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Posts posted by Media1

  1. 4 minutes ago, HHTel said:

    I know he was tested for drugs in his bloodstream.  It doesn't state what drugs were found.  If he is taking anti-seizure medication, then I believe there can be a false-positive.  Until we know what drugs were found then it's just speculation or your psychic ability.

    True but he was seen going guns blazing in the wrong lane. Vehicle dead straight. The answer is right there. 

    Story doesn't stack up. I don't believe and at this point I may advertise for card reading services

  2. 1 minute ago, Russell17au said:

    image.jpeg.f5d8a2a40279dd752b2a9d5766027426.jpegMy Grandson after having part of the front lobe of his brain removed because of his epilepsy but so called normal people were not satisfied until they drove him to commit suicide, so I know a bit about epilepsy and about the dirty way that many people treat them. In most decent countries decent people respect them and they can drive as long as they meet the legal requirements same as diabetics


    Very sorry to here this. I understand but if was me I not drive. But I don't believe it was the cause. I think he was being a cowboy 

  3. 2 minutes ago, HHTel said:

    We don't know the background.  It is a fact that he registered zero on alcohol, which knocks the hearsay that he was drinking earlier with some girls.  He may well be epileptic and he may not have had a seizure for years before.  In most other countries that would qualify him to drive.

    Some years ago, in my home town, a lady had a heart attack whilst driving down a main road.  A mother and baby were killed and a toddler seriously injured.  The driver died from the heart attack.  How would you stop that happening.

    Unfortunately, s**t happens and can not always be prevented.

    His a liar ran the red wrong side of road..needs a beating and a cell

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