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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. Secretly I hope that it goes very very wrong. Only when scores of foreigners get killed, the Thai army and the Thai elite will learn their lesson. IF not and only Thai demonstrators will killed nobody cares at all and the West keep on supporting Thailand simply because it needs it. A change in policy towards a sustained human rights improvement is long overdue.

    what a bizarre thing to say! Anyone in particular you wouldn't mind seeing killed or would just any tourist you don't know be good enough? :)

  2. it seems like the same old Thai concept, if it worked once, it'll work again. Sensationalist crap once, and then sensationalist crap again, and again, again. Time to get away from this shallow type of thinking and grow up. Other countries are just getting there facts from the Thai attention getting wannabe journalists. Consequence happens, when are they going to figure that out. :) Keep a dog that bites, someone is going to get bitten one of these days, get rid of the dog

  3. GOOD! How about some social programs for the Thai people? It would certainly be a shame if it was distributed amongst the corrupt. Dump some of it towards the Tsunami victims that are still suffering without medical care for lack of funds. I would love to see something done about all the crazy people that society seems to accept as normal street inhabitants. Sadly, I think the feces is going to hit the oscillating rotor, and hard. It's going get nasty, so we all have to be strong. Screw the bastard! This is good news. Other than that I have no opinion. :)

  4. this is the land of no consequence. Taksin's antics would never be tolerated in any developed civilization, much less allowing the stupid to be stupid and to follow his beckon and call which is nothing but self serving at it's best. Why can't these people be somewhat educated on the matter, and let Taksin's true colors be revealed? They blame a movie for promoting smoking cigarettes here, and they also blame Taksin for the stupid things people are willing to do that follow him. Why don't they educate the masses, don't smoke and don't fall for smoke and mirrors. I think they know somewhere deep down that education doesn't work here, and they don't expect it to either. :)

  5. i'm wondering based on some of the comments here, what does price have to do with cleanliness? I've stayed in many hotels, Pai has some nasty ones, and some that are ok, Chieng Mai, quite nice and reasonable. I'm wondering as i write this is are the rooms and buildings old and run down, or is housekeeping not keeping house? A room for rent should be clean regardless of the condition of the building, it should be a do the best you can with what you have scenario. But often not the case. I could have written something better. :)

  6. I think Orientals for the most part look very young for their ages. It seems that the foreigners come here certainly like to have a PYT (pretty young thing) and the pretty young things put up with these old, fat, dried up pensioned retired sources of a better lifestyle. So young is not the issue, the issue might be, are these pretty young things being employed and is that their job, to solicit these older people that frequent these legal establishments? The other way to do it would be to post a sign that states we cannot be responsible for hiring under aged pretty young things, so solicitations are to be at your own risk. Is Khaosarn Rd still a good place to buy an ID? :)

  7. Best wishes to the gent. My friend is currently in Bangkok and was heading to Phuket on 28th. He is A- blood group and although I've not managed to contact him I know he'll be willing to donate, whether in BKK or Phuket. Have passed on the numbers. I'm sure he could lose 3-4 pints for a good cause and replace it with Singha in the interim.

    On a serious note; The message seems to suggest office hours for donations, any suggestions as to whether this could be done in BKK and sent to Phuket?

    Many thanks.

    That's a very good point, I was assuming they have a service that transports these things between hospitals. Can it be done in BKK? Never occurred to me that maybe they don't. :)

  8. certainly a toss up here, which is more dangerous, Thais on motorbikes, or Thais with the flu. I wonder how many of these kids were talked into getting the vaccine. If it comes from the west, and is recommended by a doctor, it must be good. These are the same clowns that talk women into feeding some chemical mixture out of box to their offspring, rather than breast feeding. Antibiotics for a scratch on the toe, (I've seen that) and steroids and tetracycline instead of hygiene and proper diet, vaccines for cervical cancer, which is more dangerous than the actual virus which goes away. Stay out of the sun, drink milk, pepsi cola hits the spot, make your meals consist mainly of something that no longer resembles an offspring. Who is trying to kill the Thai people? When antibiotics are common and no one has heard pro-biotics, that's scary. it's not the ghosts you need to be afraid of, it's corporate greed. :)

