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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. December 5th would be His Majesty's birthday, and a very fitting tribute indeed. Was that put together very quickly or have I just been asleep. How awesome is that to have a BTS go to the airport? I think this is wonderful.

    But this is not the BTS, right??

    Its not BTS. BTS is Skytrain

    ok, it's not the BTS, can you please share with us what it is. It seems like you know, but you're not telling, come on, tell us pleeaase!

  2. ohhh i think I know that one in the middle.....she is working at AFTER SCHOOL Bar in Soi Cowboy :D :D :D

    guess the reason why most of the so called "students" are visiting chulalonghorn university is to find a guy with gooood parents or a big spender, after all

    they are Thaigirls :P

    and to add to the problem after all, they are Caucasian men. (so as to not discriminate against any country) sheesh!

    a falang is a falang is a falang. <deleted>! :D

    why CAUCASIAN men?? what do u know about the colour of my skin? :) lets just call it MEN....and if I have to study in an university which allows students to look more like little bit....s as STUDENTS guess it makes it hard for me to learn anything there :D students which are visiting these univertitys in Thailand for the reason of LEARNING (universitys ARE for learning) will surely not dress up like these girls.

    and I have nothing against any lady who makes her money with caucasian or other men....I know why Thailand is rich and the NO 1 visited country in Asia :D

    have a great day :D

    because the term "falang" was being used here, on this forum. Falang does not mean foreigner, nor westerner. For Orientals born and raised in, lets say the USA from American born and raised parents, are not falang. Falang means Caucasian. Just being politically correct here, most Thai are not, so it rubs off. Who doesn't like a good rubbing?

  3. ohhh i think I know that one in the middle.....she is working at AFTER SCHOOL Bar in Soi Cowboy :D :D :D

    guess the reason why most of the so called "students" are visiting chulalonghorn university is to find a guy with gooood parents or a big spender, after all

    they are Thaigirls :D

    and to add to the problem after all, they are Caucasian men. (so as to not discriminate against any country) sheesh!

    a falang is a falang is a falang. <deleted>! :)

  4. some schools in the USA have gone to having the students wear uniforms, especially in the Charter schools. The idea is to keep all the students on some level of equality, so as to not have the rich flaunt the new Nikes or latest high priced fashions. I have asked my students here, in Thailand what they think about the uniforms and they for the most part like them. It's easy and like some brilliant people, wear the same thing every day so as to not have to be concerned with appearances as much as what their job to do is. Kids at this stage of their life do experiment with sexuality, and with the right knowledge their is nothing wrong with that. I do feel thought that some of the uniforms must be somewhat degrading, the pseudo-sailor/military/marching band/Sgt. Pepper wannabe uniforms can't be all that good for self esteem, because they are so obviously a costume. I know that comfortable clothing, something that is not potentially revealing is not a distraction to the students. If I have to worry about how high my skirt is being hiked up, just by sitting at a desk in school, I'm not putting my full attention on the lesson at hand. Being sexy is not always about what's on the surface, but if it is, it's more telling about the character of the one making the call. Would the next step be putting a limit on the length of fake eyelashes, or how much makeup one can wear? If this country can't protect the rights of those that can't defend themselves, ie. infants balanced on motorbikes with drivers juggling a cell phone and a slushy, I'm sorry, why are school uniforms an issue again?

  5. it's really amazing, I read about 40 foreigners arrested in some billion baht scheme, probably conning ,many illiterate farmers, although all are not illiterate, reading pesticide labels and directions does have it's challenges. But I ride my bicycle to the market, and upon my return and somewhat dismay, come to find yet another crack down, although nothing out of order was found. It seems like every arse needs it's own personal crack paraded around in public, unlike in most places where cracks are like opinions, and no one needs another one. I was under the impression that Thailand is losing farmland to farmers that are selling out. Their offspring don't want to get into the business, so Thailand is going to have a shortage of food, probably already does considering the amount of food grown that goes into feeding livestock. At an 16-18:1 ratio upon return, feeding livestock is about as dumb an industry as it gets, not to mention the pollution etc. Maybe it's time for farmers, real farmers, people that have a love of farming, jump into the game and contribute to the cause, 'cause sooner or later, everybody gets hungry ka. Just a thought.

