, enjoys being racist to the point of flaunting it. They have to grow up before they can expect special anything. Thailand contrary to the popular Thai belief is not special, it's just another country. Every country is special to it's people in some way or another. Why Thailand is just for Thais, but that every developed country welcomes diversity, should at some point or another send a message. They sure do like the "farang-oriental" mixed actors on TV though.

  19. How good of a former & soon to be next dictator would Toxic be if he couldn't funnel development money to his home province?

    Let me say "Terrible Idea" Of course all the sleezeballs are all for it. Tally Ho old chap!!!!

    Lottery I call "Tax on the Stupid". Let the blood letting begin.

    Talk about being on the same page, Tally up the hoes

  20. The lottery in any country has always virtually been a way of collecting revenue that mostly comes from the poor. Taxing the poor, or in most cases the stupid, if you will. IF you can't have casinos in Thailand, declare the land they are built on as "embassies", put the immigration offices in the casinos, and stop sending much needed revenues to the Cambodians.

    1000 baht visa runs, includes two free drink coupons. Now we're talkin' revenue. The baht stops here, keep in Thailand.

  21. like it was said earlier, these are not shanties on the end of some runway, these are homes that bring in tax dollars, different from the from the shanty towns set up along construction sites that are being occupied by the less than 187baht/day Burmese illegal immigrant workers. While the government is busy ridding the kingdom of those that can make difference with the below standard Thai education system, or while those that can be educating the Thai are learning about the different parts of a Thai musical instruments, not that the Thai could point out a tuning key or a bridge, nut etc on a guitar. Somehow the Thai government is still to busy to deal with what it takes to improve the Thai peoples lives. Maybe they should look at it from the viewpoint that these are the King's people and out of respect deal with the issue in a manner worthy of respect from the His Majesty. For all of those government employees that have illegal Burmese "help", think of it as disrespect for his majesty and the penalty should appropriately be dismissal from the position currently held. Hire a Thai national first! All of us that live in the Kingdom know that the Thai tolerate a lot when it comes to one making money. Loud speakers on trucks driving through neighborhoods, song taos beeping horns at 5:50 AM as they drive around, numerous sounds from vendors, ice cream trucks. recyclers, etc. The airport is different,. yes it like all the others causes lack of sleep to you and your babies, not being able to hear the tv, but the noise level is causing physical damage to the structures themselves as well as the body physical, psychological and emotional disorders that go along with an enormous amount of stress. Compensate the Kings subjects accordingly, it shouldn't be such a big deal. Mai bpen rai chai mai ka.

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