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Posts posted by Media1

  1. 4 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Perhaps the DOA joining with immigration would be useful in this venture, to reduce the never ending queues on arrival and departure at Suvarnabhumi ?


    Further enhancement would be to join forces with the police and the taxi unions to cease the scams and arguments against tourists on arrival and departure, run by dishonest Bangkok cabbies, refusing the meter or trying to overcharge on the toll fares.

    Taxis who do should have licences revoked. Bad government simple

  2. 4 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Perhaps the DOA joining with immigration would be useful in this venture, to reduce the never ending queues on arrival and departure at Suvarnabhumi ?


    Further enhancement would be to join forces with the police and the taxi unions to cease the scams and arguments against tourists on arrival and departure, run by dishonest Bangkok cabbies, refusing the meter or trying to overcharge on the toll fares.

    Taxis who do should have licences revoked. Bad government simple

  3. 10 hours ago, lonewolf99 said:

    Anyone want to add to this list of only a few reasons why the Westerners are not coming in the numbers they did in say 2005?


    Overly strong Baht.

    Too many scams.

    Blinkered tourist board courting the wrong nationalities  i.e. now over run with Chinese, Indians, Middle Eastern, Madagascans ?

    Not listening to advise from Westerners already in LoS.

    Filthy beaches and Sois.

    As mentioned, bag snatching.

    Brutal unprovoked assaults.

    Deadly roads.

    Ineffective Policing combined with corruption.

    Unsafe balconies........


    Restrictive legitimate Visas for extended periods.

    Obese gogo dancers and bar girls...............




    Pretty good round up. You did forget the roads full of unroadworthy smoke billowing buses and other assorted vehicles.

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  4. 20 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    Tour buses for Chinese. Nothing very new about that. On weekends you get tour buses for Thais too. The parking itself isnt too much of a problem. The problem as I see it is the double-parking while offloading and collecting passengers from places like Mike's mall near the corner of 2nd Road and Tai (for Walking Street), or up near the Thepprasit night market, and the various shows at the north end of 2nd Road, to mention just those.


    There all a big problem unroadworthy smoke blowing vehicles and the infrastructure is not sufficient. Along with a incompetent city hall road works department spells disaster. 

  5. 29 minutes ago, Lucky mike said:

    Bastardization gone wrong,  the world military has used this for thousands of years as a right of passage.  It would be very difficult if not impossible to stop as it is ingrained into the system.  It does need some checks and balances so this happens much less if at all.  The idea that the military polices itself leaves much to be desired....

    They have neither the education or moral fibre to police anything

  6. I won't go on here. No need it's plain as day. Serving in the army for 7 years. I can assure you this was a severe beating by animals. As soon as l hurd of organ removal I immediately felt only hate for his superiors. This is a cowardly cover up conducted by cowards that in fact are not fitting to wear a uniform. You want to be elected to run the people lol.

    I laugh every day at you and your crew.

    I hope the family see justice and I also hope the Thai people see the truth about these cowards. He looked like a great kid. You are a disgraceful person as you were trained to be.

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