  6. Darn shame they can't arrest (or "snatch", I could care less) the American terrorists currently "at large" throughout this world. You know, Bush/Cheney/Rice/Pelosi/Reid et al and send them to the International Court in the Hague for prosecution and incarceration/execution! And send all of the CIA agents and misguided christian missionaries back home before they infect Thailand with their fascistic tendencies! :D

    oh I totally agree! I think in order to do such a thing, one would have to get a hold of the one that pulls the strings on the new puppet. He's got the whole world, in his hands, he got the whole .......... :)

  7. i'm sorry, am I missing something here? They are going to regulate adults singing, but allow children to waste their time infront of a monitor or tv screen? Whether it's something that can be enforced or not, how freakin' stupid, and who comes up with this stuff? Talk about losing face, who wants to put their face on this act of ignoramitousness? (I made that up) It's so much better to have our kids being non-constructive and out of the way, and 6 hours a day, gives mom and dad more time to not be parenting. :)

  8. Bloody hel_l........no-one seems to have mentioned 'Tony' who miraculously appears as an interpreter.......what the f%$#@k.....hes in it up to his greasy sri lankan armpits and needs to be tapped ! they are all <deleted>......c'mon Thailand open your eyes and wake up to the world. faaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrkkkkkk !

    I read the article, and it said Tony worked for the police. But the Thai people said it was a private matter between Tony and the couple. No shame represents this country

  9. Those of you that are antibiotic consumers, and by that I mean animal product eaters, you are the cause of your own demise. What's left after feeding animals antibiotics are the most antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria, and the human is pretty much defenseless because everybody knows, eat the same antibiotics everyday, and they don't work, for example penicillin. It's time for the self-indulgent sense gratification seeking human to clean up their act. Just my 50 satang.

    What a stupid comment. The flu is a virus not a bacterial infection.

    Please do not try and hijack this into some tree hugging, hippy, vegan, free love soapbox - you've just shown you are not worthy of any serious debate or conversation.

    I forgot to leave out tree hugging, sorry you had to read that. I did mention hippy, and free love, I mean really, who needs another utility bill? We all know that there is no need for new antibiotics, because not even this mutating virus mutates, nor are they treating it with antibiotics. And one more note, every knows that a body weakened by the constant consumption of drugs would never get a virus, much less one that can mutate because they don't, right? So why did they suggest this virus originated from a farm? Why do weak pigs, like the closely related human get viruses when their immune systems are weakened? You are so right, way right. I am going to disregard the research and stick my head in the sand, I'll say hello when I see you there. No one's going to take your meat, or your alcohol, or your prescription drugs, you can relax, take a pill if you need to. cheers!

  10. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I listen to NPR and BBC news everyday, and I don't hear anything about swine flu at all. I also watch ABC and CBS news, and it's never talked about. If one decides to keep track of the spread of the common influenza virus, it would be far more radial than this swine flu strain. HIV/AIDS is still the number one killer in this country, and I'm sure infections from food is probably a non-provable close second. The concept of hygiene is all but non-existent here. How many know that tooth decay is spread through the sharing of utensils or the same dishes? The only thing I have heard about swine flu is that the Baxter company is trying to pass a mandatory vaccination law for infants and the elderly. This the same company that sent vaccines around the world with live bird flu virus in them, "by accident" The best any country should do is take a look at the source of these things and the most effective way to avoid the flu is by having a healthy immune system. Those of you that are antibiotic consumers, and by that I mean animal product eaters, you are the cause of your own demise. What's left after feeding animals antibiotics are the most antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria, and the human is pretty much defenseless because everybody knows, eat the same antibiotics everyday, and they don't work, for example penicillin. It's time for the self-indulgent sense gratification seeking human to clean up their act. Just my 50 satang.

  11. maybe this would be a good time to take a look at the hygiene practices in this country. Maybe nose-picking shouldn't be so acceptable, maybe community towels in rest rooms isn't such a good idea after all. Soap should be mandatory in public restrooms as well as in schools. I just love the community drinking cups at the public watering holes. I followed a restaurant worker into the restaurant she was working in to ask why she didn't wash her hands after she came out of the toilet stall. I think it time to enlighten the masses, to wash their hands after wiping their asses. :)

  12. I spent 5 hours at Siriraj Hospital last Sunday. It seemed that everybody there had the flu except me. I didn't wear a mask, didn't hide, and didn't get sick. The flu goes around every year. What bothers me is the stupid Bangkok Post. Announcing another swine flu death, when the people they are talking about died of cancer during brain surgery, or kidney failure from years of drinking and partying. The weak die from the flu every year, it isn't because of it being the swine flu. Pandemic doesn't mean epidemic. Pandemic hype to epidemic proportions. paw leaow!

  13. It is only relevant to those who come into Thailand without using a passport. Or for those who live here without one . Simple as that .