  9. so why can't this be part of the tourist industry and put meters on the people "suspected" of having sex? If the bar owners are not paying tax on this part of the tourist industry, maybe that should be considered. Just regulate it and charge based on quality and cleanliness. That will make it safer and encourage the skanks to clean it up a bit. Maybe it's all about the Thais just can't compete with foreign standards even in the street vending dept. We'll see gotta go, the meter's running. :)

  10. aren't tuk tuks supposed to be a less expensive mode of transportation, like a step down from the more comfortable taxi?

    why do taxis start at 35 baht, and the dirty noisy uncomfortable tuk tuks want to have a starting price of 120 baht? When does common sense enter the picture, and why is integrity never an issue? Tuk Tuks are a low class way to get around, street vendors and their wares, and for 6 kids to pile into. Amazing, but very sad. :)

  11. that's some interesting stuff right there. Some 30 doctors, how vague. I wonder if they all had their flu vaccine? Are they staying out of the sun and trying to make their skin white? That will kill the immune system. Sterilizing operating rooms, that's a novel concept. This is just too weird to be news, I almost don't believe it. Someones up to something somewhere. :)

  12. That is just horrible and condolences to the family. There is no way to know who was to be blamed for this. Yes boats have to be careful, divers should have a dive flag or somthing. I don't think Thailand is jinxed, I think it's the news we see the most. I watch the news from Los Angeles USA, and I guess one would think LA was cursed. This is a party "town" Thailand is. Recreation and conscious altering drugs don't mix too well. Of course we can't blame that either, we just don't have enough information. RIP :)

  13. the focus seems to always be about getting a job and working within a system that it looks like 97 percent see as inept. With the global economy the way it is, i don't know where I would go to seek out employment. Again the Thai gov't jumps before looking, although to be fair they don't, or haven't shared the reasoning behind their actions, but they must have them. Starting a business here is very difficult. the 3rd world mentality, referring to people still by race for example, and the acceptance of ripping off the foreigners, has to change, and until it does, Thailand will remain handicapped. If you can't start a business 'in' Thailand, why don't you start one "outside" of Thailand, meaning on the Internet? For all the problems with the economy globally, the high unemployment, it's really a blessing. When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping. Go shopping for an online business and do it, and you don't need a work permit, nor would any of you be tied down to any one country. works for me, think about it. :)

  14. to even have to mention whether or not people were swimming illegally after hours is despicable. The fact that an electric cable can be run close enough to actually fall into a pool shows gross lack of common sense and the need for standard building codes. It reminds me of the foot bridge right near Soi 4 just up from Central Pinklao, a cable is run right on top the landing at the top of the stairs where I tripped over it the first time, but will probably never be changed, lazy and lack of pride. :) mai bpen rai. RIP

  15. it makes one wonder why the entire solar system was heating up to. The studies show that sunspot activity is directly related to the temperature on earth, more sunspots, the hotter it is, and not because sunspots are hot, it has to do with solar wind. When Al Gore said we were at risk of losing all the ice at the poles, it simply isn't true, the ice is actually increasing now. The pollution is a problem, no doubt, but just because we can create a global tax, and regulate life's essentials and non-manmade things, doesn't give excuse to create BS studies and cap and trade countries right off the map.

  16. what does a 7 day campaign mean? Which part of the so far unenforced laws are they going to enforce? I can see it now, deciding on which ones to enforce, and for whom. So let's see, no riding the wrong way on a street, or kids under 18 w/out helmets, text messaging while driving, text messaging while driving and balancing an infant, riding on the shoulders, ( i guess that's ok, they probably should've made the roads wider, seat belts, that's a good one, car seats are out of the question, can't make someone buy something they don't have, even if required. 3 on a bike, 4 on a bike, 2 adults and 3 children on a bike? Good thing it's only for 7 days, no one likes to be called a jerk.

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