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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. Well, according to his own words : Who dares to come and get me....

    Someone did.

    Let`s make no mistake, this man was killed, murdered by someone.

    I am not give you my personal guess on as to the why and by whom, no place for that discussion here imho.

    But what ever we may think or guess, it was murder, and I can only hope his death will not lead to more killing on whatever side.


    agree with this point ! lost of life, is lost of life. IMHO too, it is a dangerous zone here as some people would jump into the own opinions and gussing the cause and the responsibility. there will be no fact, no support and no truth and no answer neither.

    that may lead to another cyber war on the ThaiVisa forum. hope the moderator takes good care of this sensitivity.

    Actually we don't know he was murdered, what an assumption. Everybody out there that has been shot or killed was not murdered. He may as suggested by one earlier, been trying to set up a great PR move by having the reporter that was interviewing him get shot, just to make it look a lot worse for the Thai government. Should that be the case, then som num na for trying to murder someone else in the name of a cause. In my opinion he died, so what? Will people grieve? absolutely. Was he thinking of his safety so as to be around for the people that loved him? hel_l no! His ego killed him, and he's not the first to have their ego destroy themselves or even an empire, :)

  2. I can agree with the stop killing of innocent people. The bystanders, the soldiers that are given orders and are doing their jobs, and anyone else that is not involved with trying escalate the situation. The children that are their by no choice of their own, are innocent, the police should be considered innocent as so should the army. So if that's the case, it's OK to kill the non-innocent. And I agree with the monks, stop killing the innocent, and start killing only the trouble makers out there. Yesterday on the news they showed a group of men, young and old "playing" with gasoline bombs, or Molotov cocktails. Funny thing, not one "worked", they merely broke in the street, they weren't being thrown at anyone in particular, even lobbing them a few meters just to get one to ingite! Pathetic. I guess good clean innocent fun to be had by a group of men. So stop killing the innocent, and start killing the obvious ones that are not. How can you tell the difference? The non-innocent are not going home. :)

  3. I think it is time for the Thai govenment to take a step back, stop killing your citizens and actually think what damage you have done to Thailand. The government has set Thailand back 50 yrs. The world see's the prime minister as a blood thirsty muderer.

    I'm starting to get it. If you put up a sign that says "peaceful demonstration" then it is. or if it say "we are not terrorists" then we're not. If we tell the world, regardless of our actions that the gov't is using war weapons on it's citizens, then it's the gov't to blame regardless of our actions. If we attack the gov't and some of us get hurt, it's the gov't's fault for hurting us because we want our way and should get it because we want it regardless of our actions. Ths could go on and on and on regardless of our actions. Maybe we should drop all the security around all the gov't buildings and offices because the gov't should allow us to have our way regardless of out actions. It's the gov't that has set Thailand back 50 years regardless of our actions. It's the prime minister that the worlds sees as a blood thirsty "muderer" :D (what the hel_l is a muderer?) because we said so regardless of our actions. This is "red" thinking. Fly your flag proudly and say whatever you want regardless of your actions. :D You people seem to need more breathing room, so the gov't should take a step back regardless of your actions. :)

  4. Anyone noticed that all the people being killed are civillians, :D if the red shirts had weapons as the government keeps stating then why have soldiers not died, or got injured. Strange that, every report states it.

    Regardless of the situation now the thai government is creating its own terrorist`s by these actions, the poor people will stay poor, under and educated,so as to aid the rich elite running this country, one sided democracy will never work.

    What have the protesters to look forward to, if anyone thinks their lives are worth living they must be mad, hence they will stay and get killed. :D

    Still no yellow shirts charged Wow there`s a shock eh :D

    The outcome will be a bigger divide, then bombings shootings BLAH BLAH BLAH.

    I hope the premier is happy with his actions ,those of a coward, they will be repaid as history has always shown.

    The land of Smiles with its 3 Tier system Rich Yellow Poor Red Foreign Any.



    You forget about April 10 when 6 soldiers were killed and 200+ injured. This time the army are not falling into the reds traps and are being more careful.

    I can't believe that you still think this is about the poor! If the government stand down now, what will that lead to? It will show the reds that they can get their way with violence. They already showed that by threatening anyone who tries to speak out against them. How many grenades have been thrown at anti-red establishments or protests?

    Minority mobs need to be shown that violent protests are not the way forward to democracy.