    The day to day running of hotels etc is none of our business , it doesnt concern us , we are here to holiday , the hotles etc are here to follow the legal requirements.

    come to Thailand without a passport you say? I guess that would mean the American soldiers doing some R&R from Iraq, they don't need passports, their owned by the government. Let's see, the US is going to help with the immigration thing, regulations and all, probably weaken Thailand. Strategically a good place to form a military base or two. (revenue) I think Thailand's playing the fool. Any business with the American government is in the best interests of the American military complex.

  14. Once again I have read this thread like previous similar threads looking for info that may be useful to someone under 50 that wants to stay in Thailand for an extended period. I dont want to work there or get married.

    All I find are smug posts from smartarse farangs that i assume have either retirement visas, marriage visas or work visas telling everyone to stay in their own countries and stay out of Thailand. We are all criminals or the dregs of western society and the borders should be tightened to keep us out. Listen to yourselves.

    If you have enough money to live in Thailand and therefore contribute by paying sales tax on everything you buy and create jobs what is so wrong with that.

    Seems to me that a lot of those who are already long term expats want to keep Thailand for themselves and not let anyone else into their club.

    Could not agree more. If you have the money to live in Thailand you surely have few hundred bucks to pay for your visas and voila. Problem solved.

    would someone like to share as to what visas people are buying? Does this include a trip to the other side of the world, or is it really possible to for just a few hundred bucks get the whole thing taken care of? Just get a visa, ok, which one?

  15. Visas for Thailand are easy if you are british and you want to come for holiday no problem if you want to stay longer then get the correct Visa If you cant afford the correct Visa then get back to where you came from. Try getting a Visa for UK or USA if you are a Thai and then maybe you will see how easy it is for Brits to get visas for Thailand

    I think that's comparing apples to oranges. Just because the US gov't has turned into a major dipsh!t, doesn't mean everybody has to follow suite. How suite it is. I don't think the US needs the tourist industry as much as Thailand does. Thailand is still a developing country, and what it's developing into is not looking good right now.

  16. "so why did you overstay for so long"? "because they said I couldn't leave". If the overstay charge is less than the visa run fees, then <deleted>? If the idea here is to have more of the rich foreigners, and they are all rich as we all know, use the more expensive Thai form of transportation known as flying, then so be it, just stay put. I don't understand the hostility toward the foreigners. We eat, spend money, buy Thai goods. The only people I ever see in a gold shop are foreigners and Thai women shopping for rings. IF this is a way to heal the country's economic problems, then I would say that regressive therapy has taken on a whole new meaning. :)

  17. what this says to me is, that the wife has little or no rights when it comes to what is considered property. Legally in developed countries, the 50/50 ownership comes into play only when there is a separation and division of assets. I would think otherwise everything is "in union" and considered one. The Thai culture must deem the woman not worthy of any ownership, and what the husband makes is his to spend on whatever or whoever he wishes. Money loaned is done with friends, colleagues, for business etc, but certainly not for a spouse, for that would demean the integrity of the relationship. Are they saying that all those women that marry foreigners that have the money to buy Thai products, and give the Thai people work building a new home cannot, because they didn't earn the right to a nicer home? This whole issue doesn't make sense, it's like the Jerry Springer Thai government show, shock and awe, topped with <deleted>! :)

  18. I think what we are seeing is a result of the failing economies around the world. I know a Thai woman that was hit with a baseball bat and had money stolen by two on a motorbike while waiting for the bus. Numerous people going to and from the temples have been hit in the face only to have their Buddha images stolen right off their necks. Nothing causes more problems within the family unit than money issues, I think it's going to get worse before it gets better. We all need to be careful!

  19. This is typical the human race (or Thailand??)

    Of course cutting back is a good thing, but.... why not have some campaigns in radio-TV

    trying people here to stop their throwing away plastic garbage just along the roads. This

    beutiful country, is one of the most unclean places I have ever seen in my entire life.

    Suggestion, why not use the Thai King.. People here love him ( well deserved) and they LISTEN

    TO HIM.... he can just say... -"It is time for us Thai now to make our country a clean and safe

    place for us all"

    Glegolo, Chaiyaphum

    How about this is the Kingdom of Thailand? It belongs to his Majesty the King. Anybody that lives here does so by the grace that comes from him. How dares ye that throws trash around the King's domain? I mean, how disrespectful is it to litter? Answer, very! the problem is somebody is paid to pick up the pieces, and respect is just a required act of politeness and just that, an act. It seems the Thai people are not quick to consider anything outside of the moment. The actions they take that effect a large group, ie. loudspeakers etc, does not extend past the boundaries of their self-created realm, and why should it?

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