    Did this impostor for a poster realize that it's not only civilians being killed? Did this impostor for poster not see on the news today of a mob of red shirts that dragged a soldier out of his truck and beat him in the head with bricks until some guy came up and shot him point blank? And just like on the television, the people watched the killer get on a motorcycle and ride off, doing nothing. What do you mean "if" the red shirts have weapons? Are you suggesting the army is throwing grenades at themselves? Are you on another planet? The media has been posting the number of soldiers dead and wounded, as well as showing the funerals on TV. Yellow shirts have been charged. Most western countries are a 3 tier system, Rich, very few middle class and a lot of poor. The three tier system you talk about of Rich Yellow Poor Red Foreign Any adds up to 5 (five) unless you're counting Any. I'm thinking this must be how the world looks through beer bottle lenses. :D

  5. I wonder if it's only a year sentence because "admitting" to a crime is the same as loss of face and just as harsh. Why not make it a 5 year sentence and then let them plead guilty? I guess 6 months is better than nothing. Time to get the children home, call it a day. RIP young uns that are the victims of having reckless parents. :)

  6. how about go home and you won't get shot? how about the sharpened bamboo spears, the stacks of bricks and rocks, the gasoline bombs, or even guilty by association. Get your children out of the war zone and go home and value life. If you want a better life, get started, don't think someone is going to hand it to you. As far as those pics are concerned, nobody here knows the situation that preceded them getting shot. How horrible! how uninformed! :)

    How horrible! how uninformed!

    Might also aply to some of your posting.

    People riot for a reason and usually after severe prolonged suffering, in this case because they are sick of being downtrodden.

    and by this you are justifying the red shirt's activities? how horrible! how many more are going to justify this behavior based on the bad behavior of another, meaning the yellow shirts? How can this be justified in any way? Severe prolonged suffering, WOW! like what? severe? in Thailand? mass executions? (oops that was the war against drugs) genocide? race wars? who'd a thunk it?

  7. how about go home and you won't get shot? how about the sharpened bamboo spears, the stacks of bricks and rocks, the gasoline bombs, or even guilty by association. Get your children out of the war zone and go home and value life. If you want a better life, get started, don't think someone is going to hand it to you. As far as those pics are concerned, nobody here knows the situation that preceded them getting shot. How horrible! how uninformed! :)

  8. how is this fighting for democracy? The prime minister laid out a plan that benefits all Thais. The poor people from the north and other areas are lacking because monies allocated to serve them was pocketed by the coward that now resides in Montengro, fact! :) This is all about one man trying to recover money stolen by those that do pay tax. They don't realize that they are fighting for the man that ripped them off. Ask any of them what democracy means, and I'll bet you won't get an answer that even resembles the definition. These people are being played the fool by a few that have been promised a huge payoff for destroying Thailand as we know it. If one thinks that Thaksin's giving all these people credit was a good thing, anyone that knows anything about economics knows that credit creates poverty. The more debt, the more poverty, the more loans these people can't pay back, the more poverty. get your facts straight first. If there is any wonder why the gap between the rich and the poor widened during the Thaksin regime, do a google search as to the finances of the country during those times. :D

  9. maybe the focus should be at removing the red shirt leaders. take away the leadership that is fueling this fire. I guess they are not going to turn themselves in like they said. I certainly hope the charges that are racking up are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, including denying bail for fear of being a flight risk. enough is enough. Condolences to the families of those that needlessly have taken part of this cowardly fueled farce.

  10. This just in !!!: Thaksin calls on govt to urgently hold talk with protesters

    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra Friday issued a statement, urging the government to hold a talk with the protest leaders to end the violence.

    He issued the statement via Noppadol Pattama, his former legal advisor.

    Thaksin said the government had violated human rights and law by ordering the troops to crack down on the protesters.

    Thaksin demanded Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to immediately carry out four things:

    1) The government must stop deploying troops and police with lethal weapons to suppress on protesters.

    2) The government must immediately lift the state of emergency in all provices.

    3) The government must hold a talk with protest leaders immediately to find a political solution.

    4) The government must hold talks with all groups in the society to try to bring about reconciliation so that the country will have genuine democracy and justice and can progress.

    This man is just unbelievable, after telling everyone in the reds not to quit, telling Seh Deang the same, sabotaging the PM's Road Map and now he wants the army and the Government to stop and sit down again---I for one would tell him you have done enough, and you now had a new country, leave this one alone.

    The problem here is the people are so stupid they believe this crap. A coward that stole money from the Thai people that is funding terrorism is calling for the government to make it easier to be overthrown and they have no right protecting what belongs to the Thai people even if it comes to the use of force. Thaksin is a complete idiot! When does the international community step in? I guess they're no orientals in Montenegro so an agent just wouldn't blend in. :)

  11. only thing i question is why they waited so long to shoot him and pray they dont make a martyr out of him. The military should have taking him in months ago.

    The reds , (i hope) realize it is their best interest to deal and end this before it escalates further.

    I'm not so sure if it actually was an army sniper that took him out. If it was, well done.

    Army snipers are trained to aim at the chest. It's a larger target and a high velocity .308 round if hit in the chest is almost always deadly due to shock and other factors. Also, the head is more likely to be moved quickly causing the shot to miss. Those rounds are steel core and will penetrate a normal "bullet proof" vest without a problem. Only a vest with added ceramic plates would stop it.

    In my opinion, looking at the way Thaksin and his red terrorists have acted so far, I would not be too surprised if the shot was aimed at the journalist but missed. The renegade General probably came up with the plan and literally "shot himself in the head". Another journalist shot, with him as a direct witness saying - "of course it was the government - would I put myself in danger ?" would have been a nightmare PR disaster for the government. This in itself is another argument against the government having been behind this "execution". The danger of hitting the journalist would have been way too great as Sae Deng found out in person, only in reverse.

    Once the machines are turned off and an autopsy is done with forensic examinations of the angle of the wound etc.. we will know more, but my bet is on a scheme by the reds gone wrong

    That is actually a very interesting thought. When do we find out about the autopsy, and is it possible the gov't could come up with something like this to lie about? Not sure who to believe anymore. But i like this concept.

  12. interesting tactic to start a crackdown after dark, seems like a surprise attack at dawn would have been more appropriate. It might be because most if not all crackdowns have to do with tourist related industries which all seem to start after dark, don't know. I think people did start to clear out as there were more "homeless" looking people milling or sitting around TaNaam Non. I don't know what a state of emergency means, does it mean business as usual with a possibility of nothing out of the ordinary might take place when it should? Hopefully with the renegade general out of the way, the leaders might take this seriously and disperse, turn themselves in like they said, but I really don't think the maturity factor lends itself to unfold as such. The show must go on! Can we keep score, or would that be tacky?

  13. Did I hear someone cry 'wolf' ?

    One thing for sure , all THAI are the same SAY I DO and DO Nothing , same in Business , same in Government , that way no one can be accountable !! Its the Thai Way

    Is there something we can say about "all" Canadians? All Thais are this way? You got to be kidding? Is this based on their culture, or is it a race thing, how can you make such a statement? The one thing you do have going for you is newbie, and in most cases that means uniformed.

  14. I wish they would use a different term other than "crack down" it doesn't seem to mean anything anymore. I would rather see "enforce the law" instead. If the accusations by the red shirt's leaders that the the government is responsible for the injuries when they obviously attacked the government first are addressed, it might carry more weight. Remove the leaders anyway than can, they are obviously terrorists and have blatantly declared that they would bomb and kill all in the name of their cause, which seems to be unsubstantiated and based on the ultimate prize of a monetary purse. End the nonsense, it's obvious the red shirts have nothing to stand for anymore. They have lost all credibility with the majority of the Thai people.

  15. I wonder if it's time for the good people of Thailand to do something. The Reds obviously don't give a squat about about Thailand, it certainly isn't about democracy or double standards of the dissolution of the house. I wonder just how many of these people actually know what any of that really means. They are set on attacking the force that has been put into service to protect them and and their rights, but they don't seem to understand how to act like law abiding intelligent citizens. Is there some reason the red shirt leaders can't be forced to walk away from this mess through the loss of face strategy. Wouldn't it be easier to make a mockery out of them than to play silly games with adults with child mentalities? Maybe if they take away Taksins's citizenship considering he is a Montenegroe now, as is stated by Thai law, no dual citizenship's. The loss of face in this country is far worse than anything else, so if Taksin loses face, maybe they will go home for lack of an icon. who knows? :)

    If you recall the yellows back in 2006 they insisted on the same thing regarding Thaksin .

    At the time did you accuse them of seeking to overthrow the governement ?

    nope, didn't accuse anyone of anything, just watched the tv, went to Big C shopping that day and probably ate noodles. Was I supposed to accuse them of seeking to overthrow the government? The question I get from your post is insisted on what? What are you talking about? I think you posted and used the wrong quote. no problem. :D

  16. I wonder if it's time for the good people of Thailand to do something. The Reds obviously don't give a squat about about Thailand, it certainly isn't about democracy or double standards of the dissolution of the house. I wonder just how many of these people actually know what any of that really means. They are set on attacking the force that has been put into service to protect them and and their rights, but they don't seem to understand how to act like law abiding intelligent citizens. Is there some reason the red shirt leaders can't be forced to walk away from this mess through the loss of face strategy. Wouldn't it be easier to make a mockery out of them than to play silly games with adults with child mentalities? Maybe if they take away Taksins's citizenship considering he is a Montenegroe now, as is stated by Thai law, no dual citizenship's. The loss of face in this country is far worse than anything else, so if Taksin loses face, maybe they will go home for lack of an icon. who knows? :)

  17. this seems to clearly illustrate the rally has nothing to do with the good of Thailand and the people, but the retrieval of money stolen from the Thais and back into the pocket of the thief. Why is there no education campaign so as to inform these people that their leader is the cause of their lacking roads, schools etc? Obviously they are being played the fools and are merely being disrespected by being pawns in a power match. The payoff for the win, regardless of commonsense and what is best for the country has taken precedence at the expense of the uneducated and uninformed. Very sad indeed, but a propaganda campaign has been working so far, I think it's time for a counter propaganda campaign by the government. The silence is creepy, and although the red leaders have clearly lost face to a huge number of the Thai population, the momentum of victory is always put on the back burner. The use of war weapons and killing Thai citizens and the workers paid for by the tax payers should not be tolerated. Easy to understand the ignorant behavior of the people that follow a leader that doesn't like to pay taxes himself. Compassion for the people, educate them!

  18. The only reason no-one had been injured before the 10th April fighting was because the Government was trying every way to get the Reds to do the Democratic thing and negotiate. If you don't believe that is Democracy in action then please go to the next poorest country that will have your Democratic system, say North Korea? The Red response to the Governments request? .!.. ..!.

    Also the Government has continually said if you keep pushing we will push back, first gently, then harder and harder until you understand you are hitting a solid object. A Democratically selected government. Don't bother arguing the point - the Thai system is almost identical to the British system. The biggest party chooses the PM. Again the Red response? .!.. ..!.

    So who exactly is the more Democratic group? Those who want negotiations or those who scream about negotiations that will only be in their favour? And then proceed to beat up old ladies and journalist's translators who work for news people the Reds believe are biased against them, oh sorry no he worked for the Czechs so obviously he was beaten up because someone in Montenegro wanted him hurt!! Or was it just some Red ladyboys who thought he had nicked their makeup? (If the Reds can comment on Abhisit's sexuality then why can't we comment on theirs? Or is that not Democratic? In fact, maybe that what it is all about? Ladyboys who are determined to make Thailand the very first Ladyboy run state!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    One of the Red Shirt 'dear leaders' asked for proof that the Red Shirts were preparing sharpened sticks for the battle with the Army. Well sir, here is some proof for you, and of the stones you plan to throw at the Army. The last picture really sums up the hypocrisy of the Puea Thai idea of supporting this lot and bringing Thaksin back. Hope you like them.






    (apologies for some not being the right way up)

    What is this? Proof of the bombings of tonight? Sharpened sticks? Nobody used sharpened sticks to kill anyone. BOMBS were used. Some people really don't have a clue about what's going on.

    No it's not proof of a bombing, the purpose of that statement eludes me. It is proof that the police dept and the army are worthless and have allowed this mess to happen. If they have taken an oath to serve and protect the Thai constitution and it's people, they have failed miserably. To stand by and watch this littering of scum take place in the capital of the country for the whole world to see is shameful. Why can't force be used? If someone tries to kill you, you have to ask and get permission to defend yourself and/or family from the assailant/s? The reds did say their goal is to hunt down Abhisit, so why can't Abhisit be defended by arresting, and if not arresting, have a sniper take out the trash. That's the way it's done in developed countries. I'm starting to wonder if I need to redefine my concept of what a developing country means. This country will never develop if their are no developed minds to lead the quest. It's stupid that the people complaining about being poor are supporting the person that stole their money that was bookmarked for improvements. Pathetic :)

  19. it's amazing that this army can't even surround a hotel and remove some fat middle aged men from a room without incident. If the army can't protect the country against a bunch of farmers with sticks, what the heck would they do if say someone like Cambodia decided this would be a nice country to have? I wonder how many countries out there are looking at Thailand as possible fair game, seeing how helpless they really appear. Maybe the moral of the story is, image is just that, all show and no substance. Time to get it together and prove it has what it takes to protect the women and children, or maybe the women and children should do it instead? :)

  20. I agree.. Arrest the bastards. Put them away for the rest of their lives.

    And the yellow shirt leaders who SEIZED AN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT too. Oh wait, they're all free and one of the main guys is now Foreign Minister. Its all okay as long as you wear the right color.

    are you referring to those that are awaiting their trials, but have a right to work and support themselves and their families? more could be said :)

    Awaiting their trials...The word naive comes to mind. I'll give you 100 to 1 that they don't lock up their own Foreign Minister.

    No one said anything about whether or not they would lock up their own foreign minister (no need to capitalize a thing) yes they are awaiting their trials, 100 to 1? who cares? Ignorant comes to mind. you obviously missed the point of the post, and therefore your post is pointless. Exposure is everything, i appreciate it. :D

  21. I agree.. Arrest the bastards. Put them away for the rest of their lives.

    And the yellow shirt leaders who SEIZED AN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT too. Oh wait, they're all free and one of the main guys is now Foreign Minister. Its all okay as long as you wear the right color.

    are you referring to those that are awaiting their trials, but have a right to work and support themselves and their families? more could be said :)

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